Chapter 8

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<< 3rd Person POV >>

Then in the corner of their eye they thought they saw someone....



They both let out a gasp when they recognize the persons. It was actually Toko and Ranjiro!

However... Something was definitely wrong, They were crying for help.

"V-Valt! H-Honcho!! Please help us!" Toko cried out, both of them were stuck under a pile of debris. Without hesitation, Honcho and Valt immediately ran over to help.

Although Jin shouted, "Valt...! Honcho..! Don't go...!"

"Shut Up! I need to save my lil bro!" Honcho yelled back while Valt ignored Jin, they both continued to run.

"You idiots...! that isn't your family...! Those are demons...!" Jin hissed, emphasizing the word 'demons'

When Both Valt and Honcho heard that it was far too late, They already were a few feet in front of their so called 'Brothers'.

A sickening grin then formed on both of their 'brothers' faces, it revealed sharp teeth. A smoke then just came out of no where and started surrounding Honcho and Valt. They both attempted to leave but it was no use, the smoke for some reason was so thick it was like a solid, it wrapped around them and lifted them up into the air... Then revealing a hideous monster behind the building their 'brothers' were stuck in.

The monster was like a huge black slime. It looked like there were a bunch of people covered in the slime trying to get out of it.

"W-What the hell is that..?" Honcho gasped. Valt tried to squirm out of the monsters grasp but couldn't. He looked at the so called curse on his wrists and hoped for it to save him like what happened to Naoki.

Nothing Happened though.

Valt looked behind him to see Jin just watching them, "Jin!! Save us!!" He exclaimed.

Valt thought because he was in this world he probably had super cool attack powers like how Daigo and Lui have. However, Jin only shrugged, "I don't know if I can defeat it... I am only a support type..." Jin replied.

'Support type???' valt thought. 'What's that suppose to mean?'

"I thought you said you'll protect us!!" Honcho shouted. Jin responded, "Oh right.... I forgot.... Well umm... Why don't you try defeating the monster...?"

Valt and Honcho blinked, their jaw wide open.

"You kidding?" Honcho asked.

"Can we?" Valt questioned.

"Yea." Jin replied.

"What?! Really?! How?! Can we actually use super cool powers and attack him?! How do we get them?!" Valt exclaimed, Jin replied with a uninterested tone, "Try.... Communicate with your bey...."

"B-Beys can't talk!" Honcho sputtered out in disbelief, Jin shook his head and said "You never tried talking with your bey..? A lot of times your beys don't reply but they know what you are saying... Valt you had to communicate with your bey before... right..?"

"This is absurd! You can't talk with beys!" Honcho yelled, "Now me and Valt are going to die because of you!!"

"Well... I can try exorcism...." Jin suggested, "but my spirits don't like when I do that..."

"Just do it!! Who cares about your spirits?!" Honcho shouted.

"I care..." Jin replied.

"At least do something else to save us!" Honcho complained, Jin just only shrugged.

'He isn't doing anything... is he seriously gonna make us fight this monster on our own?!' Valt thought as he looked around frantically for anybody else there with them. But there was no one, only them.

"Cmon.... Talk with your beys.... It'll work trust me..." Jin said.

Honcho let out a huff and gave in, "Fine! I'll try and talk to my bey! Hey Rocktavor! You there?! Come and save me! Give me some power!"

Valt decided to join in and called out for Vaktreyek, "Valtryek! Come and save us pleaseeee!" He shouted.

They both waited a moment.

You probably expect something cool to happen like the bey spirits come out and save the day but nope. Nothing happened.

"It's now working!!!" Honcho yelled. "What do we do now?!"

Jin didn't respond. He seemed to be just staring off into space.

"What is he doing?!" Honcho said, fear rising in his voice. The smoke which has now turned to solid tentacles started bringing them closer and closer to the monster.

Now that they were closer, they were able to hear voices.

The voices seemed to be coming from the people in the black goop

"Help!" Some people cried out.

"There's no point anymore..." Others mumbled.

"Come with us..!" Another group said.

Both Honcho and Valt did not want to end up like that. But what could they do? They were just powerless kids who were dragged into this world by a wicked vampire!

Honcho clenched his fists, "JIN!!" Honcho shouted as loud as he can at the top of his lungs, snapping Jin back into reality.

"Huh..? What were we doing..?" Jin mumbled looking around. Honcho wanted to slap him in the face for getting distracted at a time like this. "Oh yea- your beys didn't respond... So now.... Try launching your bey into the black slimy monster."

"What?!?!" Honcho shouted. "They are just beys! They can't do sh*t! I don't wanna loose my bey!"

Jin let out a sigh and stated "Then you'll loose your life. Go launch your bey into the black slimy icky monster and kill it."

"There's no way i'll-" Honcho was then cut off by a loud growl coming from that monster. He then realized they were really close now. "Fine Fine!" He yelled giving up, there was no point fighting with Jin.

Honcho then took out his bey and launched it. Since he was wrapped around in tentacles he couldn't do a perfect shot, the bey launched and Honcho then noticed light radiating off of it.

"Rocktavor...?" Honcho gasped staring at it glow.


The bey just fell into the monster.

"IT DIDN'T WORK JIN!" Honcho shouted, freaking out.

"WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE HERE NOW BECAUSE OF YOU!" Honcho cried out. He started to weep and mumbled stuff like "I never got to say an actual good bye to my family...! I'm so sorry everyone..! Please forgive and remember me...!"

Valt on the other hand was ready to launch his bey into the monster. He tried calming down since this was the only chance he got.

"Let it rip!" He shouted as he ripped his bey.

His bey then started to glow like how Honcho's did.

"Please work, please work, please work.." Valt whispered, praying that it will.


His bey also fell in.

'Nononononono' Valt thought, fear overcoming him. 'I can't die here! I-I still have so much to do! So many bladers to meet! I can't die in a place like this!'

Valt and Honcho both squeezed their eyes shut as they got closer and closer to the monster. The both prayed to god and other gods that some miracle would happen and they would survive.

And they got that miracle.

"Forced Opening."

There was just a huge blast of wind forcing them to open their eyes.

A tornado or something like that was spiraling in the monster. The tornado was on fire too! Wait- is that even possible?

The monster then was letting out a growl or a groan or some disgusting scream, or maybe it was the people in the monster doing that.

The monster then shrunk, the slime either one flew everywhere which explains why they had slime on them or two it evaporated and the tentacles around them got the slime on them.

The problem however was getting back down. Because of whatever that was, Valt and Honcho were now in the air falling.

"GAHH!" They both screamed as they were falling, they both then felt arms wrapped around them, they looked at who it was and saw it were two ghastly figures.

"G-Ghosts..!!" Both of them yelled grabbing onto each other. The spirits didn't seem to respond to that and just lowered them down safely, once they reached the ground they soon disappeared.

Both Valt and Honcho let out a gasp after the spirits left them and lied on the ground kissing the ground- Well almost kissing the ground. "FINALLY!! DONT LEAVE ME AGAIN GROUND!" Honcho shouted.

"Pfft- was it really that scary...?" Jin said.

"YES!" Honcho and Valt both yelled.

"And I thought Wakiya was the one afraid of heights..." Jin mumbled. "Now get up.... The floor is dirty... especially in Hell Gate..."

They both immediately got up and dusted themselves off.

Now they began with the questions. The yelling at Jin part would come after.

"What the hell was that monster?!" Honcho asked. "And who were those people in it?!"

"That was a demon.... It was also experimented on earlier... most likely by Clio.... It probably was a failed experiment so Clio just released it to attack people like a guard... It isn't one of the most powerful demons... that was just a low rank one..." Jin explained. "The people in it were either people of Arcadia who wandered here by accident or bladers from the other world who accidentally came here.... Or they might've been brought by Clio on purpose for whatever ever reason he had but then he just ditched them leaving them out here.... of course a normal person wouldn't be able to survive..."

"That was only a low rank demon?!" Honcho gasped. Jin nodded and stated "Remember... It was experimented on... the actual demon would be weaker..."


"Well, Anyways, What was that tornado or something?!" Valt asked. Then an idea came to his head and he said "Wait- was that my bey?!?!"

"Correct.. that huge blast of energy was your bey...wasn't that cool..?" Jin said.

"Uh-huh! It was so cool!!" Valt said, his eyes practically sparkling. "So that's how my power is like! So coool!"

"Yep... pretty cool..." Jin said. Jin couldn't help but feel amused so he let out a quiet snicker.

Both Honcho and Valt then realized something. "Our Beys!" They both gasped, they both turned around and ran for their beys.

They were lying right where the demon was originally was.

Honcho made a grab for his bey and said "Oh I missed you so much Rocktavor!" Honcho then gave it a kiss but then remembered the ground was dirty so he was trying to spit out the dirt.

When Valt made a grab for his bey he suddenly felt a shock and jerked his hand back. "Ow." He hissed, shaking his hand. He then went to grab his bey again but felt another shock. "Ouch..." he mumbled.

Valt knew there was something wrong so he looked over his shoulder at Jin and called out "Hey, Jin! There is something wrong! When ever I touch it I get some sort of shock."

Jin walked over and tried touching it, he jerked his hand back too. "I think it's the demon... Your bey could have gotten corrupted so let me handle the problem... go talk with Honcho while I handle this..."

Valt nodded and ran over to Honcho.

Jin bent down to the bey and took out a paper slip. He held it in front of the bey and mumbled "Forced seal."

A blue soft glow radiated from the bey, some electric sparks came from it and burned the slip of paper.

"Damn it Valtryek... Just stay sealed would you?" Jin growled, taking out another paper slip. "Jormuntor... Lend me your strength and assist me..." He whispered and flipped the paper around. "Forced seal...!" He whispered.

The electric sparks became more violent shocking Jin but Jin didn't jerk back this time. "Forced Seal...!" He repeated. "Go back to where you came from Valtryek...! Jormuntor, lock him in...!"

Another blue color radiated from the slip of paper. Symbols on it started to glowing a white color. "Sprits, support Jormuntor..!" He gritted out.

The slip started to glow even more now but so did Valtryek, the electric sparks became even more violent. Jin let out a sigh, "dang it, I gotta use it now..." he mumbled under his breath. He then took out something and opened it. Releasing some kind of smoke.

The smoke circled around the bey and The electric sparks soon weakened. The glow on Valtryek started to fade and Jin knew it was time.

He blew the smoke away which then started to make Valtryek's glow come back and the sparks enhancing. Before it could continue any further, Jin used his free hand and placed his hand on Valtryek even though the sparks were hurting him. He closed his eyes and mumbled some sort of phrase. After doing that he opened his eyes and ripped the slip of paper into pieces then burned it with a blue fire.

He glanced at Valtreyek who wasn't radiating any color or shooting out any sparks. He touched it with hesitation but felt no shock. "Phew" he sighed in relief. "Now just stay sealed Valtreyek... Please just save us the trouble of handling you until after Shu is saved... Just be on our side once more...."

He grabbed Valtreyek and looked over to Valt and Honcho who were talking. He saw the two spirits next to them hovering over them just listening to their conversation.

Those two were pretty good guardians, one of the first ten he ever got. However.... His eyes narrowed on the one above Honcho.

That spirit was no good... It was helpful but it's intentions were always darker...

Valt ran over to Honcho and call d out to him, "Hey Honcho! Everything ok?"

Honcho didn't respond, all he did was just stare at his bey.

"Hey Honcho~! You there?" Valt said, Honcho didn't respond. "Hey dude! Are you there???" Valt called out again, clapping in front of his face which brought him back to reality.

"Oh sorry- I was lost in thought." Honcho said scratching the back of his head. He noticed Jin over there looking at his bey so he asked "Is there something wrong with your bey?"

"Yea... Jin said mine was corrupted or something? I don't really understand since he didn't explain but I guess it's bad." Valt answered. "What about you? Everything fine with your bey?" He asked.

"Yea, nothing is wrong with it." Honcho replied. "Of course my bey is perfectly fine! What ya think?!"

"Anyways, how'd ya do that to the demon or monster thing?" Honcho asked.

"I don't know," Valt replied with a shrug. "All I did was launch."

"Oh..." Honcho said.

"Anyways don't you think my power was like super duper cool?!" Valt asked, his eyes practically sparkling again.

"Uh-huh, it was awesome." Honcho replied.

"I know right?! It completely obliterated the monster!" Valt yelled holding his hands out. "I can't wait to master it so I can do those things!"

"Uh-huh, that's nice." Honcho replied.

"Anyways what power do you think you have?" Valt questioned.

Honcho shrugged and replied "I don't know"

Valt's brows furrowed, he felt like he was being ignored. Honcho didn't really seem interested in the conversation. "Honcho, are you ok? Are you mad at Jin?" He asked with a worried tone.

One of Honcho's brows went up, he looked a bit confused. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be? I'm fine but I was freaking scared for life. We almost died because Jin was incompetent!" He responded. "I don't trust Jin at all. He doesn't seem very reliable does he? He made us fend against the monster for ourself!"

"Well... you have my consent, I agree. He doesn't seem very reliable, but..." Valt said trailing off. "It's nice to have some there with us... He might not be reliable but he knows this world better than us... he knows what to expect so it's kinda reassuring. If we work together I think we can actually get Shu!"

Honcho thought about what Valt said. He hate to agree but Valt was right, the fact that they had Jin made them a bit less scared. Honcho sighed and said "I guess you're right... But we still can't let our guards down."

"Yea, Jin seems always tired so I don't think he would be able to react quickly." Valt said.

Then they suddenly felt a chill go down their spine and heard a snicker. Honcho thought he felt something cold on his skin- oh no wait. Something is actually on him!

"EEEK!" Honcho screamed, frantically trying to get what ever it was off of him. He then scrambled away next to Valt when he did. They both looked at what ever it was and let out a sigh of relief once they saw who it was.

"Oh, Hey Jin!" Valt called out while Honcho gripped on to his jacket tightly and  yelled "Don't scare me like that!"

"Oh, sorry..." Jin mumbled and gave Honcho a sheepish smile. "It's time to go.... Next time follow my lead.... don't be distracted by anything.... even if it's believe to be someone close to you... k?"

Both Valt and Honcho nodded. Jin then waved his hand to follow him and they did.

Honcho let out a shaky sigh, "Valt... Is Jin even Human...? His hands were so cold..."

"Probably not...." Valt replied.

They both continued following and in the distant they noticed the castle. That was where Clio was. Where Shu was.....

'We're coming Shu....' thought Valt as he looked at the castle. He then thought he saw a figure on the balcony but it disappeared soon after he noticed it. 'Huh? Who or what was that?' He thought.

He shook his head ignoring the thought, right now he needed to concentrate on finding Shu. He'll bring him back home, safe and sound. But what would they do after? Now that they found out this amazing world, what would become of them after?

Will they be able to stay in this world? Would Lui, Zac, And Daigo let them? Will they continue learning magic?

Valt wanted to do so much things but the only reason they were here was to save Shu. He doubt Lui would let them stay here anyways.

He sighed and just continue walking. They'll save Shu and go back home. Never coming here again....

But what if they weren't able to save Shu?

What if Shu was already dead?

So many outcomes but there's only one path.

Which path would fate choose?

Is Fate cruel? Merciful?

Will they be able to defy fate?

Valt shook his head again making the thoughts leave his head. 'Save Shu and go home.' He decided.

He marched on following Jin ready to go save Shu. He then noticed something in his pocket. He took it out and found his bey. 'How'd it get here?' He thought. He glanced at Jin and noticed Jin was looking at him. Jin immediately turned his head back forward ignoring Valt.

'Wow I wonder how he put the bey in my pocket without me knowing.' Thought Valt. 'That's so cool! I can't wait to be able to do that!'

Valt continued walking merrily, thinking about all sorts of magic he can use.

Honcho shuddered when he heard a voice right next to his ear.

"You'll do it right..?" The spirit said.

Honcho gulped and let out a shaky sigh.

"Yea... I'll do it..."

"Good.... hehe..." the spirit snickered. "Don't you worry.... Just do it and everything will be fine..."

"Yea... I'll do it..." Honcho repeated with a shaky breath. "I'll do it...."


<< Clio's POV >>

I looked at vast lands from on top of my balcony.

Some may find this place horrible, terrifying, and even disgusting!

But I found this place beautiful, I liked how wrecked this place was. It reminded me of how everyone sinned. After all, this place was wrecked because of people sinning.

Everyone here in Arcadia sinned, it doesn't matter if it's big or small, in the end, everyone is gonna go to hell.

And it seems like the most powerful or important people made the bigger sin!

So many people broke so many rules, for example Daigo let the others in! He broke the contract! Lui and Zac both killed someone so dear to them, what a great sin, Jin broke a taboo, and so on. Man, why does everyone keep breaking rules? I'm surprised they weren't punished yet. But of course, Karma is gonna find a way to catch up.

And hopefully I'll be the one delivering it...

I took a glance at Shu, he looked fabulous (terrible)!

He looks like he's about to mentally break which is good! All I got to do is push him over the edge!

"Ken, my dear~! Can you go get the video~!" I called out.

Ken nodded and walked away to go get it. I gotta day, he's a pretty good slave— I mean friend.

He's suppose to be a puppet master yet he is always listening to me! How ironic. I'm the one pulling the strings and he is the puppet for me.

But it's not only him, everyone here in this world is a puppet.

Everything is going just as planned...

Daigo leaving...

Ken kidnapping Shu...

Them going to Arcadia...

Them meeting Zac and Lui...

Them facing that masked freak...

Naoki attacking...

Jin helping..

Them coming here..

It's all planned!

Aren't I smart?

I looked down to see Valt, that Honcho guy no one cares about, and Jin....

My eyes narrowed on Jin, I wished things wouldn't have turned out this way. I wish he could stay by my side. He was so helpful....

But all he wanted was to make friends. Like, who needs friends anyway? As long as you got power you can do it.

Yet in the end, Jin is just an insane idiot like Ken. He'll betray the friends he love most.... it's fate....

"Fate..." I growled. I hate that word.

I hate the whole thing about it!

It's destiny chosen for you! You have no rights to decide what happens! Which Sucks!

But I, Clio Delon, the spawn of darkness himself, will Defy Fate.

History is rewinding.

Is it because of me? Or someone else?

But I'll make sure I'll succeed. I'll Defy Fate. I'll Win! This time in history, my side will win!

Then I can show everyone how wrong they were!

I'll make Daigo and Jin beg for forgiveness!

I'll torture Zac and Lui! I'll break them completely!

I'll control Arcadia! Become the new leader!

I'll do Anything to do it. I don't care what sacrifices I make. I'll even have Ken die! I'll even bring more people into this world to play!

I'll use every card I have in my deck to defeat them.

Arcadia deserves a ruler like me.

Not someone like Zac nor Lui.

I'll become King!

But what if everything goes wrong..? It's all in or nothing. But what if I loose everything?


"What would Cuza think of this?" Someone once said.

I shake the thought out of my head.


Cuza is never ever gonna come to this world.

If he does I'll kill him. He can't know nothing about this world, it's far too dangerous. Dangerous for him and the world.

Is it the world or him being dangerous? Which is more dangerous..?

-bzzzt bzzzt-

Huh? Who's calling me now?

I took my phone out of my pocket and checked who it was.

"Tch." I clicked my tongue. "What does Norman want with me now?"

I pressed the hang up button. I don't need to answer him, who cares about orders and acting on your own. Soon, He'll be the one answering me!

Just you wait everyone, I'm gonna show you whose boss around here...

"Why didn't you answer the call?"

I turned around to see Ken with the video. "Cuz Norman is just a pain in the a*s who always gets in my way and bosses me around. We don't need him Ken, all we need is just the two of us, we'll control this world together. You get your friends, I get Arcadia, pretty simple?"

He gave me a nod to reply.

I glanced back at the vast lands one last time before heading to Shu.

"If you want Shu back Valt, them come get him! I'll be sure to give him back to you... But he won't be the same..."


Ok, I finished the chapter!
I wonder what Honcho is gonna do and what will happen to Shu~~~ hehe...
I usually have more to say but I don't really have much to say this chapter.
Just thanks for reading this!

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