Chapter 9

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Valt's POV

Honcho and I continued following Jin. We were getting much closer to the castle! The castle was so huge and spooky like it came straight from a horror movie!

Is it bad that I was actually excited to go there?

I know that this is a terrible idea but I never been to an actual castle and this is just so so so cool!

I also couldn't wait to be able to use my new powers! Though the thing that was weird was the fire, my bey doesn't really have to do with fire. Maybe that fire was Honcho's bey?

I then suddenly heard a whisper in my ear, "Valt...."

I flinched at that and thought I felt a hand go on me, I spun around only to find no one there. Just who or what was that??

I turn back around and continue walking. I was keeping my guard up, I was looking around to see if anyone else was there. I was getting a bit paranoid.

I then heard it again, the same very whisper, "Valt.."

I spun around once more only to find nothing. Who keeps whispering in my ear?! It's hella creepy!

I turned back around. Only to be met with someone ghastly right in front of me. I was about to scream but I felt as if my voice was taken away.

"Valt.." It beamed with a smile on its face. "You noticed me..."

I tried to speak but couldn't.

"Oh sorry, I couldn't be getting caught here..." it stated with a wink which made be a bit uneasy. "I have to warn you of something..." it mumbled.

"Honcho is planning something awful..." it sneered. "Becareful, I warn you, Honcho is gonna do something and you won't like it..."

I tried to speak up again but I couldn't. The spirit soon disappeared from my vision, for a second I thought I saw Jin staring at me but he looked away.

'What... does he mean...?' I thought as I looked at Honcho who was staring off to the distance. I thought I noticed another ghastly figure hover above him but it left.

'Is Honcho really planning something..?' I wondered.

No, that spirit was lying definitely. Honcho is my friend. He would never hurt me....

But what about someone else?

No- he wouldn't hurt anyone, Why was I even doubting him?! He's my friend! He would never ever do anything and I trust him! That spirit or whatever it was, was definitely lying!

"Valt you ok..?"

I snapped back to reality to find Jin looking over his shoulder at me. His eyes looked a bit serious which made me uneasy once more.

I nodded as a reply. He continued to stare at me for a good 5 more seconds and turned his head back to face the gate.

Wait- gate?!?!!?!

I realized we were in front of that gates leading to the castle. The gates were huge! Like really really huge, but the gates was nothing compared to the castle! The castle was gigantic- no that word doesn't even cut it. The castle was like gigantic x gigantic x gigantic x gigantic x gigantic, or gigantic to like the 100th power! Heh, maybe I'm over exaggerating a little bit, or a lot.

But Since when did we get here so fast?! Was I that distracted? I saw Jin was about to push open the gates, until we heard loud thumps..

As if a giant was walking over to us...

A huge shadow then loomed over us, I felt as if my heart stopped beating.

We all slowly turned around.

We were met with a Beast, a ferocious one, a hungry one.

It was a three headed dog, what was it called again? A Kerbeus I think? Oh! I remembered Ken's bey being King Kerbeus! Isn't that a coincidence? Or maybe... That Kerbeus standing over us... is Ken's..? They did say your power comes from your bey so..?

The Kerbeus let out a growl, drool was going down its mouth. It was hungry, definitely hungry. For us? Hope not.

"J-Jin... W-What now?!" Honcho gasped, gaping at the beast.

"I-Is it gonna eat us..?" I questioned, also gaping at the beast.

"Don't worry... just trust me..." he replied.

He walked over to the Kerbeus slowly. He was taking one step by one step slowly. I was getting anxious and worried, Jin wouldn't be able to hold it off would he? He said he was a support type and this was much worse then that low class demon!

I didn't even realize that I was counting his steps, most likely to distract myself from the Kerbeus, 'right, left, right, left, right, left, left- no right, left, right, left, Stop.'

My breathing tensed at stopped.

Jin was standing right in front of it, the main head leaned in to sniff at Jin, and seemed to snort or something. Jin's hood and hat fell down because of that.

Jin and the main head was staring at each other intensely. Jin then suddenly disappeared, as if in a blink of an eye he was gone! I looked around frantically trying to find him, I then heard Honcho shout "He's Up There!"

I looked up and saw Jin on the top of it's head, laying down on it giving it a hug.

"Aww, who's a good boy...! Ya remember me..?? It's me Jin..!" Jin rejoiced. He patted the Kerbeus's head and pressed his cheek against it. "How long has it been since we seen each other..? 5 years..? Or maybe was it longer..? Or shorter...? I don't seem to remember... this brings back memories though... I used to always lay on you like this...."

Honcho and I stood there in shock, Jin was friends with this?! The Kerbeus was reacting positive to the attention Jin was giving them. It started hoping around almost stepping on us.

"Aww, I know you are excited to see me... but I have somethings to do, so can you let me and my friends pass through the gates..?" Jin requested. Two of the Kerbeus head's then looked at us, the ones at the ends. They then leaned in toward us and starting sniffing us.

I couldn't move at all, I was too scared to. The nose was so close and if it wanted to, the Kerbeus would probably be able to gobble me right up.

The nose touched me which tickled me a little and I ended up letting out a giggle which made the Kerbeus poke its nose at me once more.

The Kerbeus then leaned back and looked at Jin. The two heads nodded like it completely understand Jin. The main head then poked its nose at the gate which forced it open and leaned down to let Jin get off.

Jin slid down the bridge of its nose and jumped off, it patted the head one more time and gave it a hug. The other two heads leaned in to Jin, wanting to get a huge from him too. After Jin hugged each head he ran over to us.

"Now wasn't that cool..?" He said to us. I hate to admit but it was kinda cool.

He went over to grab his hat and put it back on, he then lifted his hood back up. Why does he do that anyway? Some sort of fashion sense? I don't get fashion. He turned back to us and motioned us to follow him "Let's go..." he mumbled as he walked past us.

Both, Honcho and I, followed behind. "Hey, Jin, how'd you know that Kerbeus Anyways??"I asked him.

He let out a light-hearted chuckle and replied "I got to play with it a lot while staying here... It's pretty cute right..? But it's very dangerous... It seemed like Clio and Ken hadn't told the Kerbeus that I'm an enemy to them now so the Kerbeus still thinks I'm his friend.... In case for whatever reason you need to come back here... the Kerbeus will allow you.. you both are considered an ally now that it had sniffed you... So don't be scared of it anymore... it might get rough with you but if you give it a little affection and ask to pass it will..."

That was reassuring. But I don't think I'll ever return back here.

We continued to walk all the way to the entrance. The door was yet again- gigantic. Were we supposed to enter here? How could one push this open?

Jin then continued walking, I didn't expect someone like Jin to be able to push it open, but everything here might as well defy logic.

While walking I noticed a smaller pairs of doors at the end of it, it was just the perfect size. This explains how Jin was supposed to enter.

There were 3 pairs of doors. All different sizes. All the perfect size.

The one in front of each of us was the perfect size.

Honcho and I both looked at Jin in silence for instructions on what to do, which door to enter.

"The door in front of you is the correct door... We'll be going our separate ways now..." he answered.

Wait? Separate ways?

"What?! No!! We can't protect ourselves!!" Honcho snapped. "If you are expecting us to that then no!! We know nothing about this world and we'll die!!"

Jin frowned at what he said and let out an annoyed sigh. He looked at Honcho with a glare and stated "This is what is gonna get you killed Honcho. This whole world might as well defy everything logical.Knowing Nothing is actually Knowing Something. Somethings are best not known and you are actually pretty lucky to not know nothing! This world is beautiful in so many ways but it's terrifying in other ways too, by not knowing anything you are safer." He said all that without have a long break between each sentence.

"Why can't you just trust me Honcho..?" Jin questioned. "I'm trying to help you as many ways as I could, I'm risking my life to help, I want you to be able to trust me. Please. The bonds and trusts you make will make you stronger. Just believe in me, and yourself, please."

"Argh, fine! I'll trust you!" Honcho replied. "But if Valt or Me doesn't make it out alive, that trust is definitely gone."

Jin nodded and smiled.

He looked back forward to his door and said "Careful, I hope you all will be safe. Now let's go shall we?"

Honcho and I nodded. We all placed our hand on the door knobs.

"Even if we are not together... Trust will bind us together... Clio especially focuses on that... When entering the playing field, trust is what he's gonna play with.... Trust and Lies are the main points.... keep that in mind..." Jin stated. "Trust is like a rubber band.... if one lets go... it hurts the one that held on..."

"If all goes wrong, there are two people you can trust and rely on...." Jin spoke. "Is yourself and your bey... if you can't trust yourself... rely on your bey... if you can't trust your bey... rely on yourself..."

"You decide if someone is lying or not here, you don't need to believe their words..." He added. "Now lets all go, be careful..."

Jin turned his door knob and went in first, he left without saying any other word.

Honcho turned to me and said "Good Luck Valt, I'll see you at the end!"

I nodded and we both went through at the same time.

The door closed behind me and there was a click. The door locked itself.

It was a long dark hallway with checkered floors, the walls were a pattern of black and white stripes. Then two by two, the candles on the walls lit on its own. Leading all the way to the end.

I took a deep breath and walked down the hall.

I got to the end which was one door.

I opened that door.

And on the other side.

I found Ken—


Sorry if this is a little bit short. The chapter will be longer next time, I promise!

But anyways, I have a question. Does Clio make a good antagonist? Like, does he makes good bad guy? Does he fit his character? Is he out of character?

Well, I don't have anything else to say again so Cya!


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