Chapter 3

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Davina's POV

My eyes flew open the second I woke. I saw that I was shackled to an iron chair which was bolted to the floor. The room itself was made of iron and so was the door. There's no way I'm getting out of this one in a hurry, I thought, I have to get out of this chair and this room, find a way to get out of here with my kidnapers knowing and find my way to the closest town. Suddenly, the door flew open and the two men came in.

"So, your finally awake, took you long enough." The smaller one muttered the last part under his breath.

"Yeah, maybe next time use a little less chloroform." Oh, looks like my snarky and sarcastic side has kicked in. This should be interesting. It annoyed the smaller one so the taller one jumped in before he could say anything.

"What did you mean when you said he men had black eyes." It was obvious that the taller one was the sensible one while the other was a hot head.

"I'm only saying what my friend saw and she's dead now, so are my foster parents. She told me that they had black eyes and they are coming for me. That's all I know, can I go now?" The small one snorted and left the room.

"My name is Sam and that was my brother Dean and to answer your question, you can leave when we know if your telling the truth and we know you won't tell anyone what has happened." This is just perfect, tears fell from my eyes as I knew I wasn't going to get out of here for a while.

"Can you at least unlock these manacles, it's really uncomfortable." I looked at him hopefully, at least part of my plan would work. He seemed to think about it but his brother returned and it seemed h had heard my question.

"Not until we know you're not a threat. Have a nice night." And with that, he pulled his brother out of the room and locked  the door as he went. Now that I was alone, I let my tears flow freely. Why should I hide how I feel when I'm alone. I cried until I fell into an uneasy sleep.

Sam's POV

"Was that really necessary Dean, she's just a kid whose probably scared out of her mind right now." Dean looked at me deadly seriously.

"Just a kid Sam. A kid that happens to have an angel blade in her bag and a hunters journal but said she knew nothing. I say we call Cas and he can look threw her memories or at least tell us if she's telling the truth when we question her again." She has an angel blade? How'd she get that? She must be lying, and I fell for it.

"Dean, you do it, I'm going to make our prisoner some food. She hasn't eaten in over 24 hours. You give her the food and I'll find out who she is."

"Why do I have to feed her, that involves watching her and actually paying attention." Of course he would do that.

"Sure Dean, you can hack the schools files and look through over four hundred school pictures and try to find out who she is." Deans reaction was hilarious but I did my best to keep a straight face.

"I'll get the food then." Dean said and walked away. A minute later he walked past me with a sandwich and an apple.

Davina's POV

Someone shaking me pulled me from my nightmare. My eyes opened, went wide with fear instantly and I shrank away from whoever it was. When I realised that it was just Dean I sat up straight and looked him in the eyes.

"Yes . . ." And then I saw the food, my mouth watered. Dean followed my gaze and smiled.

"Hungry?" Was he stupid? Of course I was hungry, I haven't eaten for God know how long.

"Is that even a question, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Dean laughed at this.

"I'll undo one maniacal if you promise not to do anything and answer my questions honestly."

"Ok, deal. Now give up the food." He unlocked one hand and put the food on my lap. Hungrily, I shove half of the sandwich in my mouth and swallowed it quickly as I thought he may decide to take it away from me.

"First question, what's in the box in your bag?" I looked him up and down.

"No idea, I could never get it to open so your guess is as good as mine." Smiling at him, I noticed that he was deep in thought.

"I don't have to guess, it's open. So really, try coming up with a better lie next time. I'm going to get a friend of mine and he can tell is your lying." Oh great, psycho is going to get his crazy friends and how can his friend tell is I'm lying.

"Ok, get your friend, I'll prove I'm not lying. What was in the box anyway?" Sure, I may be a prisoner but I'm still curious.

"That's for me to know and you to not. You probably already know." And with that I was alone in the dark room. With nothing else to do, I finished my sandwich and then went back to sleep.

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