Chapter XIII

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Fili struggled under my grip, but I didn't let up. I had a chain collar around my neck and someone pulled me back by it, chocking me a little. I just coughed as my back hit the wall, but I snarled and growled, my hackles stood up and my lips lifted up over my teeth, the snarl tore through my vocal cords and came out threatening.  My eyes focused on the dwarf helping Fili up.

He had long dark hair which cascaded over his shoulders in waves, he was dressed in brown leather, a bow and arrow was mounted on his back, his sword in his scabbard, I didn't  back down my ears just collapsed against my neck. The dwarf turned around and his dark eyes locked with mine. "Abrax?" He asked turning his head to the side causing a lock of long brown hair to fall over his shoulder.

I recognised the dwarf but my paws wouldn't will me forward, they were cemented to the floor. "My love" he said walking closer to me. I backed up, my tail hitting the wall, his gloved hand reaching out to me but I just leapt up over him. "What happened to you?" He asked looking at me. I was still growling and the wolf was not allowing me to form words, it was only allowing snarls, growls and barks to escape my sharp tooth jaw. 

"Abrax it's me, it's Kili" he said walking closer to me. I soon backed off towards Thorin who was now awake and watching the events unfold. My snout still dripped with Filis blood who had a gaping wound on his neck and I couldn't control myself I wanted nothing more than to rip his throat out. I ran at Kili and pushed him to the floor but he pushed me away by my shoulders, I just kept snapping at him trying to get closer and closer.

Since that vampire had bitten me, I felt nothing for Kili, I felt no emotions at all. All I wanted to do was kill! "Thorin get me that chain" Kili yelled and all of a sudden I felt Thorin yank me back as he had attached a chain lead to my collar, I went flying back in to Thorin and knocked him off his feet.  I leapt up, rearing onto my hind legs my bones clicking into place.

I lifted my head into the air and howled loudly before balancing on my legs staring at Thorin, Fili and then finally Kili.  His eyes locking with mine again, he was hoping that he could bring me back, but that wasn't Kili, my Kili was dead. This is some demon posing as him, so Thorin once again pulled on my chain and I tumbled back onto my back cracking the floor.

"Chain that beast that's not Abrax" Kili ordered. So they wrapped the rest of the chains around my paws and now I couldn't move, I just snarled and attempted to brake the chains. Kili rested his hand on my head but all I did was growl, snarl and squirmed under his grip.

"Get off" I barked.

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