Chapter XII

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I stayed in wolf form for most of the time, Thorins worry had only got worse as did Filis and Dis'. Erebor was attacked once again and I fought in wolf form, charging the enemy and tearing into every soldier who ran at me.

10 years later....
I fought in Kilis name and I was prepared to die, I tore into the throats and I clawed their stomachs open and their guts fell out till finally there were no soldiers left or so I thought, I was tackled down onto the floor, before I knew what was happening something bit into my neck, I pined and tried to throw the red eyed creature off me, it soon pushed its wrist into my mouth narrowly missing my canines.

It wasn't till the creature backed off that I realised that it was its blood it fed me, my paws grew weak and all of a sudden I felt the weight of my armour, my paws soon buckled and then I collapsed onto the ground, knocking my head against the ground, I only howled for Thorin and Fili but no one came, I was alone, my throat was burning, the sunlight was too bright for my eyes, I could hear everything, every little sound. The sunlight burned my skin and made me pine, I found my way into a cave where I laid down hoping to see to my wounds but however they were healed.

Winter was coming and the snow was beginning to fall, which darkened the sky and it allowed me to walk back to Erebor with out my fur burning. The gates were shut so I had to find a way in and I found Thorins scent, it led me around the back which had a door so I picked the lock with my claw and then the door opened, I walked in and realised that I was in the room where Kili was buried but the lid of his tomb was removed and Kilis body was gone. I panicked and followed the scent to Thorins chambers where he was laying peacefully.

The only problem being that I could smell blood and it was strong, but the feeling I was begging to experience made me feel sick, my throat burned and what i wanted was to rip Thorins throat open and devour his life saving wine. I noticed I could hear his heart beat loudly almost as if though my ear was pressed to his chest, but I was stood by the door I soon gazed into Thorins mirror but nothing appeared, I panicked as I couldn't see myself.

'What am I?' I asked myself. I soon turned back into human. I heard the door handle click down and in walked Fili.

"Abrax you're alive!" He exclaimed. I nodded. "We thought you were dead, we saw that vampire attack you!" He added.

"Vampire?" I asked. He nodded. "Is that what I am?" I asked.

"Yes" he replied, I couldn't help myself, the thirst burnt in my throat more harshly and before I knew what was happening I was in wolf form, I leapt and Fili and pushed him back onto the floor and my teeth tore into his neck making him scream, his blood entering into my mouth, washing around my teeth and tongue. 

"Abrax get off me!" He gurgled.

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