Chapter XVIIII

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A new life was welcomed into the world and Kili cradled him in his arms. However the baby wasn't mine it was Filis child, I had lost the baby a few months ago. Unfortunately I was gravelly injured and it has left me with a permanent limp.

I stood in the door way with my arms crossed, dressed in my armour, braids decorated my mane with metal clasps that tinged against my metallic scaled body and my helm tightly pulled on. I had recently stayed in wolf form since I lost the baby. I was either in the forge, training or in the armoury.

Kili was a little worried about me but I only reassured him I was fine. "Kili could I be excused?" I asked.

"Of course" Fili answered. So I stalked away my claws tapping against the floor, since I learnt to stay up rite on my hind legs. I headed down to the stable where Hercules was but he was still the same, my poor Pegasus' wings were broken and they still weren't fixed, my poor boy felt sorry for himself, so I was riding around on a black and red dragon that Kili had bought me.

I walked out to the courtyard everyone parting for me but not a single glance from any one, as I was making my way toward the forges. Once inside I took off my armour and replaced it with a leather apron. I began on bending a sword back into shape, I hit the sword so hard that I created sparks, tears glittered in my eyes, I removed my hand to stretch but it subconsciously rested on my stomach and I pined quietly. My baby was gone! Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by Thorin who walked in, but he didn't notice me, he just started working but I huffed loudly which caught his attention.

He soon turned around and met my gaze. "Abrax?" He asked. I nodded and then put down the hammer and pulled my armour on. "You know Kili is worried about you. You've become emotionless, and you're quiet" he stated. I just shrugged him off and walked out to the market area. There were so many smells my nose was going crazy and found it hard to focus on one.

I was just walking when a dwarfling ran into my legs, their smile soon dropped once they gazed up at my face. "Argh there's a werewolf attacking Erebor!" He yelled running back to his friends. But I knew all full too well that the kid was making a mockery of me, so I just sent a growl their way since they didn't know who they were dealing with and not respecting a princess of Erebor. I soon made my way to the orchard where I picked an apple from the tree and attempted to eat it. This was the one place I could think and clear my thoughts as well as my lungs.

Thorin was right I wasn't myself.

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