Dirty Dancing (FULL)

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"If you're not sweating by the time you get off the dancefloor, you didn't dance hard enough."

Name || Uriel Poetl

Age || 23

Gender || Male

FC || Nikola Jovanovic

Personality || Uriel is an unbelievably hard worker. From the outside looking in, he almost seems like a buzzkill. Dance, dance, dance. That's all he seems to talk about. What is he doing? Dancing. What's his favorite thing to do in his free time? Dancing. Who's his celebrity crush? Dancing. It all makes sense, however. He's not known as a dancing prodigy for nothing. Ballet, Contemporary, Ice skating--the man does it all and seemingly with ease. He's won over hundreds of awards and had been recognized internationally for his graceful moves and almost alien-like flexibility.

Getting to know Uriel can be fairly easy...if you're a dancer or one of his mega-fans. Despite how open and honest he is, some people still consider him an enigma. On one hand, there's the side of him that most people see: his dancing side. He's a hard worker. Determined. Stern. Stone-Cold. In the words of critics: "He's no fun at all, but [Critics] can't be mad at him because he's just so /good./" On the dancefloor, he's all business, and sometimes that can turn people away from him because of how serious he gets. 

However, there's also a side of him that not everyone gets to see. Uriel is known in his personal life for being a bit of a flirt. It makes sense, considering how his father was a Casanova himself back in the day. His playfulness almost sneaks up on most people. One moment they could be dancing and the next, they're kissing. It seems almost random who he chooses to flirt with and who he chooses to dance with normally. 

Once Uriel opens up fully, you'll find that' he's a person that works hard then relaxes even harder. He dances almost every day of the week, but surprisingly, almost half of his time is spent /relaxing./ He likes doing a lot of recreational activities--swimming, golfing, designing clothes--but of course, he likes dancing with his friends the most. He's loyal to most, although his busy schedule limits the amount of time he gets to spend with them. He seems standoffish and cold at first, but when he opens up, the's playful and not afraid to take things /there./

Likes || Dancing- Self Explanatory. He started dancing shortly after he could learn how to walk. He's most known for the odd shapes he can force his body into when he dances.

Swimming- There's a reason why his shoulders are so broad. When he's not on the dancefloor he likes to cool off in the pool.

 Contortionism- Surprisingly, Uriel was enamored with contortionism long before he tried his hand at dancing.

Dislikes || Traveling- Being a world-class dancer and a 'celebrity' that's in the public eye, he's constantly traveling around doing talk shows and performing in music videos for popular artists. However, most of the time this results in him being tired from jetlag and he's too busy to do anything with his friends and family.

The Dark- He once fell and sprained his ankle when he was messing around in the dark when he was younger. Now he doesn't dance in dim lighting unless there's a spotlight on him.

Death- Self-Explanatory. He doesn't like the idea of all of his hard work going to waste in the end.

Strengths ||




Weaknesses ||




Occupation || World-Renowned Dancer, Actor

Hobbies || Dancing, Swimming, Tumbling

Backstory || Uriel's backstory is a simple one. He was raised in a rich German family that was known for their athletic ability. His mother was a world-renowned tennis player, his father was a famous gymnast, his older brother is a basketball player, and his younger sister is a trapeze artist. He, of course, was expected to be just like his siblings. At the age of 3, he and his family found out that he had extraordinary flexibility. Throughout his childhood and into his teens, he practiced the art of contortionism and became known around the world after a YouTube video of his skills went viral. When he was 15, he became interested in the art of dancing. His parents took notice of this and got him dozens of dancing coaches to help harness his craft. Within 2 years, he was familiar with nearly every popular genre of dancing there is. When he was 18, he toured the world, working with some of the biggest celebrities in the music and dance industry, and appearing on multiple TV shows.

[Sighs] "I'm never going to live down my Jimmy Kimmel interview, am I?"

Scenario 1

Date || Present Day 

Location ||

You're at a giant convention center. There were hundreds of people dressed in suits and dresses occupying the large and spacious ballroom. The only things you could see were the white walls and the shiny ceramic floor beneath your feet. A giant glass chandelier hung over the crowd's heads, illuminating the room with a bright orange glow. A large stage, black stage at the front of the room stuck out among the elegant white walls and Roman pillars in the room. Why were all these people here, you ask? Because Uriel Poetl was in town. He was here to teach these fine folks (including you) the art of ball dancing. That was an offer you--and 500 other people--couldn't pass up.

What are you wearing? 

What color is it?

At exactly 7 o'clock, Uriel appeared from the wings of the stage. He was even taller in person...it looked like his legs never ended. Getting a pant size for him must've been impossible. He had a slender, muscular frame, one that was evident by how tight his black tuxedo fit to his body. His mahogany-colored hair was combed back, exposing his angular, vampire white face. His face looked tired--a coat of makeup hid the rings under his eyes and his sunken-in cheekbones, but it didn't hide the tiredness in his eyes. His plump pink lips were perked up into a small smile. a small microphone was wrapped around his ear and stood in front of his mouth. Uriel was known for having a deep, quiet voice so it was no surprise that he had a microphone.

"Welcome," he said, his thick German accent muddying his words. The crowd cheered as he appeared on the stage. Uriel waited for the crowd to settle down before continuing. "Are you ready to learn how to waltz?" The crowd responded with an overwhelming 'yes.' Uriel chuckled. "Good! Well, in order to teach you guys about this, I need a partner. Who should I choose..." Immediately, most of the girls in the crowd raised their hands and waved them frantically. Uriel scanned the crowd until his eyes landed on you. "You in the [Whatever you're wearing.] Come up, please."

What do you do?

Scenario 2 ||

Make it up!

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