Top of the Food Chain (FULL)

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"It feels good to be the king."

Name || Ashton McAllister

Age || 18/19

Gender || Male

FC || Xavier Gutierrez

Personality || Ashton is just about what you would expect from the king of the school. From an outsider's perspective, he's perfect. He's as cool as a cucumber, relaxed, laid-back, and doesn't take situations too seriously. Everyone knows him, and he knows everyone. He isn't much of a show-off either. He goes with the flow and marches to the beat of his own drum, and people march with him. 

Getting to know Ashton is tricky. He'll talk to anyone, but he won't let people get close to him easily. Other people consider him their friend, but he doesn't reciprocate those feelings most of the time. He's a member of the football team, the track team, his life is always on display, however not a lot of people know about what happens in his household (his home life is nothing special, but still, not a lot of people know what his family's like.) One thing that a lot of people don't know is that he has an artist streak in him. He loves to draw, paint, and make sculptures and is amazing at doing all three. He's better at sports, but he plans on making a career out of art when he's older. Unlike a lot of his peers, he's significantly lower on energy and isn't prone to being loud. 

Once someone gets to know Ashton, they find that he's not the stereotypical jock. He's quieter, more introspective, and has a bit more substance to him. He's not one to act on impulse: he's more interested in going with the flow and seeing where life takes him. People are attracted to him because he's relaxed even in the face of danger, and they become even more interested in him when they see that he's a genuine person that's not just interested in sleeping with women. To him, "Netflix and chill" just means, "Netflix and chill."

Likes || Football- (Duh) He's an offensive lineman and he's considered one of the best in the state. His parents push his football abilities more than anything, which irritates him.

Running- His surprising speed has earned him a spot on his school's track team.

Art- Despite the numerous number of scholarships he's earned for football, he's more interested in art and painting. He plans on going to art school in the future.

Dislikes || Peers- Despite the fact that he talks to almost everyone, he doesn't hold everyone in a high regard. He finds a lot of the people on his football team loud and he doesn't have close ties with most of them.

Heights- More specifically, he's afraid of falling. He can't go on plains because he's too afraid of falling out of the sky.

Snakes- Duh. In his mind, they're basically demonic worms.

Strengths ||


-Laid Back


Weaknesses ||

-Closed Off



Occupation || Student

Hobbies || Drawing, Playing Football, Running, and Drawing

Backstory || Ashton has had a fairly normal life, although it wasn't without his rough patches. He was raised in a good household with a mother, a father, and a brother that was a year older than him. For the first half of his life, he and his brother were considered to be opposites. His older brother was considered the artistic one and the quiet one, and Ashton was the outgoing one that liked sports more than anything. Of course, his parents paid more attention to Ashton and went to all of his games, sometimes forgetting about his older brother's success. This continued throughout the brother's teens. Eventually, Ashton picked up his brother's love for art and started practicing as well. This led to a fallout between him and his brother, with the end result being his brother running away and never returning. To this day, Ashton has no idea whether he's alive or not. Ashton continues to study art, although his parents are against it.

"You're cool I guess...but not as cool as me."

Scenario 1 ||

Date || Present Day

Location || Some Public School in California

It's the first day of the new school year, possibly the last one of your entire high school career. You walked down the main hall of your school, Vista High, which was named after the incredible view of the ocean vista it was built by. The school was just as beautiful as the view of the ocean. Most of the windows in the school were ginormous and took up the entirety of the back wall of the spacious cafeteria. The hallways of the school were wide. Shiny teal and white lockers were on either side of the halls, and beige ceramic tiles on the floor were so shiny that one could see their reflection. The ceiling in the school was high and made out of glass, so one could see the bright blue sky above.

You were following the sea of heads to your first class when you accidentally bump into someone. You look up and see none other than the talk of the school, Ashton McAllister. He's giving you his signature smile, the one he used on the former queen bee when they first met (and eventually, when they got together.) He looks nothing short of perfect. He wore an olive-green jacket over a white hoodie, a combination that would otherwise make someone else sweat in the California heat. However, the ocean breeze that swept through the town made it cooler than most, so it was common for someone to wear layers in August. He wore a nice pair of dark jeans and a pair of olive-green high tops. His dark eyes were full of...something. Whether it was mischief, boredom, or...something else, you didn't know. 

"Oh, sorry," he said. "I didn't see you there."

What do you do next?

Scenario 2 ||

Date || The Start of the Winter Semester

Location || An Art School in New York

 It's the first day of the summer semester. You're coming back from Christmas Break. Most of the class is excited, talking about their Christmas break and the time they spent with their families. The older ones in class are talking about how they had to work all break, their only break being on Christmas Day (and even some people had to work then.) It's an almost packed house, and you can't find a seat. You find one at the top row...all the way at the back of the lecture hall. You walk up the steps to the back and see a boy wearing leather staring into space. He looks...handsome, way too attractive and muscular to be attending an art school. He gives you a tight-lipped smile at you as you sit down, but doesn't make any move to engage a conversation.

The teacher at the front clears her throat to get the class's attention. Slowly, the murmur of the crowd dies down. "Hello, class! The woman says. "I welcome you all to the magical world of realism! To all my veterans, welcome back, and to all of my newcomers...good luck! Your first assignment is get to meet someone new! You'll need a muse, so what better muse than the person next to you?"

You look around you, and everyone is already paired up...and then you look at the man beside you... 

Scenario 3 || 

Make it up!

*Scenario 1 is high school and Scenario 2 is college*

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