"We're Getting the Band Back Together" (2/3)

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"Every time I go online I see gifs of me everywhere...It's weird but cool at the same time."

Name || Dean Worchester

Age || 22

Gender || Male

FC || Pierre Fournier

Personality || Dean is a ball of energy. He has to be when he's in the spotlight all the time. From an outside perspective, he seems like the perfect idol: A good singer that only perform live, nice, a ball of energy, and just an overall fun person to be around. He's been called uneducated and dumb (especially after a video of him failing to recite the Spanish alphabet) but because of his constant traveling, he knows a lot about the world and loves sharing information to the world.

Getting to know Dean is easy since he's been the talk of the entire world for the past...2 and a half years. One defining characteristic about Dean? He never. Stops. Talking. He's an adventurer that loves traveling the world and telling all his friends--and the rest of the viewing world--about the zany shenanigans he gets into. He could take a simple trip to the bank and end up turning that into an interesting story. He's drawn to odd trinkets and gadgets and is a collector of many oblong things.

Once one looks past the glitz and glamor surrounding Dean, they see that he's a genuine person that isn't in the spotlight just because he wants fame, but because he works hard and likes to make other people happy. He loves traveling the world and making new friends wherever he goes. He's a happy-go-lucky guy with an infectious smile that brings a smile to others. He's nice, and treats everyone fairly, no matter how mean they are. The only problem is that Dean can be...childish. He is very, very naive. Sometimes he doesn't think about what he's doing and makes a stupid mistake. He is very gullible and can be manipulated fairly easily if offered the right thing (cookies, cake, something shiny etc.) He's also very indecisive and switches between opinions often.

Likes ||  Traveling- Part of the reason why he became a star was because he wanted to travel the world. Dean came from a small town, so he never got to get out and travel very often.

Singing- Duh. He's one of the biggest names in pop in the present day and his song "Come to Me," has topped charts in over 50 countries.

Talking- Anyone who's watched one of his interviews or his time with Jimmy Kimmel knows this very well. He likes making people happy via telling them about his wacky life as a pop star.

Dislikes || Trolls/Haters- He knows it can't be avoided, but he hates it when people jump to conclusions because of his status as a pop star

His Schedule- He likes touring, yes, but he likes doing it on his own time. He often gets tired fairly quickly and is often exhausted by the end of tours. Rumors online are circulating of him potentially breaking away from his record label and joining a new one.

Posters of Him- As much as he likes to talk and take pictures, he doesn't like giant pictures of him...he thinks his face looks fat in any picture of him that's photoshopped.

Strengths || 

- Energetic



Weaknesses ||



-Easily Manipulated

Occupation || Recording Artist

Hobbies || Singing, Poetry, Photography

Backstory || Dean Worcester, often called the "Prince of Adlibs" by critics and fans alike, actually had humble beginnings. He grew up in a small coastal town in Oregon. His dad was a fisherman and his mom was a nurse at a local hospital. They didn't have much, but it was enough...for his parents. Dean always had dreams of one day leaving Oregon traveling around the world, a dream that didn't fly with his parents. They wanted him to have a sense of reality and to not focus on something that he couldn't achieve...A fallout between Dean and his dad was the catalyst for him auditioning on American Idol. He won the heart of America with his soft, sultry voice and his charm. He was the clear winner of the season and went on to release a chart-topping hit within a year after winning. His latest hit, "Come to Me," earned him his first place on the charts--at the top. 

"I am one with the microphone."

Scenario 1 ||

Date || Present Day

Location || A Dean Worcester Concert

The concert is slowly coming to a close. The final song, a soulful ballad, brought the crowd to their feet and even caused some of the people around you to burst out into tears. You were in the front row and supposedly you were supposed to be able to hear the musician better, but all you could hear was the roar of the crowd. Dean himself was so close you could almost reach out and touch him--literally. His coiffed dark hair was shiny and looked like a doll's hair in the bright white lights, and there were beads of sweat rolling down his pale face. The black long-sleeved button-down shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a white shirt underneath. He wore a nice pair of dark jeans that clung to his legs. 

He stood up from the chair that he was sitting in and placed his guitar back in its case. The crowd's roar grew louder. Dean faced the crowd, a wide smile on his angular face, and waved and bowed and blew kisses and so on and so forth. The lights dimmed for the final time, and Dean walked off the stage, guitar case in hand. It was the end of the concert...

...at least for the regular people. You were a superfan, and you had a backstage pass. You were able to meet Dean in person. You looked at the pass that was around your neck. You looked at the entrance to the backstage area.

How do you feel?

What do you do next?

Scenario 2 ||

Make it up!

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