Five, Super Soldier

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"Woah..." Is all I can muster, taking in all of the machines. He grins proudly. "Thank you." He releases his hand from mine and leads me to the huge, human shaped, machine in the center.

"This is where the soldier will enter...." He gestures to it then walks over to a panel where a large switch and clock-looking thing is. "And this is where it all begins." He adds. I nod, curiously "so you flip that and wait for the maximum to breach, release, and you have a super soldier?" His eyes widen. "That's exactly what happens. I thought I was the only one who understood." He sighed, admiring his handy work.

"Very spectacular Howard."
"Thanks..." He leans against it. "Like said before I only have enough for two. And we're currently looking through all of the possible candidates." I nod.
"Out of curiosity, could....could a woman do this?"
"Well...I suppose. We haven't tested that...but if you're talking about you, I think you're already a super soldier." He compliments...tries. I give him a smile. "Thank you."
"What did you want to do for lunch?" He asks carelessly. I take out my watch. 12:43. Lunch. "Well I grew up around here...There's a good restaurant nearby. I used to work there." I say and he nods. "Sounds good."

We walk around the corner to a restaurant labeled: Gino's family diner. Yeah, definitely Gino's. I smile as we walk through the doors, taking my hat off respectfully. We stand in front of a desk patiently.

Minutes later a waitress notices.
"Table for two Miss?" She gives us her fakest smile ever and I nod, she directs us to a spare seat and we graciously sit.
"Gino's eh?" Howard says looking around the worn restaurant. "Does it not fit you're needs Howard?" I ask confidently. "Its great actually." He says and I smirk as we take our seats.

I ordered a simple salad and he did the same. We just spent the hour talking about anything and everything. About things after the war about winning the war. Everything.

"Um...I had a good time with you today...Would you like to do this again?" He asked leading me out of the restaurant with a friendly hand. "Tomorrow I have to train all day." I say and he frowns. "That's fine..." He almost whispers. "But I'm free Thursday." I add and he smiles. "Thursday it is." He hails a cab and he opens the door for me but I get in the other side. I don't like owing people things.

The ride is quiet and a tad awkward but we get there in time.
"I'll see you tonight?" He asks. "Oh the dance. I don't do dancing. Sorry." I give him a smile and head towards the women's cabin for the night.

"What're you doing here, Barnes?" I ask grumpily and he just turns Hus head up and smiles. He is leaning against the wall if the women's cabin entrance.

"Waiting." He says simply and continues picking at something in his hands. "What's that?" I ask intrigued. "No homemade weapons are aloud on thus base, soldier." I say sternly thinking it could be a weapon he's making.

He rolls his eyes and reveals a wooden trinket. I furrow my brows, "What is it?" I ask staring at the roughly sanded object. "Its gonna be a carving. I don't know yet. Its just something to do." He shrugs. "Well, you shouldn't be 'waiting' outside the Women's cabin." I say with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I was waiting for you. But since your here I might as well leave." He smiles tucking the wood in his pocket. I laugh, "Why were you waiting for me? Have a question about training?" I ask frowning.

"Nope. Just making sure that Howard guy treated you right." He shrugs again stepping closer. "You say that as if it is a bad thing." I furrow my brows confused.
"Maybe it is. To me." He says with a grin walking off.

Well then.
'Don't get too friendly with the soldiers...they might never make it back and you don't need that on your plate...'

I walk into the cabin and head to my bunker to rest. I quickly change into my night clothing and get into bed.


I wake up at somewhere around five AM.

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