Nine, Dance

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"Is he bugging you again?" Howard looks over to Bucky and rolls up the sleeves on is arms.

"Oh, not at all Howie. No need to bring out those 'guns.' " You joke and he laughs.

"Well, it is almost the time for the dance. Shall we?" He leans down with his hand out and you smile gladly, taking his hand.

"At ease soldier." Howard smirks to the angered soldier.

"I'm a sergeant." Bucky huffs and his friends pats his back.

"Bye guys!" I say as Howard and I walk off hand in hand, "Bye Bucky." I add with a smile then turning back to the door.

"Have you gone to many dances before, Howard?" I ask casually.

"Yes, they are quite fun, but I usually love what happens after the dances." He turns to me with a sly smile.

"Oh..." I trail off.

I clear my throat, "I have a lot of letters to write to my dear friend Peggy, after the dance is over..." I smile.

"Peggy Carter?" He asks not making eye contact, just smiling at the distance.

"Um, yes? Do you know her, by any chance?" I ask confused.

"Not really. She is coming here earlier is what I heard. Since she's topping all of her assignments. That should be fun for you, since she's your good friend. I did get the chance to be acquainted with her a week ago." He says and my mouth droops open in shock and I stop in my tracks.

"She's coming early?!" I jump excitedly and Howard laughs letting my hand go and I hug him close.

"Thank you for telling me, you are a grand friend, Howard!" I exclaim.

"Yes...Thanks." He says nonchalantly.

"I'm so happy.... Why, I think I'll give you a kiss." My cheeks heat up and so do his.

I lean in and close my eyes, taking his hands in mine and we-

"Uh uh uh! You guys, the party is only starting!! Let's go let's go!" Duffy shrieks at us and yanks our hands apart, dragging us into the tavern.

Its bright and cheerful and smells of baked nuts.

Howard and I laugh and then he holds out his hand and I take it.

I pull off my jacket revealing a red dress a friend of mine gave me.

"You're stunning!" He shouts over the music.

"Thank you!" I smile, and we both run to the center of the dance floor.

Shimmying, swaying and jumping in all different dimensions.

What a blast I was having!

"Hello." A girl taps on Howard's shoulder, the blonde from earlier! The nurse!

"May I take him away from you for a short while, Ms. Boise?" She asks me whilst staring into Howards eyes determined.

"I don't mind." I laugh and she smiles taking his hand.

"Ugh. Thank God, I thought I'd never have the chance to dance with you." Bucky says and I turn to find him standing right behind me, hands in his slacks pockets.

"I never asked." I say with a smile.

"I can read minds." He says with a wink.

I scoff, "How much did you pay that girl?"

"Mary? Notta. She always had a thing for him. I just gave her.... Motivation." He smiles taking my hand just as the loud, booming music slows down.

"And how much did you pay the band members for this perfect timing?" I laugh.

"Twenty." He answers, pulling me closer.

"You know we only met on Monday." I say looking up at him.

"And its Saturday." He says, spinning me around and then catching myself on his chest.

I chuckle lightly, smiling as we sway together to the rhythm of the soft jazz the band plays.

"Seems I'm not so bad, after all, am I?" Bucky says softly into my ear with a small smirk.

"I must say, James, you are one of a kind." I smile and he nods.

"I guess I can take that." He says and dips me low and then carefully back up.

"Where'd you learn how to dance?" I ask confused.

"I've had a lot of practice." He smiles and I scoff.

"You know, you have trust issues, Boise." He smiles, jokingly.

"Maybe I need to find the right person." I grin as he twists me around and then holds my hand and pulls my hand to his lips.

"'Howies' waiting." He mimics and struts away.

I turn around and Howard is walking over.

We both dance once more and I try not to look at the lipstick marks on his collar.

"Thank you so much Howard. I did, indeed, have fun." I smile and he takes my hands in his.

He steps closer and kisses my cheek, "Anytime." He winks before walking towards his bunk rooming.

I smile to myself and touch my cheek with out realizing.

I sigh before walking around the corner but spy a person on the hill the track surrounds, staring up at the stars.

Being the curious person I am, I decide to sneak up, my knife in my left boot just in case... And maybe a 1911 hand pistol under my dress in a thigh gun holster....Maybe.

I slowly make my way up the hill but halt when I realize who it is.

Stupid Barnes.

"You can sit with me, if you want Veronica." He says scaring the heebie-jeebies out of me.

I sigh and decide to sit beside him, legs outstretched in the dewy grass.

"How'd you know? I was trained by amazing spies." I laugh insulting myself.

"Perfume. Memorized." He smiles, still staring up at the black abyss set above with small dots of light across it.

"What're you doing here?" I ask confused.

"I like to come here to think..." His frown returns.

"Of what?" I pry.

"Everything... My friends, life... Death." He says looking down at his beige army boots.

I rest my hand on his shoulder, "You're not leaving this world anytime soon, Barnes. No one here is. As long as I'm still fighting for you." I smile trying to reassure him.

He chuckles slightly, "Right..."

"You have so many friends here that have your back? Why do you doubt them? Is it the trainning?" I ask confused, my hand back at my side.

"I never doubt them... They're great," he laughs, "I doubt myself." He frowns.

"Why? You're a great soldier." I say encouraging.

"My friend.... Steve, I left him alone. He couldn't get into the enlistment because of his allergies and other things... I left him... His parents passed and he's alone." He says full of sorrow.

I smile, "If you ever need a friend to talk to,........ Dum Dum is in bunk 34." I joke and move closer.

He turns to me with a smile, "Wow. Thanks."

"I'm just pushing your buttons! You know what I meant." I smile.

"If I need to talk to a friend, I have my comrades...." He trails off and I take his hand in mine and he looks back up to me with a smile and leans in but I press my finger to his lips.

"Patience." I whisper with a smile before hopping up and skipping down the hill.


Who knew signing up for the war enlistings would send me to such a dramatic place!

That didn't happen...

That didn't happen...

I walk back to my bunking and grab and piece of paper before getting my pen and sitting in front of my desk and I begin to write.

Peggy you rascal!!

You never told me you were coming EARLY!!?

Its so weird to be so angry and yet so happy!!


You better be prepared for these men!!

You have no idea what they've been through, wether it was a battle or a battle before the war.

And the DRAMA!!

things are getting very heated! Haha!!!

I've met a soldier, Peg, and don't get me wrong Howard is amazing, but this man is so completely amazing and thrilling to be around!

I know I sound unlike the Ron you know I must sound like a little girl!

You better get your arse up here, you!!

Love you SO MUCH!!!!

~Ron~ ווו


Thanks all who still read this!! Means a TON!!

Okay okay....

#Peronica or #Veggy or #Coise or #barter ??

Because they're so cute!!😁❤💕

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