Ten, Another One Bites The Dust

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"Evening Howard." I greet him with a smile, setting my tray of lunch down next to him before sitting on the wooden bench.

I hadn't had the chance to see him in the morning and I thought it rude to not say hello.

"Hey, angel face." He smiles as well and I scoff jokingly.

"You look lovely." He continues and my cheeks redden by his flirtatious remarks.

"Howard." I smile brightly before taking a bite of my 'beef' samwich which looks and tastes like feces. But, beggars can't be choosers.

"How was the training session this morning?" He asks, making conversation.

"Ugh," I sigh, "I don't know if they'll be ready let alone able to win an entire war." I rub my temples, scared for them.

"For the while I've gotten to know you, Ron, I know you're quite the determined woman. You'll be fine- they'll be fine." His reassuring speech calms me slightly, patting my back friendly before using his hands to eat as well.

"Thanks." I nod, staring at the tray. "I think I just lost my appetite, thinking about that." I chuckle, pushing the food away.

"Sorry." He smiles.

"I think it better to not eat it anyways." I chuckle and he agrees with a smile.

"Excuse me madam," someone says from behind me, tapping my shoulder twice, "may I have a word with you, please, about training." I turn and realize its Bucky.

I look back to Howard, "Do you mind?" I ask and he waves his hand.

I stand and follow him out of the Café, rounding a corner and cross my arms tightly over my chest.

"What is it soldier?" I smile at his fumbling hands in his pocket.

"Well, I wanted to thank you. You really cheered me up last night." He smiles slightly,

"Oh, its a part of my job description to make the soldiers comfortable." I wave my hand, brushing off his gesture which I find quite sweet.

"Here. Its gone through some stuff, but, I think its alright." He presents to me a small daisy flower which looks wilted from the restriction of the nutrients it needs to grow but I take it, hesitantly.

"Thank you, Bucky." I tuck the frail flower into my jackets left chest pocket.

"I thought it was James?" He smiles, pushing his hands deeply into his slacks pockets.

"Watch your tongue, soldier, or I will see to it that it gets taken out." I smile and he chuckles.

"Guess that would be best for everyone." He agrees.

"Yes." I say and just stand awkwardly, I believe people could 'cut the tension with a knife', as it were.

"I think its almost one... How are you finding the training? Tough? Easy?" I start, making small talk.

"Well, it damn well hurts after each session." He replies.

"What are the others saying?"

"They are men, we lie, they're saying its easy but groan in their sleep, unless their thinking unholy things..." He trails off and I giggle.

"I would imagine." I say and he winks.

"Bleh." He shivers at the mental image.

"Your sense of humor is what will keep you alive, I think." I mention and he smiles.

"I hope so." He answers.

"I'm sure......" I smile and look down to my watch.

"Gosh, I have training, I guess you do too..." I smile at my mistake, and turn my heels awkwardly.

"Alright, let's go." He says confidently, pulling my hand and tugging me forward, surprisingly.

"Lord!" I shriek, gripping my hat to make sure it doesn't fly away.

"Up here-" he's cut off when a truck roars passed, almost knocking us over.

"Agent Boise," General Phillips greets me and hops out from the truck.

I quickly unleash my hand from Bucky's and correct my posture.

"Hey!" I smile brightly.

"Mr. Barnes." He nods to him.

"And what're you two up to on this fine evening?" He says curiously.

"We were just heading to training." I answer truthfully.

The generals eyes move down to the flower which hangs carelessly in my pocket.

"Huh... Any reason for the escort?" He wonders.

"Oh, no, Mr. Barnes just stopped me and asked for the time. We realized it was training time and I asked him if he wanted to walk together." I say, glancing over to Bucky whom nods in agreement.

"Hmm..." He trails off and leans in close, next to my ear.

"Remember what I said." He whispers and my stomach churns disagreeing.

"Of course, sir." I respond, losing my smile but his flutters up.

"Good. Oh, Agent Carter arrives at dinner. Would you like to fill her in?" He asks and I smile once more.

"Of course." I repeat and he hops back in the truck, waves and leaves.

"You're good." Bucky applauses at my lies.

"Thanks." I smile and grab his hand and continue our run to the training sector.


I wipe sweat from my brow as the sun stares down at me, surely burning up the men.

"Stop!" I shout as they do push ups.

"The temperature is almost one hundred. Shirts off boys. And if needed, shorts are over in the truck. We'll take five." I instruct and they sigh, all taking things off. Ringing out sweat from their shirts and racing to the truck.

I take a seat in the car that usually brings me around the camp, closing my eyes and tipping my head back, the sun beating down on my face.

"Hey, you taking something off next, stiff?"

I open my eyes to see a shirtless, sweaty, happy Bucky Barnes.

"Oh, lord." I chuckle, wiping my forehead, begging for some rain or wind.

"Well?" He grins, whipping his wringed out white shirt in the air.

I raise an eyebrow and laugh, "You're too much."

"What? Can't handle all this?" He laughs, sitting next to me.

"Am I complaining?" I joke.

"Course not." He smiles.

I roll my eyes and sigh, "Blasted heat." I mutter, and decide to take off my jacket, even though some might say its unprofessional, its hotter than Hell!

Another car pulls up and Howard jumps out, looking around, with a clipboard.

"Hello Howard." I greet him and he walks up to us with a witty smile on his cheeks.

"Ms. Boise, I'm afraid I'll have to take you away from Mr. Barnes for the rest of the evening." He takes my hand, helping me down.

I furrow my brows, confused, "Why? Am I being demoted?" I wonder and he chuckles.

"No no no, of course not. The general has asked me to take you to the train tracks to meet up with your friend. She's here early." He nods to Bucky and I smile brightly.

"Oh my gosh! alright! Let's go, and step on the gas!" I pull him along with me over to the car he approached us in.

I hop in and turn the ignition for him and he hops in as well. I slam my door shut and he does the same, just slower, "Let's go Howard! No time for seat belts!"

He hits the gas pedal as instructed and we zoom off to the train rails.

I leap out, hitting the ground carefully and wait for the train to approach.

"Oh oh oh!" I boost excitedly, "There it is!"

The train squeals in the distance, grinding against the tracks angrily.

I jump up and down, adrenalized and overly aflutter.

"I swear I've never been this excited in my entire life!" I exclaim to Howard.

"Well, you still got a long way to go." He smiles, tucking his hands in his slacks, comfortably as the train pulls up and stops before us.

"There she is!" I grin wildly as she runs out to me, just as excited as I am.

"Ron!" She exclaims, hugging me tightly. "Oh, its been too long." She sighs, releasing me with small tears in her eyes, holding my arms steady.

"That it has, my friend. Oh, you've met Howard, right?" She let's go and cringes slightly.

"Yes, how could I forget." She smiles and shakes his hand politely.

"Nice to see you again, Carter." He smiles.

"Yes..." She trails off then turns back to me, looping her arm through mine.

"So are you a trainer as well?" I ask, wondering about her job assignment.

"No, I'm a supervisor. I have to watch all operations and track them down in a log book. Pretty boring." She answers and I frown.

"Oh, I thought we could train together? Did my father not say something?"

"He told me that I would fit perfectly with the supervisors." She smiles.

"Hmm... Hey! I got that letter you wrote me about you knocking soldiers square in the face! Interesting." I grin proudly and she laughs.

"Oh god, did they ever get on my nerves. I couldn't resist." She says eagerly and I laugh with her.

We stroll into the Generals cabin and we both salute.

"Ah, Ms. Carter. You made it." General Philips grins from his seat. There is a map in front of him with circles drawn amuck against the paper.

"And Ms. Boise. I need to talk to you for a moment." He stands and I nod.

He takes me behind a curtain and sighs.

"Ms. Boise you trained three troops so far and none of them have come back. The 104, 122, and 245. We're deciding whether or not to keep you training 107 if this keeps happening. We can't keep losing men." He says in one unbelievable breath and I stand there, confused as ever.

"Have they been found dead?" I wonder, thinking back to the training sessions going perfectly.

"No. They're missing. They've been missing. Twelve days. But, we're signing it as KIA for all of them." He frowns, angrily.

"Well you can't prove it."

"Keep talking and I'll make sure you don't train again." He snaps coldly.

"Sir, I can find them."

"Pfft, we've been looking for days. How could a girl like yourself, find these whole troops?" He chuckles sarcastically.

"I can. And I will. You may doubt me but if I find them, I train. If I don't, consider me gone the next day." I straighten.

"Pfft, deal." He shakes my hand nonchalantly.

"You have 24 hours, no less and no more." He adds and I nod before turning away and through the curtains and back to Peggy.

I have a big day ahead.

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