Chapter Three: Run, Forrest, Run

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Devon: sometimes to stay alive you've gotta kill your mind

-Insert Theme Song/Title Sequence Here-

EXT. Kennedy's house. Close in on the window, which is rattling gently. The screen is kicked out onto the porch, and Kennedy easily slips out, his duffel bag over his shoulder, clutching a piece of paper in his hand. He walks off to the theatre, which is pretty close to his house.

EXT. Devon's house's driveway. They're running down the driveway, bag slung over their shoulder.

EXT. Theatre parking lot

Luci: Sup, boys? This is kinda wild...

Devon: You don't have to come with us, babe.

Luci: Yeah, I don't know. Maybe we can wait, and my parents can drive us in the morning?

Kennedy: I think this is it. We need a head start in case my parents come after us. We haven't got much to go on. Just newspaper articles with the exact names and address we need. We need to use GPS, but I'm afraid my parents will track my phone. Even though I turned the tracking things off my phone, and theirs. They'll probably know how to fix it back.

Luci: I think you guys will be fine. Just lay low.

Devon: Did you bring any money, Kenn? I brought what I could find. Like fifty bucks.

Kennedy: Don't worry, I'll hook us up.

Devon: Oh no, you didn't find a stash of drugs at your place, did you? Because that's a dark road none of us should go down.

Kennedy: No, it's my psychotic grandmother.

Luci: It seems that insanity runs in your family, Kennedy.

Kennedy: Yeah. Basically, the woman tried to kidnap my brother and me from my parents, then took our parents to court like they were the bad guys, so she could try and get custody of us. She lost, obviously. Anyway, she has a bank account in my name with over a thousand dollars. I just need her to sign it off to me, and we can get the money. I need to leave the note outside her house, which will be simple. Then we meet her at the bank. Then we get rad haircuts. Then we leave this stupid hick town and start our lives in Marigold, Oregon.

Luci: That plan sounds simple enough, but how do you get her to agree to give you the moolah?

Kennedy: Simple. I threaten her life.

Devon: laughs. What the hell, man? There's no way you'd do that. And what, if she doesn't help us you'll just kill her?

Kennedy: shrugs. Perhaps.

Luci: chuckles. You're insane, Kenn.

Kennedy: God, don't I know it.

EXT. bank, early morning. Kennedy and Devon have hidden their bags in the bush outside. An old woman, with hair exactly like Kennedy's but grey, blue eyes, and pale, wrinkly skin approaches Devon and Kennedy

(Crazy) Gran: Alicia, I've missed you so much! Gran attempts to hug Kennedy.

Kennedy: Cut the crap, lady. You know why I'm meeting you here. You're a crap bag, but I need your money.

Gran: What would you need my money for?

Kennedy: I want to give it to Mum and Dad.

A lie, obviously. But Kennedy's Gran is a terrible actress, as well as a terrible judge of character

Gran: Well, What do they need it for?

Kennedy: Gee, I wonder. Whatever would one use money for? Lots of things. Lots of things that are none of your business. Will you help me or not?

Gran: You don't miss me?

Kennedy: Of course not. You're actually insane, Dolores. I don't hate my mum for keeping me away from you because you tried to tear my family apart. He flips hair like a savage beast.

Kennedy, Devon and Gran walk up to bank.

EXT. sidewalk leading to Great Clips, later.

Kennedy: That was wild.

Devon: You were a savage. No joke.

Kennedy: Are you ready for the best haircut of your life?

Devon: Uh, yeah!

Later, in the same location... Kennedy and Devon have drastically changed. Devon has long bangs, with the sides of his head shaved. Kennedy has a messy head of hair not unlike Miles McKenna's current style.

Both of them are crying.

Kennedy: I...I feel so complete.

Devon: I love this so much! We're killing 'em, Kenn! They're hugging, crying happy tears on each other's shoulders.

Kennedy: Yanno, Luci's parents could've driven us. We haven't gotten any head start. They grab the bags from another conveniently located bush. Darn, bless this city with its conveniently located bushes.

Devon: Yeah, for real.

Kennedy watches cars pass by. The traffic signal changes to red, and the car that stops next to him is his parents' car. His mother is the only one in the car, and she looks hella pissed. Kennedy's eyes widen. He starts running in the opposite direction of the car, and doesn't look back.

Devon: The heck, man?

Kennedy: That was my mum! Devon starts running with Kennedy.

Devon: Well, at least we lasted until morning. I didn't think we would.

Kennedy: Don't make me laugh! I can hardly breathe the way things are.

Devon: looks back. Dude, she's not following us.

Kennedy: Okay, but let's run as far as we can before letting our guard down.

Devon: I'm already tired as heck!

Kennedy: Same

They both stop running, look at each other and laugh.

                                                                       Cast of Characters
Kennedy Rogers
Devon Campbell
Luci Grain
Tammi Rogers
Eliza Campbell
Gran Rogers
Skye Mona
Michele Oaks
Delia Oaks

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