Chapter Two: Play Practice

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Devon VO: They say don't dare, don't you even go there, cutting off your long hair, you do what you're told

Kennedy VO: Tell you wake up, go put on your makeup, this is just a phase you're gonna outgrow

Kennedy and Devon VO: There's something wrong in the village. They stare in the village. There's nothing wrong with you, it's true. There's something wrong with the village.

—Insert Theme Song/ Title Sequence here—

We're backstage at a theatre. Kennedy has arrived at play practice for his after-school drama group. Devon is there and he grabs them by the arm and drags them into the hallway

Kennedy: Dev! You have to see this!

He pulls out his phone, and shows them the message on Secret Revealer.

Devon: How do you know that's legit? It's just an app.

Kennedy: I didn't download it! I just turned on my phone this morning and it was there!

Devon: ...Okay. And it just knows stuff about us?

Kennedy: It knew about you and Luci and your gender.

Devon: Wow. Okay. So did you look into it?

Kennedy: Yeah. When Mother and Dad and Christian went outside to work in the garden or whatever they do out there, I was thotting around in Mother and dad's room, and I found the newspapers.

Devon: No kidding?

Kennedy: I wouldn't kid about this, Dev. We need to go to Marinetti, Michigan. My real parents are there.

Devon: What do you mean, we? There's no we to this!

Kennedy: Uh, yeah there is! You've ran away before; you know how it works.

Devon: I didn't go to a separate state! I went to my girlfriend's house that was like ten miles away from home, at most! There's a big difference in that and Michigan!

Kennedy: I know, but...I need you. Please.

He looks at his friend, his expression full of desperation. If Devon does not accompany him, the trip will be more difficult, and much more terrifying.

Devon: with a sigh. Fine. I'll go with you. But my parents are gonna be pissed.

Kennedy: And you think mine won't be? They're crazier than I ever thought they were! How the hell have they passed background checks throughout the years...?

Devon: Can I bring Luci with us?

Kennedy: What? Yeah, sure. Why not. I dunno how you've survived this long without her.

Devon: Yeah... homeschool is actually the worst. Anyway, when are we enacting this suicide pact?

Kennedy: It's not a suicide pact! We're not going to die!

Devon: That's what everyone says before they die...

Kennedy rolls his eyes.

Kennedy: Anyway, three a.m. tomorrow night. Be packed before then, and meet me outside the theatre. I'll tell Luci to meet us, too. When they open that morning, we'll go to Great Clips and get our hair chopped off.

Devon: Seriously?! Not only is it an excellent way to disguise ourselves, it's also what we've wanted for a long time and haven't been allowed to do! It would serve as a metaphor for our freedom to be ourselves once we escape our parents.

Kennedy: WOW, very deep.

Devon: Yeah, I know. Tell Luci! I'm hyped! Also, scared. But mostly hyped!

Kennedy: Big mood. Same.

Devon is at home, with their adoptive parents. They're eating pizza and watching television.

Eliza: How was practice?

Devon: Fine. I'm tired, though. I might go to bed when we're done.

Eliza: Okay. Hey, does Alicia still talk to you?

They tense at the mention of their friend's dead name.

Devon: Yeah, why wouldn't she?

They cringe. They hate misgendering their friend.

Eliza: I was only wondering, honey.

Devon: Okay.

They put their plate down on the coffee table, and go up to their room. They gently close the door and pull a duffel bag from their closet. They start packing clothes when they hear their mum walking up the stairs. They stuff the bag under their bed right before the door opens. Their heart is flying. They smile at their mum.

Eliza: Just thought I'd say good night.

Devon: Okay. Night, mum.

Their mum leaves. They wait a moment before they take their bag out from under the bed, and start taking things off hangers.

CUT TO Kennedy, reading in bed. His mum comes in, and you can sense his discomfort at her entrance. You can tell she's always barging in and interrupting his reading, despite him staying in his room to get away from her.

Tammi: Alicia, do you have what you need for school tomorrow?

Kennedy: The stuff I need for school has not changed since yesterday, Mother, so I think it's safe to say I do.

Tammi: Okay. Do you have what you need for dance practice on Saturday.

Kennedy: Yeah. His unhappiness at the mention of dance is obvious to everyone but his mother.

Tammi: Okay, sweetie. Don't stay up too late.

Kennedy: Okay. I'll sleep after I finish my reading.

Tammi: with a sigh. Okay.

Finally, she leaves the room, shutting the door behind her. Kennedy gets up to turn out the lights, since he always leaves on the television for light. He lays back in bed and keeps reading. We see him glance at the closet door. Cut to inside the closet, a packed bag lying in the floor, decently hidden.

Cast of Characters
Kennedy Rogers
Devon Campbell
Luci Grain
Tammi Rogers
Eliza Campbell
Gran Rogers
Skye Mona
Michele Oaks
Delia Oaks

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