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(A/N: The song doesn't belong to me)

Molly's POV: I walked down the dirt road, flames blurring the sides of my vision as the trees' leaves and branches were eaten by the angry inferno. Their trunks were consumed by the mass as well and, eventually, were blackened, the grass around their roots burning away.

I needed to find Bill. I needed to make him stop this. This was wrong. No, not wrong, that's too good. It's unbelievably wrong. No, that's not it either. It's beyond unbelievably wrong.

Still, I walked and, still, the burning hatred I had grew. With every step, I felt a new burst of adrenaline. Every step introducing a new sense of purpose. Finally, the rage built to the size of the monstrous infernos around me.  Then, to the size of the ever-growing black hole that had appeared only minutes before.

The hole was larger than anything I'd ever seen. Larger than a space shuttle. Larger than a launch pad. The moment it appeared, I started trekking toward it. It was most definitely released by the demon himself. The thought of him causing all of this made me cry out in immense anger and sorrow.

"What does he hope to gain?" "Why must he cause all this destruction?" "What will happen to us?" These questions and more shot through my head like bullets. They circled around my brain until the point where it aggravated me to just ask. I just wanted an answer yet I got none.

I walked until I saw him. He was lounging in a floating, golden throne, watching the outcome of his handiwork, his inky black arms placed on the armrests contently. His expression seemed to be one of evil glee, as, though he lacked a mouth, his eye was curved in such an evil, sadistic manor.

I felt steam stream out of my ears as my face heated up.

"BILL, YOU STOP THIS RIGHT NOW, MISTER!" His eye widened as he heard me and turned around, landing his gaze on me. He smirked and he glowed as he spoke, his voice not in a yell, but still miraculously able to be heard. "Why, hello my dear! Have a nice rest? Here, have a seat!"

His hands were surrounded with a blue aura as the same glow enveloped me, levitating me off the ground as he snapped his fingers, making a slightly smaller, floating throne appear next to his. I was gently placed into the chair and pulled myself onto the seat to try to stand.

"Ah, ah, ah!" He waved his finger, the blue aura pushing me back into sitting position. "That's unsafe! You could fall and kill yourself from this hight! Just sit back and relax!" "Relax?! I'm not going to relax! The whole of Gravity Falls is being either swallowed by a black hole or burned to the ground by flames!" "Exactly! When this town is completely destroyed, leaving some survivors, of coarse, we will be hailed as their rightful rulers! It'll be fun! Come on! Who wouldn't want to be royalty!?" "If it means seeing the town I love and people I adore being destroyed," I stood, the black hole growing larger and its suction becoming stronger,"I'd rather die with those people than rule over the ones who survive." I got in a running stance and, in one swift motion, I leaped off the seat. The suction of the hole catching me in its grasp and pulling me towards its gaping maw.

I turned one last time, my back facing my certain doom, and faced the demon,  both of us letting out a yell as I felt myself get pulled backwards into a world of darkness and small, white dots that I assumed were stars.

"I must be brave," I thought as my vision became blurry. "I must be brave. I must be brave. I must.....Be.....


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