chapter 17

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Finally, I reached the room where Katrina had already been laying down in bed, her head propped up on a pillow as she stared silently at the ceiling. I knew that she was probably tired, but obviously she hadn't quite made peace with the drowsiness in her eyes. I silently shut the door behind myself trying my best not to make any sound. Katrina's eyes bolted to me and she examined my at the time, shadowed silhouette in the dark room. "Destiny?" Her voice was tired. She sat up watching as I kicked off my black hunting boots and placed them in the corner of the room.

I merely let my eyes skim over her as I opened the wooden drawer holding some clothes that Clarissa never really wore. "Yeah?" I questioned not looking at her, my eyes skimming the clothing in the drawer until I pulled out a pair of black tights. I turned back toward her shutting the drawer as I stared at my little sister. A couple days ago I'd noticed that she was pale and wouldn't eat, but back then didn't know that our mom had been gone, and she did. I didn't know that she was grieving and now she looked worse, even in the dark room I could see how much weight she'd lost in the course of two days, how pale she'd gotten, and the dark circles around her eyes suggesting she hadn't slept well.

"I do want to find dad and Maliki, but I don't want to leave our whole life behind." Her voice was tired and I gave her a weak smile, pulling the black tights over my legs. I didn't take off the locket that Matt had given me, nor the sweater that I wore that smelled of pine just like him. I frowned and stepped forward taking a seat in front of Katrina, not knowing exactly what to do or say to make her feel better. She scrunched her eyebrows together and sucked in a deep breath. "I mean what if you're right what if this is all just a set up and we go by ourselves, and something bad happens to you or to me-" That's when I cut her off gently grabbing her chin and forcing her to meet my eyes.

"Look at me, were going to be fine. Can you trust me? I know things aren't always great, and they haven't really been these past couple of days, but I can protect us. We don't always need him Cat, I can promise you that much." I huffed a shaky breath and continued stare at her waiting for a reply, but still did not receive one.

"We're going to be fine." I told her quietly.

"I mean, we are going to come back here though right? You know after everything and all, I don't want to just up and leave here. Then again I don't want to leave Maliki waiting for someone who isn't going to show up." She shook her head tiredly, the long day seeming to exhaust her further.

"Look, don't worry about that stuff it's my job, your the kid you should be getting some rest." I rubbed the top of her head, ruffling around that blonde curly hair of hers. Katrina forced a small smile on her face, an obvious fake one. "Look, I promise you after we find them we will come back here. I'm pretty sure there may be some type of other reason drawing you back anyway." I winked, my mind drifting to small blonde boy I'd only met yesterday that went by the name of Sammy. Katrina blushed and hit my arm rather forcefully considering her delicate structure and her age.

"Ouch." I said rubbing the spot on my arm and looking at her accusingly.

"Oh don't give me that look, I don't like him Destiny he's just some stupid boy that keeps picking on me, and he's such a jerk. Why would I like him anyway? It's not like he's all that good-looking or anything." She was beet red, and I found myself laughing at the wide eyes on her face. I now understood why Clarissa just loved to mess with me about Matt, because Katrina's reaction was just priceless.

"Look you don't have to accept that you like the boy, I'm not going to force you into that kind of thing. Just, please don't get yourself hurt, tell him if you like him sweetie, because if you wait too long life can get in the way." I said quietly patting her back as my mother would've done to me. "Now let's get to sleep, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow, you'll want some rest."

Katrina nodded reluctantly then slid back under the covers as I climbed into bed with her. She turned on her side closing her eyes probably waiting for the darkness to swallow her whole and bring her into a deep sleep. I don't know how long I'd been there waiting to sleep, all I knew was after a good ten to fifteen minutes Katrina was out and my mind was still fully awake, thinking clearly of my dad, of Maliki, of my mom, of Clarissa, and of course about Matt.
Of course Matt shouldn't have been the first thing on my mind but I couldn't stop thinking of him. I couldn't stop thinking of those amazing sapphire eyes, of his tall muscular build, his dark brown hair that was short but fell to the side, but did not fall over his forehead, and of his perfect smile. He just wouldn't go away, and it made me feel horrible, I just wanted to sleep, to forget about everything that had happened yet.

Heartbreak, it was never really anything I understood. I didn't know why people Would be so hurt when they got rejected, but now I did, I knew exactly what it was like. I never knew the feeling could ever be so horrible, and Matt of all people to make me feel that way? It had to have been a mistake, Matt had always been there for me, throughout everything. Though now Matt would never think of me the same way again, he probably would be jumping with not if I left.

It seemed like hours upon hours before my eyes became heavy with tiredness, and the darkness filled my mind, though it was more forced than willing. I knew I didn't want to go into my dreams, not feeling the urge to have a nightmare just then. Sleep is what I was in need of though, it was desperate, and a way to escape the reality that was around me. So I lost the battle that night, because I fell asleep more willingly than I had any other night, and without a weapon right beside my side.

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