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Azalea tilted her head to the side. “Oh my God!” It seemed as if everything clicked into her head right then. “You're Destiny McCarderson!” She seemed to not believe what she was saying. “What? How didn't I know?”

I shrugged my shoulder. “Puberty, you know?” I shook my head. “Hold on, how many of these areas have they already attacked?” I mumbled quietly wandering to myself which town my mom had been hiding at before they found her.

“I don't know exactly, all I do know is that it needs to be stopped.” Her voice was quiet. “I haven't shown Hunter this yet. I didn’t really think he'd get it.” She sighed. “I don't think he'll really understand why it has to be stopped, he doesn't like violence.”

“Give him a few days with Matt.” I mumbled. “Violence is a necessity sometimes really. Matt had to teach that to me too you know?”

“If it's helping the better good, than yeah, I totally get it, I just never want to hurt anyone.” Azalea leaned back.

“I know how you feel.” I shook my head passing the map back into her hands. “We can't just not do anything about this map, we have to help these people.”

“And you have to calm down before you mess up that shoulder of yours up anymore than it already is.” She shook her head at me disapproving. “We can't just up and leave right now, especially with your arm the way it is.”

“Then what can we do?” I honestly felt trapped at this point.

“You can get yourself better.” Azalea seemed to be a motherly figure yet she was only a few years old than me by the look of it. “There's not point in worrying about something you can't help.” She put the map back inside the drawer.

That's when we both heard the door open. Hunter came in scratching his head as he looked between the two of us. “Are you guys alright?” His eyes were more fixated on Azalea. I could already tell they were in the same kind of predicament Matt and I had been in. They were obviously denying how the felt about each other.

“Yeah we’re fine, it's nice to actually have another girl around here.” She laughed and playfully punched my side.

“Yeah, we’re just doing this that girls do you know?” I smiled. “Like gossiping, were talking about how crooked your nose was.”

“Hey that's not how gossiping works!” Azalea exclaimed looking at me accusingly. “You're not supposed to tell the person your gossiping about your supposed to tell everyone else.” She threw her hands up being over dramatic. I could already tell we were going to be good friends.

Hunter was staring at us curiously, probably assuming that there was more behind everything we were saying. Which yeah, there was but it's not like I was going to tell him what Azalea showed me when I knew she wasn't ready to tell him about that. That went against everything I stood for.

“Oh well I'm about to go out to find some meat, you wanna come?” Hunter was looking at Azalea not bothering to ask me.

“Not really.” She yawned looking quite bored with the idea.

I looked curiously toward Hunter. “I'll go.” I was hesitant at first.“I mean, If that's okay with you of course.”

For some reason Hunter seemed to be taken aback at first. As if he didn't think I would consider doing something like that. I could feel my face heating. Could it be embarrassing for a girl to actually enjoy those type of things? I honestly hadn't thought about that before now.

“Shouldn't you be taking it easy?” Was his response, he seemed to be confused as his eyes met mine.

I couldn't help myself as I began to laugh. “You obviously don't know me that well.” I shook my head. “Yesterday was probably the most rest I've ever had in my entire life, and I'm bored with it so, what do you say?”

Hunter smiled. “Okay I guess you can come along. As long as you promise to not use that arm.” He said pointing at my arm which was covered in old medical wrap.

It wasn't until I actually looked at the arm until I realized how bad it needed to be changed. Suddenly I got really self conscious. “I, uh, let me go find Matt first.” I dont think my voice what too noticeably frantic, but it was enough that both Azalea and Hunter were looking at me.

“Why, what's wrong?” Azalea seemed genuinely curious.

“I need to change out my bandages, and well, Matt has the medical kit.” I explained. “ I really don't want to get an infection right now.”I cursed under my breath as I walked through the door.

Hunter followed me. “Hey I have some bandages. If you want, I can fix it up for you.” He gave a friendly smile.

“That's really sweet of you Hunter, thankyou.” I was being very genuine at the moment too because, well I wasn't used to the idea of other people actually being kind to me. It was so foreign to me that I didn't really know how to take it.

He stared at me in a way that was kinda making me feel uncomfortable. “Come on.” Was all he said as waved at me to follow him. So I did, I followed him until we met the room that they called a “infirmary”. I don't know if that's what you could even really call it though. The walls were concrete and the only thing giving out light was a small wax candle burner.

Hunter walked around the room his shoes echoing on the concrete floor. Then he opened a cabinet which squeaked filling up the silence in the room. He held a old medical kit in his hand now. It seemed to be rusted over, barley even readable. Although Hunter wasn't taken aback by the look of it. He seemed to be familiar with the kit. “Go ahead and sit down.” He nodded to the silver table that was in the middle of the room.  

Slowly I walked over to the table, my face probably beet red. I didnt know Hunter that well so I didn't really trust him as much as I did Matt but, I guess he was a little more approachable than some people I knew.

“So you and Azalea?” I was just trying to make small talk when he began pulling at the bandages. It stung at first probably because my shoulder was so tender from yesterday, but I did my best not to jump back. Hunter seemed to notice I was in pain because he stopped yanking at it immediately.

“What are you talking about?” Hunter was still focused on taking the bandage off carefully so he wasn't really looking at me.

“You and Azalea.” I stated. “I mean it's kind of obvious.” I started laughing a little, but it was short lived because I could feel hunter pulling off the bandage from my shoulder slowly.

“Me and Azalea?” Hunter seemed taken aback for a second. “What do you even mean by that were nothing more than friends, siblings even.”

Even though I was in pain I started laughing. “I've heard that line before.” I stated quietly. “I'll tell you the same thing one of my good friends told me.” I could feel my heart breaking as I thought of Jay the night we had found out Clarissa was gone. “Tell her, because you never know how much more time you're gonna get with her.” Hunter was silent not saying anything for awhile. He just cleaned my shoulder up and stared anywhere but at me. It wasnt untill he began to place gosspads over my shoulder that he actually talked.

“I haven't thought of her like that before.” He was really quiet. “You think she, likes me?” He was genuinely oblivious. Maybe he didn't even realize that the relationship they had was way more complicated than he thought. It was as if everything was finally clicking together in his head. “Oh God I sound like a thirteen year old school girl.” He started laughing.

I just smiled. “Y'all may not know what it is because your feeling grew into something more with time. But, I can definitely tell.”

“I don't know though.” Hunter seemed to be deafeated. “There's this other girl, I can’t just bring Azalea into something like that.” He shook his head laughing at himself. “How was it instantly obvious I had feeling for this girl but not Azalea? How is that even possible?”

“Don't beat yourself up Hunter, you've known her for so long that you may not have even realized what was happening.” I was quiet trying not to look at him. “Plus, attraction is nothing compared to love.”

“It's okay.” Hunter looked at me with a smile as if he were trying to stop this conversation. It was odd, and, well sure I was curious to who the other girl he was talking about was, but I mean it wasn't really any of my business I didn't even know him that well. Hunter was finished replacing the gosspad and we kind of just stood in silence for a minute before Hunter clapped his hands together. “So then are we ready?”

“To do what Hunter? Go hunting?” I was laughing at my own joke. Good one Destiny you're the queen of humor. I mentally patted myself on the back. Although Hunter was just staring at me with a unamused expression on his face. “Okay, Okay!” I said in surrender. “Let's go.”

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