Chapter 34

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I honestly didn't even think they ever left that huge bunker. No, for real, I don’t know why the thought had never occurred to me. I mean they had to get supplies somehow right? I shook my head at my own stupidity. I should've known that. So as I followed Hunter back up the stairs that weren't quite sturdy enough, he pointed out to me which stairs were safe enough to fully stand on and which ones would make you fall if you stood on it wrong. I followed closely behind him copying his movements as we opened that latch.

Once we got out of there I was instantly blinded by the sunlight. It wasn't even that bright outside though, it looked as if a storm were about to pass through. “I checked the weather this morning.” Hunter explained as we began to walk through the woods. “Animal’s scatter when it's about to storm, this will be the best time of day to get some meat.” He was quiet for a bit. “God know max needs it.” His voice was quieter and seemed to be more stressed out now.

“Are you okay?” I questioned lifting my eyes at him. I knew what if felt like to worry about your sibling, and I was grateful Hunter wasn't on his own dealing with his brother.

“Yeah,” He mumbled running a hand through his hair. “Max, he's just getting sicker and there's nothing we can do about it. He needs medication but it's just too expensive.”

I was silent as I watched the forest floor trying not to step on the dried up leaves. “As long as you keep hope, I promise you everything is going to turn out okay.” I didn't really know what else to say to Hunter, I mean I barely knew him. But for some weird reason it was really easy to talk to Hunter.

“I guess you're right.” Hunter shrugged his shoulders coming to a halt. I watched curiously as he swung his backpack off and began pulling out something from the bag. Wait a second, I was thinking to myself as he pulled the weapon from his bag. It was freaking X-Bow! How in the world did he get something like that?! I wandered to myself as he set the arrow up inside of it. “Do you have anything?” He than fixed his gaze at me probably just than realizing the awe in my face.

“Uh, Uh yeah, I do.” I stuttered embarrassed as I pulled out the wrathe blade from my boots.

Even though my weapon was quite advanced it was still nothing compared to Hunter’s X-Bow. Which did make me feel quite stupid as I flipped open the two sided blade. Although Hunter seemed just as astonished by the weapon I had.

“Do you know how long I've been looking for one of those!?” Hunter didn't hold back his excitement which made me laugh. “Does it really work?”

“Yeah.” I shrugged my good shoulder as I slipped my glove onto my hand. “We should be quieter we're gonna scare them away.” I hushed Hunter as I krept silently in front of him making sure my feet made no sound against the forest floor. I could tell that Hunter was quite intrigued by my actions but he didn't say anything we just walked silently untill we got what we had come for.


Hunter may not have been a pro, but then again neither was I. That didn't stop us from enjoying ourselves though. By the end of that afternoon, the sky looked as if it were going to fall any moment, Hunter had caught a couple of birds, and I got a squirrel. So all we had left to do was skin the animals.

“So.” I broke the silence as I watched Hunter skining the animals. “Have you ever come across anyone other than Azalea when you were out here?”

“Not really, I just ussually get what I need and leave.” He whispered quietly.

Honestly, Hunter and I had quite a bit in common which did make me feel more comfortable when we hung out. “Oh.” Was all I said.

“What's it like down there?” His eyes shot up genuinely curious. “You know in Rasnic? It's where everyone went right?”

“Yeah…” I mumbled quietly thinking about the face of my best friend and the sight of everything the soldiers had destroyed inside of my home. “It was quiet untill they attacked.” I didn't really wanna talk about home because the more I though about it the more I knew I missed Clarissa. The more I understood I shouldn't have left Ann alone to deal with the grief. “It wasn't all that great. I mean for me at least, no one wants talk to the girl who's dad started everything.”

Hunter gazed at me questionably. “What do you mean?”

Oh right. I thought to myself as I began realizing that I no longer looked like the eleven year old version of myself. “I don't think I've formally introduced myself.” I shook my head at the irony. “I'm Destiny McCarderson.” Hunter’s hands shook as he started section the meat that he had finished skining.

He went silent immediately, “Uh, we should go it's going to start storming soon.”

That was the last sentence Hunter had said to me that whole day. Our walk back was silent and when I got back I felt very uneasy. It was just like every other time I began to make friends. I shook my head. Once I was back in the bunker I wandered around untill I found my room. I wanted to be alone right then. I didn't wanna talk to anyone I just wanted to lay in the bunker alone and stare at the wall above me. But I knew that wasnt gonna last when I heard a knock at my door. “Destiny?” A voice murmured as they pulled the door open. I groaned at the sound of Matt's voice. “Well, hello to you too.” He chuckled shutting the door behind him as he walked closer to the bed with the light flicking from lantern in his hand.

He didn't even have to say anything to realize something was up. “What's wrong?” Matt laid down beside me in the bunker and stared at the wall with me. We weren't touching each other at all which was kind of awkward because we would usually be in some way or another. “You went Hunting with him didn't you?” I nodded my head. “I swear to go if he hurt you-” He jumped up at that thought.

Softly I grabbed ahold of Matt's wrist. “Calm down.” I whispered. “He didn't touch me.” I rolled my eyes. “It's just that I somehow let it slip and told him who my dad was.” I shook my head silently. “He hasn't said anything to me since.” I shook my head feeling my hands shake.

Matt knew how difficult it was for me to make friends. So with that knowledge he seemed upset. “Des, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of you.” He just stared at the wall above the bunker. “You can't just choose the people who give birth to you, Des.” He grabbed my hand lacing his fingers between mine. “But, you know what? If no one else will give you the chance, I'm glad I did when I found you.”

I laughed a little. It didn't feel like I was with the guy I'd kissed last night, instead Matt was just my best friend right then. I leaned my head against his chest silently. “Me too.” I whispered. “I don't know what I would've done without you all those years, Ann, Clarissa, and you were the only family I had.”

“Des, you are the only family I had.” He shook his head as if trying rid a bad memory. “The day of the Town Hall I watched my family die. Including my little sister.” He shook his head. “She was about the same age as Katrina was when it happened.” I felt my heart breaking for him. “When we met you were going through so much, and I knew exactly what it was like,I knew how you felt. I just kept it bottled up inside until it drove me to the point of insanity.”

I thought of all the times Katrina and I were starving from a bad month of Hunt, or when my little sister would need anything at all. Matt never hesitated to help us when we needed it he had always treated Katrina as if she was his own sister. “Matt.” I whispered letting my gaze meet his. “I'm so sorry.” I shook my head thinking about how cold I had been to him when we first met. I mean I had literally told him he didnt know what it was like to lose his whole family. But he did, he knew it worse than me. “I was such a bitch to you when we first met.”

Matt laughed. “Now don't you go pretending you didn't enjoy half of that.”

I smiled at him. “I really do love you Matt, you have always been there for us.”

“Des, I wouldn't have done half of that if I didn't love you too.” He laughed. “Heck I even love your little sister.” He was quiet for a second. “She reminds me of Jenna so much, I wouldn't let anything happen to your sister for anything.” Jenna must've been his little sister's name. “I don’t think I ever told you this, but it wasn't easy for me to make friends, but I don't know something about you just clicked together, Des. It may have been the first night in the campfire. Or it may have been from the second we met. The moment I saw your eyes I knew I would never leave you.”

I could feel myself blushing as Matt stared at me. I had been so young when we first met that I didnt even realize what it was I felt when we met. But I knew this one thing, I knew I wasn't going to leave him either.

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