Behir-love or revenge?

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Hi friends.  Sorry I was not well so not updated episodes as promised.

Previous episode- Bela seeks Mahir help... Abhijith finds something suspicious about Bela....  Surprise waiting for rehaan and Jaamini..!

The drama continues...

At sehgal house. ::

All the family members gather in the hall... And are little excited and shocked..!!!

Kuhu: offo!!!! What happened now!  Why are gathered here?
RJ:  baby!  I too don't know.
Just then Behir and rehaan-jaamini comes down.

Paulomi: I think someone  got disappeared or may be re-appeared??  I mean these days this was the daily masala going on in our home... (giggling aloud)

Andy makes a fed up face : Paulomi just shut up.

Paulomi doesn't listen to him and starts counting people..  (Like  she is taking attendance 😂😁😀)

Just then Mr and Mrs mittal also come. And are welcomed by all.

Everybody discusses wt happened and all.

Finally Sumitra comes there and says attention plz..!

All becomes alert and turns towards Sumitra..

Sumitra : actually I have a called u all.  And I have a reason.  See these, days so many bad things are happening I thought  we will make good things happen too..

Andy : oh my lady!!  Just tell it straight away..

Mahir: Ha maa! Just tell it.
Paulomi: oh Didi!! I know. Wt u want to do..  U want to do "NO GAAYAB"  vrath na...  I know..  I'll help u in that..  U know I know a famous.....

Everybody makes "what is this nonsense" faces

Sumitra cuts her : Paulomi..  Plz. With angry look..  I want rehaan and Jaamini's Shaadi to be done in our home...

Everyone are so happy...  Except  Rehaan,  Jaamini and Bela.. 

Just then Anu enters the house..  This time she behaves normal but gives die hard look to Bela while entering..

All gets shocked..

Paulomi : Oyy girl!  Y did u come here?  I think all that happened is not enough for you..

Suddenly Anu goes and catches Bela's  hand and says : sorry Bela.  I didn't mean to harm you..

Paulomi : haayo rabba!  Wt happened to you suddenly that u r apologizing her?  U called her naagin,  daayin and so on. And today..  Y this much.  Sugar much..  U magarmach !!!😁😀😉

Kuhu : oho just stop it.  Listen to her!!

Anu: ha! I thought bad about her but not now.  When I came to know that she brought my brother..  Then I realized I may be wrong.!! Iam sorry Mahir..  I shouldn't have told all that..
Sumi aunty  u know me right..  !!

Mr mittal: Ha bhaabi u know her anger..  But don't take those things serious.. 

Sumitra cuts them : No bhaiyya. I know her.  She is like my bacha. But this should be decided by Bela.  (and turns to Bela)   Bela, wt do u say?

Bela : maa ! That's OK ma. Any way if rehaan marriage is going on.. Anu should be there.. Right..  I forgive you this time but next time just think before u do anything..

Just then Anu forwards her hand to Bela, Bela gives her hand too ..
Anu gives a tight shake hand and tells her with smirk : of course next time my mistakes will not be repeated.

Bela looks confused.. And also suspects something fishy..

Anu : so if it's Shaadi. Then  I'll team up with Bela and will help in preparation .

Sumitra: that's very....

Bela : actually,  Mahir ji and I are going out..  I mean Mahir ji  told..  ( looks at him and signs him)

Mahir stands speechless but again comes to senses and says : ya! Just for some change.. Like that.. 

Sumitra: Achha!!  Till when you will be back!!?? (With smirk)

Mahir( fumbles) : Ha.. I mean..  May..  Be..

Just then Bela signs him as 1 or 2 days.

Mahir : 1 or 2 days...!!!! (Aloud and suddenly... )

Paulomi: oho honey moon!!  Very nice..  But that is very less u can take more days..!!

Bela (tensed) : no. No.. No no. Honeymoon..!!

Mahir again fumbling) :: yaa no honey moon.. Maa.. It's not like that..!!

Sumitra :: oho.. It's OK Mahir don't be shy..  U can go..   even for 2 days but not more than that bcoz I spoke to pandit ji..  He told that after three days the Muhurat is good. So go and enjoy.. 

Everybody leaves from there to discuss who shall do what in marriage!

Paloumi(shouting aloud) : DIDI!!  I know I'll tell u all good vrath  that u should do... Following  Sumitra.

Rehaan tries to talk to Bela but Bela holds Mahirand leaves from there.
Rehaan gets confused seeing this..!! And Anu's eyes burn out of jealousy!!! 😈😈

Jaamini feels tensed bcoz they are preparing for marriage and even Bela will not be here..  Now she can't move out and can't kill Bela.. She has to wait till she returns but worries if Bela plotting against her..!!

Behir's room :

Mahir: Bela y did u tell me to tell everyone that.. And where are we going.. ?

Bela: ( just then sees jaamini approaching their room, covers Mahir's mouth and says)  shhh!! Jaamini is coming..!!

Mahir stares at her...  (With a good bgm... )

Before Jaamini could reach behir's room,  Mrs.  Mittal takes her away...!!

Bela  steps back suddenly on realizing how close she is standing to mahir once Jaamini leaves from there.

Bela: that was very close..  We could have been caught!!! 

Mahir(coming out of his gaze) : aa!! What!!!! y u r hiding from jaamini.?

Bela : bcoz she shouldn't know this..!! I mean we are going to give surprise to her..  Before her wedding.

Mahir(confused): I didn't get ur point?

Bela: Mahir ji!  rehaan was telling that she is missing her parents badly..  So we will go, meet them and invite them to this wedding!!
Mahir: but Bela, Jaamini told that her parents were not in good terms with rehaan and this marriage..!

Bela: I know Mahir ji . But what's wrong if we try to sort out things. Marriage is one of big thing to a girl.  Think how happy she'll  be when she sees her parents at her wedding. And her parents will also be happy if they see how happy she is here..

Mahir: ( in his mind) u are really good.  Maa was right about you...! ( smiling)  so when shall we start?

Bela : now..  !! I mean I never thought wedding would be this early..!! ( deeply thinking)
So what should be done to be done now..  Before everything goes wrong!!!
I should help my friend (in mind-vish)... I mean jaamini(seeing Mahir).

Mahir: OK. I got her village name.. Khethighad(fictional)
let's pack our luggage and we will leave.

Sehgal house,  rehaan room:

Vish in her form thinking and walks to and fro very tensed...  !!

She hears foot steps and transforms into Rehaan..  Just then the door clings open..  And Anu comes inside quickly and closes the door...!!

Rehaan ( first tensed and then makes up his mind to face her)  : Hey sis !!!
What's up, Ha?!! BTW u made u made too much drama down Ha..  I mean befriending ur lover's wife.. So on!!

Anu: I thought you changed.. Bhai..  But u seem normal..  ! But y did u not pick my call.. 

(Vish in mind thanked Bela for sufficiently getting info about rehaan and his the earliest.)

Anu: wt r u thinking deeply..  Bhai

Rehaan(coming out of his thoughts) :
Anu: thank god Bhai, u came back!!! I'll not spare that Bela..  I know she is naagin na...!!

Rehaan: No.. No..  I mean it's not Bela.  Because of her Iam safe today..

Anu(confused & surprised) : but wt is this Bhai. Adi was telling that U sent him recording saying that Bela is naagin..  And now u r supporting her..

Rehaan: I can't tell u now..  But just remember  Bela is not bad!!  At present I have some other problem..

Anu: but Bhai.. 

Rehaan: shh!  Sis..  Just stay calm.. U will all things at right time..  But for time being keep it secret..  For our family sake and my sake..  Plz.

Anu: OK..  But u should tell me.. That.. 

Rehaan: OK sis.  But do not spit it to any one not even kuhu,  mom,  Mahir... Especially Jaamini... OK.. Just be careful!! (says cupping her face with his hands)

And leaves from there.. 

Anu keeps thinking of his words..  In her mind : if it's not Bela then who is it?  Y Bhai mentioned Jaamini as specially not to be told...!!  I have to speak to officer..  But I can't reveal it to him as I promised Bhai..

Let me see..

Just then she receives call from Abhi... 

Anu  to herself: oho!! This officer doesn't speak at proper time but irritates at wrong time. Anyway I'll just ignore him.  Because he'll again start either Hanuman Chalisa or stop aashiqi kind of lecture... Better I remain calm and unnoticed till the function..  Wait...  I'll check Mahir and Bela's  room to know about their relation.  Even if Bela is innocent but I can't excuse her for marrying my love...

She leaves from there...

Abhi's place:
Abhi to himself: what a girl is she??  Hey Hanuman..!!  These girls are same...  Or I should say insane...!! 
One day she tries to do all crazy things to prove Bela as naagin..  And now when I want to give a news she doesn't respond...!!!  I think I have to handle it myself... 

Behir's journey :

It's been half an hour, they started from... But the silence still not broken...  But of course slightly disturbed by tickles of love crawling out of Mahir's eyes towards Bela.. Once in a while...!! 

And now and then those tickles do show their magic and keep drawing Bela's eyes too to make an inseparable bond... When one such moment to happen when they both started to stare each other... Bela's eyes accidentally peeped into the mirror... Where she noticed something.. Unexpected...!!  She couldn't believe her eyes..!!

At that sight and moment she screams to stop...!! 

Precap: (next episode)

What did Bela see?
Wt will they find about Jaamini?
How do they win over her??
And is this mission gonna mean something to Behir?

I know friends Iam little slow..  But I have a reason.. It's due to my intern and now freshly I'll health.. 

As I told earlier my FF would always hold little connection with original show but my way of screen play..

So keep up the pace with the show some of my coming episodes would be more of like summary... Not detailed conversation..  Just check it out and drop ur comments....!!


And  Iam planning certain twists before I want ur help.  I would like know about a character in previous season of naagin show..i. e;  shalaaka.. Plz help me know her. It's not that I couldnt google about the character.. But it would be great if I know what way my readers see her to be..  So it would be more appreciable if u describe her in ur own words and always feel free to add it own way.. I mean the way u want  her to be seen..  Thank you...  Have a great day..

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