Behir-love or revenge?

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Previous episode recap:

Anu-bela's partial patch up,
Wedding preparations..!,
Behir's trip to khethighad..!!

The drama continues ::

On sight of something.. In mirror Bela shouts.. STOP......!
Mahir stops car suddenly  and turns to Bela and caresses her...!
( fortunately Mahir stopped the car safely and none were injured)

Mahir : Bela!! Wt happened???  Are you OK!!  Y did you scream!! 

Bela : still a bit in shock..! 

Mahir: Bela..!! ( shouts) (shaking her to bring her out of trance)
Bela : Mahir ji plz get me something to drink..
Mahir then parks the car aside and leaves from there to bring water..!!

Bela's POV:

No!! No!!  It can't happen. How can I see him when he is dead!!  No!!  I think Iam dreaming!!
Once again she looked back into the back seat to confirm that she didn't see what she meant to..!! 

(flashback plays... Someone fired bullet which killed vikranth and Mahir holding gun..  All the boys' faces in vikranth's eyes)

(slowly her eyes strated filling tears in it)!! No!!  He left me.  He's  dead..!!  They killed him..!!  .
But it's strange that I sensed his presence.. His presence after these many days and very strongly..  That texture was his..!  He only has that texture..  No other Naag can have..!!

Probably I missed him!!  That's it..  Don't worry vikranth  ...Iam gonna take revenge for your death... !!

Just then she gets a sensation on her hand..   And realizes that vish is communicating her..  She forwards her hand and a tattoo appears on her hand and she touches it and starts speaking talapathetically to vish::

( conversation in italics denotes the words spoken telepathetically)
Bela: Vish!! Wt happened?  Is everything OK?
Vish: Bela I've been trying to speak to you..but you don't respond!!  Anyway listen.. Anu suspicious of me supporting you....and..
(she tells all wt happened between her and Anu)

Bela: it's good you told her like that.. 
Vish: but she is not totally convinced that you are good..
Bela : do not worry!!  Soon herself will say that Iam not naagin!!!
Vish : but wt you are going to do?
Bela: you'll know very soon!!  Before I come back..  Keep an eye on Jaamini and make sure that she don't be out of that house for these two days..!!
Vish: OK I'll do that.. But wt are you up to!!
Bela: actually....!

(Just then Mahir comes back to car and sees Bela closing her eyes and sitting still and gets panicked )

Bela feels some voice and realizing it to be Mahir's..  She opens her eyes.. And finds her face cupped by Mahir's  hands and panicking... With words..  Wt happened bela..? U will be OK..  Plz open ur eyes..

Bela : Iam OK Mahir ji.
Mahir: u scared me.. Have this water plz.. 
Bela took bottle and drank water.. 

Mahir ( concernedly  looking at Bela) : wt happened Bela ? Y did u scream that way?

Bela: nothing  Mahir ji.  I felt I have seen some sna....( realizing wt she told..covers up)  something unusual.. And that too suddenly. I got scared.

Mahir: looking at backseat... Wt did you see?

Bela : it's OK Mahir ji.  I must have mistaken.. We shall continue our journey.
Mahir: it's OK if u r not feeling well.  We can send someone else.
Bela: Mahir ji!!  Don't talk like a child.  Iam OK.  It's our family related function.. I mean mittal uncle is like family right..  It will be good if we ourselves go and invite them rather than Someone else!!!
Mahir ( very pleased to hear our family from her) : as you think.. 

They resume there journey towards khethighad...

At Abhijith's place. :
Abhi comes to his office and his senior officers gives him the details of some random case..

Abhi comes out with those and suddenly one random person comes and dashes with him....

Abhi: Arey Bhai! watch and walk.

The person mysteriously gets up and leaves from there without uttering a word...

Abhi picks up his files and finds a letter..  He looks around and asks whose was that.. Later he finds his name on that letter (not written but pasted the alphabets.. Even in the letter).

He opens the letter to find words something like...

Attend Mittal family's wedding event.... You will see truth by yourself ... On the coming full moon day.. It is said that Naagins loose their strength on   days with eclipses...

Carry this invitation with you because the marriage is at Sehgal's house.. Those fools think they are prone to danger from humans.. Pity.. No measures towards Naagins.. Very pity..

Come for Sure.. Your faithfull friend!!!!!

After reading the letter..  He opens the invitation card and gets shocked to see Rehaan's and Jaamini's names

Abhi to himself: how can this happen. When did this rehaan came back!!**

just then his junior officer enters his cabin tensely and says

Ramesh: Sir have you known this.  Mr.  Rehaan Mittal is back.  And he is getting married after two days...

Abhi: even I have known just now.. Hey Hanuman!!  I mean why this sehgals and Mittals are so special..!! One gets disappeared suddenly and one gets appeared suddenly..

Ramesh: Sir, I also came to know that rehaan was found on the same day and at the same place where Mrs Mahir is found..!!  In the cave?!!

Abhi: CAVE!!!!?? which cave!!

Ramesh : one near to that palace ( Haveli)

Abhi: hmm interesting..!!  Well then we have to visit this cave and also attend that wedding...!!

Ramesh: but u are exclusively not welcomed there sir..  !! Mr Andy sehgal doesn't want you there. so he asked some other officers as security.. U can't go there sir!!

Abhi: hey Hanuman!!. There are no good days for good people. That man is insane. Iam helping to find about his son.. He wants me to stay away from their family..!!  Strange...!!!
But don't worry Ramesh..  what's a big deal if I can't go there as a security..  I can visit the event as guest.. !!!

Ramesh with???????  Expression !!

Abhi: look at this..  ( he shows the invitation card)

Ramesh: but how did you get this,  Sir!!
Abhi shows the letter and says : there's someone who wanted us to know something that they know.. 

Ramesh: what's the truth???

Abhi: that I'll get to know on that day..  But for now we have to see this cave.. Come let's go
Ramesh : yes sir...

They leave...

At Sehgal's house :

All gather in the hall..  A pandit enters the house..  And is greeted by sehgal couple and mittal couple..!! He blesses them!!

Pandit : live long life.. Dears

Sumitra : Pandit ji!!  Plz see these horoscopes of our children and set a good auspicious time for marriage.

Andy : OK then.  Sumi.. U all take care of this. I and mittal has some business work..  We  have to leave..

Jaamini gets nervous and tensed.. Because both she and rehaan are actually dead..  But none knows till now..  Now everyone might know..!!

Sumitra has gone to get the horoscopes!!
Just then Jaamini comes to Paulomi's side..  She touches her and whispers some black magic spell and hypnotizes her saying...  U have kept fast to do disco dance vrath.. This is dance floor.. Go and dance...!!!!

Suddenly she runs to middle of the hall and starts dancing... By singing..  Disco deewaane... A-ha.. A-ha......

Just then Sumitra enters and gets annoyed on seeing Paulomi's dance..
Even kuhu gets irritated and shouts to stop..
But suhaani bursts out laughing looking at her mother in law's madness..
Pandit gets startled and asks if she is gone mad..!!

Sumitra tries to stop.. But she doesn't.!!  Pandit asks to pour water in her.... Saying this he gets up from there and comes aside.. Towards Jaamini..!!

Suhaani gets water and splashes them on Paulomi..  She goes unconscious.. 
Both suhaani and Sumitra take her from there.. Kuhu leaves from there.. Getting irritated with Paulomi.

Pandit by now is beside Jaamini..  And about to face Jaamini..  Just then Jaamini touches him and hypnotizes him...

After some minutes,  Sumitra comes back and apologizes for Paulomi's  behavior..

He doesn't respond.. But he says aloud that..  After 2 days..  At 7 pm there is a  moon eclipse..  Marriage can happen before that or after that eclipse..  ..(with blank expression as he is trance)

Sumitra: but pandit ji!!  U haven't seen the horoscopes..

Pandit : no need. I have seen her face.  That's enough..!! So it's better if u complete marriage before the eclipse!!!! I must leave now( with same expression).

Sumitra: OK pandit ji as you say.. The marriage will happen before the eclipse?!!!!

Pandit leaves from there..

All theses words of pandit were listened by rehaan..!!  Jaamini sees this.. Comes running and hugs him.. And whispers

Jaamini in Rehaan(vish)'s ear like this::::  First our marriage will make you loose ur powers..  And during eclipse.. Ur Naagarani's....!!!!!!
Good luck.!!  U servant!!!!
It's time to witness your fall.. Ur Naagarani's fall.. Re.. Haan baabu!!!!
Jaamini leaves from there smirking and smiling!!!

Vish gets worried and tensed.. Thinking wt might happen next!!!

Next episode.. Preview!!!
Wt happens in khethighad??
Let's see.

Friends Iam sorry for the late update. My health is not good for some days.  After that I got busy in my training!!
I'll try to update more frequently!!  This time!! Thank you.. So much guys..

U will see exciting twists ahead!!
**in the show ajithabh might know that rehaan is back at the time Bela is back..  But here he doesn't know!!

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