Destined Love

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A girl is sleeping peacefully in her room hugging her teddy bear, someone knocks the door but when the girl doesn't open the person slowing opens the door and comes inside.

Person - Bela wake-up (tapping her)

Bela - maa please lemmi sleep for a while more na (cuddling more into her teddy Bear)

Bela's mom - Bela, dint I tell you that you have to go to the cafe to meet him? Now please wake-up and get ready fast

Bela - maa why do you want me to get married so soon? I'm just 24 now

Bela's mom - I know you are just 24 now, and I never asked you to marry now.. if you like the guy you can marry later also

Bela - ok fine, I know I can't win over you.. I'll go

Bela's mom - that's better get ready now

Bela hummed and soon got ready and went to the cafe which her mom said.

Bela's pov - I reached the cafe on time and sitting near my place I was waiting for that guy whom I came to see now. I quickly got ready and came not be late and here this guy who asked me to come at this time is only late. God knows how much more time I have to wait for him now.

While I was thinking all this a waiter came near me.

Waiter - mam that girl wants to exchange the seat with you

He said pointing toward one girl

Me - but why? She's sitting near the river view, she should be happy for that

Waiter - actually she said that she's irritated as the air is spoiling her hair setting

I smiled at what he said and got up from there and sat in her seat while she sat in my seat.

I took my phone and texted that guy that I'm sitting in a different seat from what we booked and told him the number. After a minute he replied saying "okay, I'm near.. will reach soon". Thank God he's gonna come, I need not wait more for him

I was waiting for him and now it's already 10 minutes he texted me, is this what called I'll reach soon? Just then someone came near me from behind and smiled at me. I understood that he's the guy I came to meet here.

Bela's pov ends.

(Not dragging, it's mahir who came near Bela and smiled at her)

Mahir - hey

Bela - hi, but you were too late

Mahir - yeah actually I was stuck in traffic

Bela - that's ok (smiling)

Mahir - well! It's not okay, if I knew that a beautiful girl like you is waiting for me then I would never made that mistake

Bela - trying to flirt? (Smirking)

Mahir - no, trying to love

Bela smiles feeling shy.

Mahir's pov - I liked her at the first sight only, I don't know what, but it feels like there's some magic in her eyes which is attracting me towards her. I denied mom to see the girl which she saw for me but now I think it's a right decision that I took to meet her. The small dimple she get when she smile just took my heart away. 

I don't know how but I felt very comfortable talking to her and I just want her to become a part of my life. We both dint realise that it's already an hour that we were speaking to eachother.

Me - ok so shall we go to my house and talk freely?

Bela - sure, infact I would love to

Me - Acha? Desperate Haan?

Bela - no, just trying to love more

She said smiling sheepishly which made me too happy.

Mahir's pov ends.

They both went towards mahir's car and Bela realised it's a Benz.

Bela - I dint knew that you had Benz

Mahir - I'll tell you more about myself in the car, come sit

Bela - hmm (blushing)

Mahir opens the car door for Bela and once she sat mahir also sits beside her and starts driving. They again gossip happily with eachother but after a while Bela speakup.

Bela - everything is good, but your name sounds quite old fashioned

Mahir - my name? Why? Mahir is such a good name

Bela - yeah it is.. what? Wait.. it means you are not vikrant?

Mahir - no Ruhi, I'm mahir.. but why are you shocked? You knew my name before itself right?

Bela - what the hell? Who is Ruhi now?

Mahir - what? That means you aren't Ruhi?

Bela - no!

Mahir - you know what? Thanks God that you aren't Ruhi

Bela - why is that so?

Mahir - coz I spoke to her on phone once and I found her irritating, but when I spoke to you I thought you ar'nt that bad, infact I felt that you are the best for me

Bela - wait, this is confusing

Mahir - there's nothing confusing in it, you came to meet vikrant and I came to meet Ruhi but destiny made us meet eachother.. I'm happy that I met you, I love you

Bela - you seriously love me?

Mahir - do you have a doubt?

Bela - no, I didn't mean that.. but I don't know what I feel for you exactly

Mahir without a word stops the car and before Bela could ask him anything he pulls Bela into a kiss shocking Bela extreamlly. Though she doesn't respond to the kiss and was feeling the touch of his lips initially, giving up she too stared resounding and soon it turned out to be a passionate one. Mahir tried to back off but Bela pulls him more close by his hair and both again kiss like there is no tomorrow. They back off when they feel short of breath and Bela looks into mahir's eyes filled with love for her.

Bela - what was this?

Mahir - as far as I know you, you ar'nt a fast moving girl but still you allowed me to kiss you and infact responded with equal interest.. are you still confused about your feelings for me?

Bela - I love you too (blushing)

Mahir pulled Bela to a hug and she too wrapped her hands around his neck.

Bela - but how do we convince our parents, and I don't even know who is vikrant

Mahir - don't worry first lets go to your house and talk to your parents, I'm sure they would understand

Bela - hmm

Mahir - by the way, you still din't tell your name

Bela - Bela, Bela Sharma (smiling)

Mahir - Mahir, Mahir Sehgal.. do you still feel my name old fashioned?

Bela - No! Infact I loved your name

Mahir - and what else you love in me?

Bela - I love you, your name, you body.. (she says bymistake and stops realising it)

Mahir - Accha so you liked my body? You still din't see properly also

Bela - mahir! Enough now.. let's go home and talk later

Mahir - oh then I was right, you are actually desperate to..

Bela - (interpreting) shut up mahir, I told let's go to my home first to convince my parents about us

Mahir - ok ok chill

They both soon went to Bela's house and Bela sees a boy and a girl standing and talking to her parent. Bela's mom sees Bela.

Bela's mom - Bela!

Bela observes her mom looking at mahir confused.

Bela - maa he's mahir, today actually bymistake I met mahir instead of vikranth there, and.. and I love him.. we both love eachother, I.. I wanna marry mahir

Suddenly that guy who was standing there till now comes and hugs bela shocking Bela and mahir too. Bela slowly backs off from the hug.

Bela - you?

Guy - I'm vikrant, the one you are supposed to meet today. Just like you, I too met Ruhi today bymistake and we both also love eachother now, I came here just to tell your parents about this and apologise for it but you indeed made my things easier

Bela and mahir smile broadly.

Mahir - so you must be Ruhi right?

Ruhi - yeah

Bela's dad - ok fine, since you love mahir we won't tell no to it.. we are fine with your relationship Bela

Bela - thanks dad

Soon mahir also talks with there parents and they too accepts Bela and BeHir gets married the next month and lived happily ever after.



So this story idea was give to me by Cherri Di behirpearbhi_cherri thank you so much for that and I'm sorry if I changed anything and dint reach your expectations in writing this.

I hope all you guys liked it. This is my 5th OS, do share your reviews in the comment section and don't forget to vote.

With love
~ Srija

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