Childhood Love

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So guys here is my 3rd and valentine's special one shot (os) on behir.

Happy reading ❤️

It starts with a boy sitting on a bench in a small park a little far off from his home. (As you guys already know it's mahir so let's get back to the story). Mahir leans back and sees the sky and is lost in his deep thoughts until he receives a call from his friend UV.

UV - mahir where are you? You went out early morning

Mahir - don't worry UV I'll just come in some time

UV - ok come fast

All the tears which he was controlling till now flows down his cheeks which he immediately wiped it off.


It was when Bela and mahir were in 11th standard they were in the same class. Bela was sitting in the first bench while mahir was in the beside row third bench.

Mahir's pov - it's my daily routine to admire Bela every moment. We are indeed best friends since we spoke for the first time. Must say she's very understanding and she's the only one who could understand me just by looking at me. The way she smile at me is enough to live my rest of my life. Everything was going very good but it couldnt last long more than two years. After our 12th standard now we should choose different college, I thought this might be the last time I could talk to her and speak to her like before. But what Bela did was beyond my imagination.

Bela's pov - I thought our two years of untold love story came to an end.. wondering why I told untold love story? It's coz I love mahir and I'm pretty sure of my feelings, I also do feel that mahir too loves me the same way coz he may run away from his feelings but surely not his eyes. Well! Coming back to the topic, I really didn't want to complete my 12th standard coz the fear of going far from him is itself killing me. But how can I let my mahir go far from me? So when I knew that he's gonna join in xyz college I pleaded my dad to make me join in the same college even though I got a free seat in another college I argued with my dad only to pay donation and join.
So finally when mahir knew that we are in the same college I was surprised to see his happiness in his eyes.

Mahir's pov - Now my friends started teasing me for this! I'm acting as if I was irritated but inface I'm enjoying it too much. Bela joining in my college just for me made me get goosebumps, I feel she too have feelings for me but thinking that false hopes might hurt I shrugged off all those thoughts and started my daily routine, that's admiring my Bela 🙈
Days pass by and we are way more closer than ever, me being the extreame shy type who doesn't even touch girls but now hugs are most common for me and Bela but now this made many girls go jealous on Bela as some of them have a crush on me, why not when I look this hot (self praising), but least do I care about them.
But I do care about those who are staring at my Bela.. should I tell them that only I have such right? Well! When Bela isn't paying attention to them why should I care?

Bela's pov - Aww my mahir! He never fails to protect me, but I'm loving the way he glares at those people who stares at me. I really want to say him that I love him the most, coz now I'm ain't able to resist my feelings anymore as day by day by love for him is increasing to it's peaks. But I wonder does he love me too? Sometimes I feel he too loves me but sometimes when he doesn't respond to me when I indirectly go close to him it's seems like he doesn't love me. Whatever I'm fed up of all these thoughts in my mind. But will he accept me if I express my feelings for him? I don't know what will happen in the future but I just wanted to cherish the present moment with him.


Mahir gets up from the bench and starts driving to his house. He was driving when suddenly he hits a car which damages his front lights. Mahir gets angry and comes out from his car.
The girl in the car also gets down getting scared, she bends down seeing the broken lights of mahir's car, mahir looks up to see the girl but it's covered by her hair.

Girl - I.. I'm sorry. I didn't see

Mahir - how dare you...

Mahir stops speaking as the girl lifts her head making her face visible.

Mahir - Bela!

Bela then looks at mahir and is equally shocked too see him after 8 years.

Bela - mahir!

Bela without thinking anything hugs mahir keeping her head on his chest. Mahir too pulls more into her embrace. Bela backs off and both observe tears in eachother's eyes. Bela wipes mahir's tears with her fingers while mahir cups her face and kisses on her forehead to which Bela closes her eyes and feels the moment.

Mahir - Bela what happened to your number? I tried contacting to you many times but...

Bela - I'm sorry mahir, I'm so sorry. I changed my number and due to that I lost your number


This was when behir were 21 years old. In the 4 years course of graduation mahir and Bela completes there 3 years together along with there friends UV and vish.
At the end of there 3rd year Bela's dad informs that they had to go to UK due to his business. This made Bela shocked as she isn't able to afford to loose mahir as now she loves him more than her life.
Bela requests him as much as she can to let her stay in India but for which her dad dint accept. Reluctantly she accepts but asks her dad to let her go to the college for once.

Scene shifted to Bela who came to college to talk to mahir.

Mahir - tell Bela? What's the matter?

Bela - mahir! I'm leaving India

Mahir - what? What do you mean?

Bela - yes mahir! My dad wants to shift to UK for his business

Mahir - ...

Bela - mahir please talk something! Don't be silent, I'm already dieing please don't kill me with your silence

Mahir hugs Bela keeping his one hand on her head and one on her waist.

Mahir - shh Bela don't cry! It's ok..

Bela - mahir I don't want to leave you, I lo (stops thinking he might not accept her)

Mahir - Bela it's ok, now nothing is in our hands. And you shouldn't cry like this while going, so smile

Bela - mahir do you really want me to go?

Mahir - no Bela.. I don't want you go, I just can't stay away from you but if this is what destiny had planned for us then we have to accept it

Bela - mahi...

Before Bela could say anything her dad comes near the college entrance asking her to come as there flight is getting delayed.

Mahir - Bela I guess you have to leave..
I'll miss you Bela

Bela - mahir keep in touch and never forget me

Bela hugs him for once and kisses on his cheek and then leaves from there with tears flowing down her cheeks and here mahir also wasn't able to control his emotions anymore.

Flashback ends.

(Coming back to the present behir are 29 years old)

Bela - mahir I...

Before Bela could complete it suddenly it starts raining heavily.

Mahir - bela let's go home.. we will talk there

Bela - hm

Bela leaves her car there and sits in mahir's car. They drove to mahir's house. They enter inside and see UV and Vish watching a movie.
UV sees them and is shocked to see Bela and so does Vish.

Uvish - Bela!

Bela comes and hugs vish.

Vish - Bela you here?

Bela - Haan Vish I just came a week back

Vish - ohh.. you both are completely wet due to the rain, go and fresh up

Behir - hm

Mahir takes Bela to his room.

Mahir - Bela you fresh up, but what will you were?

Bela - umm...

Mahir picks up a white shirt of his.

Mahir - will you were this?

Bela - hm.. ok fine

Mahir goes while Bela goes to the washroom and gets ready. She comes out wearing a bathrobe, while at the same time mahir comes to the room.

Mahir - I.. I'm sorry

Bela - (embarrassed) it's ok mahir

Mahir - I'm keeping the dress here.. wear it and come down

Bela - ok

Bela were the dress and comes down and sees mahir preparing dinner for them.

Bela - where are UV and Vish?

Mahir - they left

Bela - ok

Mahir gives her a coffee and he too starts drinking sitting beside her.

Bela - mahir! Why are staying alone here? Where is your wife?

Mahir - .....

Bela - mahir I'm asking you something

Mahir - you tell me about your husband and kids

Bela - I... I didn't marry mahir

Mahir - what?

Bela - yes I didn't marry mahir

Mahir - but why? What's wrong?

Bela - mahir please leave this.. you tell me about yourself!

Mahir - even I'm not married

Bela - what? Why?

Mahir - because I love you Bela

He said it at once and tears flows from bela's eyes. Mahir then realises what he said and tries to tell something but he's surprised by the sudden hug of Bela. Bela hugs him as tightly as possible and sobs in his arms.

Mahir - Bela please don't cry.. I'm sorry

Bela - (backing off) don't tell sorry mahir! I love you too, not now but I love you from the day we met. I don't know how and why but I always keep falling for you every second. I dint know about your feelings, and dint have the guts to express my feelings to you

Mahir - I love you Bela, I love you

Bela - (cups his face) we missed a lot of years mahir.. if we could have expressed our feelings earlier then we would be married and would so have two kids

Mahir - it's ok baby.. we will compensate it today (naughty smirk)

Bela - mahir! (Faking a glare)

Mahir picks Bela in his arms and takes her to his room, he made her lie on the bed and hovers her. Bela captures her lips with his and both starts sucking. Mahir covers them with a blanket and soon they end up making love the entire night.



So this is the story of CHILDHOOD LOVE. I hope you guys liked it.
Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️

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