Pehla Pyar

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This is my 2nd one shot on behir..plz do support me❤️

Happy reading.

A boy is sitting in his college canteen and busy staring something while someone from behind calls him "mahir". Yes the boy is mahir and the person who called him is uv, mahir's best friend from his childhood.
UV comes and sits beside mahir and shouts his name in his ears. (Mahir and UV are orphans and are friends from childhood)

Mahir - pagal! Why are you shouting in my ears

UV - you are now responding if I'm calling you normally..and moreover how many years you will keep staring her like this?

Mahir - UV you know na that I..

UV - you love her..I know Bhai but did you realise that we are gonna leave this collage within a month?

Mahir face falls down hearing to UV.

UV - Bhai you love her since 4 years and now if you still don't confess your love for her then you can never get her..whatever you want to do you have only a month in your hand

Mahir - but UV what if she say no ?

UV - don't worry, she will accept you..just go and say her

Mahir - I'll propose Bela soon

Mahir sees Bela who is sitting at the other corner of the canteen gossiping with her friends. Bela then gets up from there and goes to her class, mahir follows her as they are in the same class.

Unlike everyday when mahir just used to admire her from far today he had decided to sit with her. He goes and stands near Bela's seat.

Mahir - can I sit here

Bela smiles and moves aside indirectly accepting him to sit with her.

Mahir - I'm..

Bela - mahir sehgal! I know (smiling)

Mahir - Accha so what else do you know about me?

Bela - a lot, which can even make you surprised after knowing

Mahir - Acha ji? How?

Bela just smiles and doesn't answer anything. Soon the professor comes and starts teaching. Bela is listening to the class while mahir thoughts are only of how to initiate the conversation with Bela. After the class mahir calls Bela.

Bela - Haan?

Mahir - can I get your number?

Bela - I'll text you in the night

Bela smiles and leaves from there leaving a confused mahir behind.

Mahir thinks : what does she mean by she will text me..does she have my number? But how..this is the first time we spoke and how did she get my number?

In the night, mahir lies on his bed and is waiting for bela's message. Suddenly his phone beeps and sees that he recieved a message from a unknown number. He immediately opens it.

In message :

Bela - hii mahir!

Mahir - hello Bela

Bela - so you remember that I told I'll text you

Mahir - how can I forget that..but tell me how did you get my number?

Bela - I already told that I know a lot about won't I be knowing your number?

Mahir calls Bela and she immediately lifts it..they talk some time and both drifts off into sleep.

Days pass by and mahir tries his best to get close to Bela and Bela too feels comfortable with mahir.
One day Bela is going to her home and she's going near her scooty while she hits her leg to a rock and she's about to fall when mahir comes and catches her.

Mahir - Bela! Are you fine?

Bela - mahir it's paining!

Mahir without a second thought lifts Bela in his arms while Bela is just looking into mahir's eyes. Mahir takes her to his car and makes her sit in the front seat.

Bela - mahir!

Mahir - I'll drop you today and I'll only pick you tomorrow, leave your Scotty here only

Bela - thanks!

Mahir - now don't tell thanks and sorry and make distance between us

Bela smiles and mahir sat in the driver seat. He drove directly to bela's home while gossiping random stuff. After they reached bela's house mahir again lifts her and takes her inside as bela's parents are not home..mahir puts her on the bed.

Mahir - take care..I'll go

Bela - hmm

Next day as though mahir comes to pick Bela and both go to the college.

UV - mahir when are you gonna propose is the last day of college, we even completed our exams

Mahir - today..I'll propose her today no matter what

In the evening mahir comes to Bela for proposing her but she gets a call. It's her aunt who called (Bela stays with her aunt - adithi & uncle - devraj as her parents died in her childhood). Adithi asked her to come immediately to home.

Bela - I'm sorry mahir but I have to go home now..we will talk later I'll call in the evening

Bela hugs mahir for the first time passing current through his spine. She backs off and leaves to her house. Soon after Bela reaches her home she sees some guest sitting. She goes near them.

Adithi - see Bela's your daughter in-law?( To the lady sitting there)

Sruthi - she's looking so beautiful na Rohit?

Rohit - Haan maa I wanna marry her as soon as possible

Devraj - pandit ji said that tomorrow we can put the it fine for you as it's too early

Karan - yeah we don't have any objection for it

Bela's pov - what the hell! My marriage? I can't marry him

Tears start flowing from her eyes. After some time Bela comes to adithi room.

Bela - maa

Adithi - how many times should I tell you I'm not your me aunt

Bela - I don't want to marry now

Adithi - what? Look Bela you have to marry.. remember that we can't keep you in our house for too long so it will be better for me and you also if you marry and leave this house.. so just keep quite and marry.

On the other side UV comes to mahir's room.

UV - mahir! Did you propose Bela?

Mahir - no uv..I wanted to tell today but Bela had some important work and she went off from there

UV - do you know whats that important work?..her marriage is fixed and it is tomorrow only

Mahir - what? How do you know?

UV - yes mahir! Bela's friend vishaka is my frnd and she only told me this

Mahir breaks down and is about to fall but UV catches him. Mahir burts out crying hugging UV.

Mahir - it's happiness is in bela's happiness..if she is happy with this marriage then even I don't have any problem

UV - mahir!

Mahir - you don't worry UV..I won't do anything wrong. I'm not that weak

Here in bela's house Bela goes back to her room and cries her heart out the entire night.

Next morning everyone are busy in marriage preparations and soon it's the time for the marriage. Adithi comes to bela's room and knocks the door..when Bela is not opening the door she opens the door and doesn't find Bela inside..she sees in the washroom but she's isn't there. She finds a letter placed on the table.

Letter :
I'm sorry maa but I can't marry that guy. I know this will make you angry but I had to do this. And I won't be a burden for you now, I'm leaving the house forever and will not return again.

Adithi burns in anger.

Flashback :

Bela is crying in her room..she immediately takes a bag and packs all her stuff and silently goes down. As everyone are sleeping she goes out of the house. She then goes to a house and knocks the door. Mahir opens the door.

Mahir - Bela!

Bela immediately hugs mahir tightly and mahir too responds to the hug. Bela keeps sobbing in mahir's arms. Mahir backs off and cups her face.

Mahir - Bela what happened? Why are you here? UV told that it's your marriage tomorrow

Bela doesn't respond anything and still cries. Mahir holds her shoulder and takes her Inside, he takes her to his room and makes her sit and he himself sit beside her.

Mahir - now tell me what happened?

Bela tells him everything and again starts crying.

Bela - I'm sorry mahir! I didn't know where to go coz even Vish is in Delhi now so I came to your house. I'll go back once I get a place to stay

Mahir - shh! Bela you don't need to go can stay here only, only me and UV stays here and you can stay in the other room

Bela - Thank you mahir

Mahir - can I ask you something?

Bela - Han?.

Mahir - why dint you want to marry?

Bela doesn't know what to answer and just looks at mahir.

Mahir - ok ok I'm sorry..I shouldn't have asked you that. That's ok it's already too late you go and sleep

Bela noddes her head and mahir leaves from there.

Flashback ends.

In the morning Mahir comes to bela's room and sees her peacefully sleeping like a kid..he smiles looking at her innocence. He comes close to her caresses her face while Bela opens her eyes with his touch.

Bela - good morning mahir

Mahir - good morning Bela...umm can I ask you something?

Bela - Haan

Mahir - how do you know that I live here? I never told you my address

Bela - I have already told on that day that I know a lot about you which may even make you surprise..

Mahir - you know only about me or about everyone?

Bela - how will I know about everyone? I only about you

Mahir - ok then let me test you..I'll ask you some questions answer them

Bela - ok

Mahir - my favourite colour?

Bela - white!

Mahir - favourite holiday spot?

Bela - Paris!

Mahir - well..I'm sure you would not know this..where do I usually go when my mood is off

Bela - orphanage

Mahir - Bela how do you know? No one knows this about except UV

Bela smiles and hugs mahir and without replying she walks towards washroom.

Like this few days passed and Bela is still staying in mahir's house only. Mahir tries many times to propose her but he couldn't get a proper chance. One day mahir comes to bela's room.

Mahir - Bela today is uv's birthday so we are arranging a party tonight and here is your dress (giving her)

Bela - thanks mahir

In the evening Bela is getting ready in her room while mahir comes without knocking the door. He sees Bela trying to close her zip.

Mahir - I..I'm sorry Bela I didn't see

Mahir immediately turns to go but Bela calls him.

Bela - mahir I'm not able to close the zip can you please help me?

Mahir comes towards Bela and slowly moves her hair to a side, he closes the zip while bela closes her eyes.

Bela - thanks!

Mahir - shall we go?

Behir goes to the party..Bela sits near the drinks section and orders a cool drink but he gives alcohol instead. Bela drinks it and she starts feeling dizzy. Mahir sees her and comes near Bela.

Mahir - Bela! What happened are you fine

Bela - what will happen to me? I'm totally fine (in a childish tone)

Mahir - Bela did you drink?

Bela - no mahir I don't drink at all

Mahir immediately picks Bela in his arms and takes her to her room and lies her on the bed.

Bela - mahir! Don't you love me?

Mahir is shocked to listen such from bela but he doesn't bother much as he thinks she is telling all this coz she's drunk.

Bela - mahir answer me don't you love me? Or couldn't you see the love for you in my eyes?

Mahir - what?..Bela you are not in your sense so you sleep, we will talk tomorrow

Bela - (gets up and sits next to him) no mahir I'm in my sense..I love you. I love you from the day I saw you, I love you since the first day in my college. I love you since 4 years, but...

Mahir is totally surprised to know that Bela too have the feeling for him.

Mahir - but what Bela?

Bela - but I never had the courage to speak to you. And when you yourself started taking to me you don't know how much happy I was. I wanted to tell you that I love you more than anything in my life but I couldn't. I thought you will understand by my actions but you are such a buddu mahir..I used to follow you everywhere

Mahir then recalls all there moments and then a wide smile crept on his face. He immediately takes Bela into his embrace.

Mahir - Bela I love you too..I too love you since 4 years but I never expected that you too love me

Bela - you will never leave me na?

Mahir - are my Jaan

Bela immediately smaches her lips on his and mahir too explores her mouth. Bela pushes mahir on the bed and opens his shirt and throws it away. Unable to control mahir too undress Bela and covers them with the blanket. They end up making love to eachother and pour all the love and became one that night.

Next morning Bela wakes up and holds her head and then realises that she is naked with mahir sleeping hugging her. Mahir also wakes up and sees and regrets for doing such when she was not in her sense.

Mahir - Bela I..I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this

Bela - do you regret it mahir?

Mahir - no Bela! But I think I shouldn't have done when you are not in your sense

Bela - mahir do you love me?

Mahir - yes Bela I love you..I can't even imagine my life without you

Bela hugs him tightly.

Bela - that's all what matters..don't be sorry for it. I love you

Mahir - I love you too Bela

After a week Bela and mahir gets married in a temple and lived happily ever after.



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