Pyar Ka Dard

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It's a pleasant morning where a girl is sitting on her bed and holding a photo in her hand.

Girl to herself - how can you be so cute (looking at that pic) I love you from the day I saw you, can't wait for the day when I'll be completely yours. 'Bela loves mahir'.

(Yes guys the girl is bela and the photo which she is holding is mahir's)

Other scene in Sehgal's house.

Mahir - maa I already told you I'm not ready for this marriage

Sumi - mahir! You have already rejected many matches before but I don't want any excuses this time.

Mahir - maa !

Sumi - no mahir, I'm not listening to you anymore. You have to get married that's it

Mahir accept the marriage left with no choice

It's the day of marriage where mahir is already sitting on the mandap and waiting for his princess.

Soon Bela comes in the bridal attire and sits beside mahir.

(Sumi had arranged the marriage for Bela and mahir, and from the time Bela saw mahir she loves him a lot )

Soon all the rituals complete and finally Bela and mahir gets married.
In the night Bela is waiting in mahir's room blushing while mahir comes inside and sees Bela sitting on the bed covering her face.
Mahir comes near her and Bela also gets up and stands beside him.

Mahir - look I just hate these marriages and all, and I just married you only for my mom so I think you understand that we are not going to be like wife and husband. Only outside this room we will behave like wife and husband and after 6 months we will get divorced

Tears start flowing from bela's eyes as she loves mahir more than anything and had dreamt of a happy married life with mahir but all her dreams now turned out to be a nightmare.

Mahir takes a pillow and a blanket and gives it to Bela.

Mahir - I don't want to sleep with you together so sleep on the couch

Bela just noddes her head and lies on the couch. She sees mahir and cries softly. Soon both sleeps.

Next morning mahir wakes up and doesn't find Bela in the room. He gets ready and goes down and sees bela serving breakfast for everyone.

Sumi - Bela even you sit and have you breakfast

Bela - ji maa

Bela sits beside mahir.

UV - wait wait, Bhai you have to feed Bhabhi

Mahir - uv !

Sumi - haa mahir feed Bela

Mahir forwards his hand to Bela, and Bela eats it. Suddenly Bela coughs and mahir pats her back and gives a glass of water, bela drinks it and feels fine.

Mahir - Bela you are fine right

Bela - hmm

Bela's pov - how can you act so good mahir ji, I'm dieng here

Everyone have there breakfast and leaves while Sumi comes to Bela.

Sumi - Bela beta I was doubting if mahir can accept you as his wife but now I'm happy seeing you both

Bela immediately hugs Sumi and cries her heart out, Sumi pats her back to comfort her.

Sumi - Bela what happened

Bela - maa mahir ji dint accept me, he doesn't want to stay with me. He wants to divorce me

Sumi - what

Bela - haa maa, he doesn't want me in his life

Sumi - I'm sorry Bela, because of me your life became hell now. I'll talk to mahir

Bela - no maa, if you talk he may accept but I'll always be a burden in his life, I can never be his wife

Bela leaves from there crying.

Days passed and mahir's starts feeling towards Bela seeing the way she cares for him but doesn't show it out and tries to be rude to her to avoid his feelings over her.

One day Sumi comes to behir's room.

Sumi - Bela mahir there is a function today but me and Andy couldn't go so I want you both to attend it

Mahir - maa..

Sumi - no excuses mahir, you both have to go

Bela - ji maa

Bela and mahir gets ready and goes to the function. The host announces the couples to dance, but Bela and mahir doesn't go. Just then someone comes and takes them to the dance floor.

Mahir keeps his hand on bela's waist while bela's one hand is on mahir's chest while the other is on his shoulder. They look into eachothers eyes and dance. Mahir comes into his sense and immediately leaves from there leaving Bela alone. A tear escapes from bela's eyes.

Mahir sits in the drinks section.

Mahir to himself - why is this happening to me, why am I becoming weak Infront of Bela. This marriage and love is just trash I shouldn't fall for Bela. Control yourself mahir.

Soon they both leave from there and are going back to home. On there way a big truck comes which is unoticed by both. The driver is moreover drunk and is not driving properly.
Mahir is lost in his thinking on his feelingly for Bela while Bela is sobbing softly. When the truck comes near, Bela shouts mahir's name and without a second thought she pushes mahir from the car. The truck crushes the car leaving a fainted Bela in the car bleeding heavily.
Mahir immediately rushes to Bela and takes her out of the car. He tries waking her up but there's no response from her. He immediately takes her to the hospital.

Mahir crying badly waits for bela's operation to get over. The Dr comes to mahir.

Dr - don't worry your wife is fine the operation is successful. We are shifting her to the general ward so you may meet her but make sure she takes proper rest and take

Mahir - sure Dr thank you

Mahir goes to Bela room and see her sleeping on the bed. He takes her hand in his hand and kisses on it. Bela wakes up with his touch.

Bela - mahir ji !

Mahir - shh Bela! What's the need to push me out? What if something happened to you

Bela - even if I'm saved I wouldn't be able to live if you were not there. Instead of dying everyday it's better if I die for once

Mahir - Bela shut up, how can I live if something happen to you

Bela - how does it even make a difference for you if I'm alive or dead

Mahir - it does make a difference because I love you dammit

Mahir says it in one go, and then realises what he actually said. Bela feels very happy listening, it's like a dream come true for Bela.

Mahir - Haan Bela I love you, I don't know when but I fell in love with you. I can't live without you Bela and please don't talk like this again

Bela immediately hugs him and cries her heart out while mahir is comforting her. Mahir backs off.

Mahir - Bela I'm sorry I never wanted to marry, I just hate love but I married because of maa. I was falling for you everyday but still I tried to control my feelings but I can't tend to loose you in my life. Even if I show my anger to you everyday I can't stay even a second without seeing you. I love you Bela

Bela - I love you too mahir ji

Mahir comes close to Bela and kisses on her forehead and cheeks. He looks at her lips for which Bela closes her eyes giving him permission. Mahir smaches his lips on bela's and kisses her smoothly.

One year later.

Bela is blessed with a baby boy and they both named him as druv.
Mahir and Bela lived happily ever after with druv.

................... THE END .....................



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