My Saviour

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In a big mansion, obviously Sehgal's Mansion a lady is heading towards a room. She opens the door and finds a man of 28 sleeping peacefully on his king sized bed.

Lady - Mahir, dint I tell you to get ready early today?

Mahir - maa please, it's Sunday today.. and you know I wait the entire week for this only to sleep and you are ruining it maa

Sumi - c'mon mahir, don't talk like a kid.. it's high time you get married now and you still...

Mahir - maa not again, I told you what type of girl I want.. if you can find her then introduce to me I'll marry..

Sumi - yeah I'll introduce, but for that you need to get ready now.. now wakeup fast

Mahir - okay fine..

Saying this mahir getsup from the bed and goes to the washroom. He comes out getting ready wearing a simple jeans and tee. He came down and sat down near the dining to have his breakfast. He soon completes eating and just then he heard Sumi calling him. He turned back and saw Sumi standing with a girl beside her.

Mahir - ji maa

Sumi - mahir, she's Bela.. and Bela he's my son mahir

Bela - hi

Mahir - hey (smiling)

Sumi - mahir you know na I visit an orphanage every weekend?

Mahir - yes maa.. what happened?

Sumi - I met Bela there, she's really sweet and also the best choice for you

Bela looked at Sumi being shocked at what she told and so does mahir.

Bela - au.. aunty..

Sumi - let me finish Bela.. see mahir, Bela is an orphan and has no one for her except her friends. You always told na that you want someone who can understand your feelings and love you unconditionally, Bela is just the same mahir... I know you both don't even know eachother now but I'm sure you both make the best pair

Mahir - but maa, this suddenly?

Sumi - suddenly? Oh please mahir.. I want you to get married before you turn old, also I have already spoke to Andy about it and he too liked Bela.. now it's all upon your's and Bela's choice

Bela - but aunty, how can I? I mean..

Sumi - Bela I know what you must be thinking, but trust me it's gonna be fine.. you both talk to eachother once, and only if you both are fine with this we would take things further if not no.. ok?

Mahir - fine maa, as you say

Sumi - that's like a good son.. now take Bela to the garden and spend some time with her

Mahir - ji maa

Sumi leaves from there giving them privacy, and Bela starts moving her fingers looking down being tensed. Mahir looks at her and smiles seeing her innocence. Mahir held bela's hand in his and Bela immediately looked at him.

Mahir - Shall we go?

Bela just noddes her head and mahir without leaving her hand takes her to the garden and they sit on the small bench aside.

Mahir - I know maa did all this all of a sudden, but you don't need to be tensed about it.. if you don't to marry me then we aren't going to force you for it

Bela - it isn't like that, it's just that aunty told this all of a sudden and I'm just confused

Mahir - do you have a boyfriend? (After a pause)

Mahir asked her being nervous of what she might think, he looked at her while her gaze was already fixed on him. She quickly turned aside not able to look into his eyes.

Bela - no, I never had... What about you?

Mahir - no, I was never actually interested in all this

There was a complete silence and none dint know what to talk next. Mahir looked at Bela who's already looking very nervous and was again playing with her fingers.

Mahir - I like you

This was enough for Bela to be shocked, she looked at mahir in disbelief with 'o' shaped mouth. She wasn't able to talk anything and just was looking at him.

Mahir - why are you looking like that? I mean don't you like me?

Bela - no.. I mean why? Why did you like me?

Mahir - I don't know

Bela - huh?

Mahir - I mean it's like I'm feeling good being with you, and moreover I have trust my mom's choice.. if she feel that your right for me then I have no problem to marry you. And about love, I'm sure we can love eachother even after marriage.. and the rest is your choice

Bela wasn't telling anything and was just looking at mahir with love while mahir too saw her staring at her. There eyelock breaks when Sumi comes there.

Sumi - decided? Or need more time?

Mahir - I'm fine with this marriage maa, but if Bela isn't then please don't force her

Bela again looked mahir thinking of his kindness, she always wanted someone who can understand and respects her feelings and now she felt it with mahir in there first meet only. She dint know if accepting the marriage with mahir would be the right decision or not but she was ready for the marriage after all it's our mahir sehgal.

Bela - I'm too fine aunty, I don't have any problems in marrying mahir ji

Sumi - I'm so happy for you both, trust me you both make the best pair

Sumi hugs mahir and Bela together and kisses her forehead, blessing them she left from there giving them some privacy.

Mahir - are you really happy with this marriage?

Bela - what made you feel such?

Mahir - no it's just that I thought you weren't comfortable with this

Bela - it's not that, I was just tensed that the things are going too fast.. but as you said I too trust in Sumi aunty, if she feel we would make a good pair then I believe on it too

This made mahir shocked and they both shared an eyelock. Mahir came near bela while Bela was confused of what he's doing. Mahir came and standing right in front of her kissed her forehead holding her shoulders and Bela just closed her eyes feeling the moment.

She opened her eyes when she missed his lips touch on her skin, she looked at him and before she could say anything mahir hugged her. Bela also hesitatingly hugged him back though feeling nervous, but soon she felt solace in his arms and she tightned the hug. Mahir smiles feeling it and they stay like that for some time.

Mahir - I promise you Bela, no matter what I'll always try to the best husband to you.. I'll always keep you happy

Saying this mahir backed of and saw bela who's lovingly looking at him. They both went to the living room and seeing them Sumi comes.

Sumi - Bela beta why don't you shift here

Bela - but aunty how can I? I mean..

Sumi - I know what you must be thinking, but our family doesn't mind it Bela.. you can shift here and anyhow this is gonna be your house soon

Mahir - yes Bela, maa is right.. it's better you shift here

Sumi - Haan beta, don't hesitate.. after all this is your house too

Bela - if you insist then fine, I'll come tomorrow

Sumi - why tomorrow, mahir will come with you now to help.. you can shift today only Bela

Bela - ji aunty

Sumi - atleast now call me maa

Bela - ji maa (smiling)

Sumi and Bela hug eachother while mahir admire there bond. Mahir looks at Bela and signs asking if they can leave now. Soon they both leave to go bela's hostel.

Like this a week passes by and Sumi informed them that pandit ji told they can arrange there marriage a month later. A unknown excitement started in mahir knowing Bela will be his in just a month, while on the other hand Bela too was feeling the same.

Sumi and mahir's younger sister kuhu already started the nessessary arrangements while Andy is asusual busy in his office work.

This week Bela and mahir because close understanding eachother and both knew that this was the best decision they made. Mahir already knew that he's in love with Bela but thinks to give Bela sometime instead of hurrying things.

One fine day Bela, Sumi and kuhu were sitting near the dining and having there lunch while mahir enters the house with a thud. Everyone looks at him and understands that he's upset with some issue.

Sumi - mahir beta, is everything alright?

Mahir without even looking at any of them goes to his room and closes his room door in anger scaring the three of them.

Bela - maa, mahir!

Sumi - I think he's upset due to some office issue Bela

Kuhu - yes Bhabhi, Bhai is very particular about his work..

Bela - hmm.. I'll go see

Sumi - hm, but be careful Bela.. don't be sad if he shouts at you

Bela simply noddes her head and servers the food in the plate for mahir, Sumi smiles seeing her care and Bela goes up towards mahir's room.

Bela taking baby steps enters in his room and sees mahir sitting on the couch with his hands on his temples. She keeps the plate aside and sits beside mahir.

She slowly keeps her hand on his shoulder and realising Bela's presence mahir immediately hugs Bela, she feels confused at his sudden move but hugs him back giving him comfort by rubbing his back.

Bela - mahir ji are you fine? What happened?

Mahir comes out from the hug and cupping Bela's face kisses on her forehead.

Mahir - I'm sorry Bela

Bela - what happened mahir ji? Why are you saying sorry to me?

Flashback :

Sehgal Industries being one of the top construction company also have equal rivals. In the morning, mahir was informed by his pa that one of the site there company owns had been occupied by some other illegally.

Thinking to solve it by his own, mahir directly went to that land to talk to the person. He realises that he's a rowdy type business person and occupied this illegally. Mahir warned him to give back the site to him if not saying that he has his own ways to get it back.

Man - oh so you are threatening me? Great, but do you remember that you have a sweet little sister in your house and also wait.. seems like you are gonna get married soon, I got to know about you a lot Mr. Sehgal.. your wife indeed looks soo hot and sexy, and if something happens to your to be wife then remember I'm not responsible for it

Mahir - shutup, not a word more about her..

Man - then forget about this site and get lost from here

Though not being scared by his words, being disturbed by what he said about Bela he directly went back to his home being upset.

Flashback ends.

Bela - mahir ji it's ok, dont spoil your mood with his words

Though Bela herself was really upset listening such about her, she tried to lighten Mahir's mood.

Mahir - Bela, you and kuhu stay home for a few days

Bela - mahir dont worry, he won't do anything to us

Mahir - still Bela, I'm scared

Bela - mahir it's ok, and you don't leave that site thinking about us.. that's you site so get it back through your ways

Mahir - but..

Bela - me and kuhu will be fine mahir ji

Mahir - hm fine

Bela - ok then now eat your lunch, I'm sure you din't have

Mahir - how do you now?

Bela - if it's usual work only you often skip your meals, and now when you are upset how will I think you will eat?

Mahir - you know me so well

Bela - I should know, after all you are my to be husband right?

Mahir smiles to her words and Bela taking the plate in her hand starts feeding mahir with her own hands and mahir was just admiring Bela.

Sumi, who just came near Mahir's room to see if he's fine sees Bela feeding mahir and feels very happy knowing there bond. Some where she used to have a fear thinking that Bela accepted for the marriage coz of Sumi but now seeing them happy like this made Sumi feel lighter and of course happy for them. Smiling, she went back to her room.

Bela completes feeding mahir and takes him to the bed, she makes him lie down down and covers him with the blanket. She turns to go but she looks at mahir and coming forward she kisses mahir on his forehead. Mahir smiles, and before Bela could go he held her hand and pulled her towards him making her fall on him.

Bela - what are you doing mahir ji? You sleep for a while I'll come later

Mahir - you also sleep with me na

Bela - me? But..

Mahir - I promise I won't do anything, I just wanna cuddle with you that's it

Bela - I trust you mahir ji, you don't need to explain me

Mahir - then come

Bela - fine

Mahir pulls Bela again making her fall on the bed beside him, and cuddling with eachother they soon fell asleep.

In the next few days mahir files a case against that man and as thought he won the case getting his site back. He was sent to jail for a few days. Today is the day he came out and all he wants is revenge from mahir. He called his men and gathering more details about his family is all set to execute his plan.

The same day Bela and kuhu went for shopping as there marriage is just after a week. They were done with the nessessary and comes out of the shop while someone comes near Bela.

Girl - hey Bela, how are you?

Bela - hey Anu, you here?

Anu - yeah, I came for a meeting

Bela - kuhu, she's my friend Anu.. and Anu she's my fiance's sister kuhu

Anu - oh so you are getting married?

Bela - yes, Acha kuhu you go home.. I'll come later

Kuhu - ok Bhabhi, take care

Saying kuhu went home while Bela spent some time with Anu. Once anu left from there Bela came out trying to book a cab when she felt someone approaching her. She turned back and immediately someone kept a handkerchief on her mouth and soon Bela fell unconscious due to chloroform applied on the handkerchief.
The men made her sit in the car without others noticing her and immediately took her to there place.

Here in sehgal mansion mahir was waiting for Bela since the time kuhu reached home. He dint want to disturb Bela as she's with her friend but since it's taking a lot of time he decided to call and dailed her number but it says switched off. Being tensed about Bela's safety mahir immediately taking his car drove directly to the shop where kuhu and Bela went.

As said by kuhu that Bela was with Anu in the cafe near that shop, he went there and searched but couldn't find Bela there. While coming out from that cafe he hit something unusual and when he looked down he saw Bela's phone there. He took it in his hand and confirming that it's Bela's he immediately drove to police station.

Mahir - sir my wife is missing

Police - since when Mr.?

Mahir - she went for shopping and she dint come back later, I found her phone near the shop

Police - don't worry, we will check the traffic CCTV photage near the shop, may be we can get some clue

Mahir goes along with the police to see the CCTV photage. In one of the photage it was shown that a van and they saw someone keeping there hands out trying to seek help.

Mahir - sir can you zoom it once?

Police - sure

Mahir - sir that bracelet is Bela's

Police - are you sure?

Mahir - yes sir, I myself gifted her

Police - ok don't worry, we can trace the car and find them.. come with us

Here on the other side Bela was sitting on a chair tied with ropes being unconscious. She slowly gains her consious and realises that she's kidnapped. She tried freeing herself but all in vain.

Bela found a knife aside but since it's a little far she tried to move along with the chair and in that process she fell down to her side. She managed to get hold of that knife and tried hard cutting her ropes and finally she could. She then freeing herself stood up and was confused how to go out from the place.

She realises that the door is locked and turned to see a window there, she slowly without making any noice opened that and went out. She was walking forward when she saw two goons coming towards her direction, trying to escape from there eyes Bela runs towards the opposite direction and and she dashes with someone when she was looking back.

She slowly turned towards that person and saw mahir standing infront of her. Bela immediately hugged him as tightly as she could, mahir too relaxes seeing Bela and tightens the hug.

They stay like that for a while untill they hear someone noises, Bela breaks the hug and turned around only to find a few goons near them. Mahir fists his hand and Bela tried to stop him but he went and fought with those goons.

One of them pushed mahir hard making him fall on the ground, Bela immediately came rushing near him and hugged me not letting him to go near them again, the police came there and started fighting while Bela tried hard to stop mahir from fighting.

Soon the police people arrest all of them along with there head and takes them to there jeep.

Mahir - I'm sorry Bela, this is all because of me

Bela - shh mahir, please don't cry.. I'm totally fine nothing happened to me.. and this isn't coz of you, please don't blame yourself for this

Mahir - no Bela, I..

Bela - mahir please not a word more, I told na this isn't your mistake so please forget it

Mahir - I'm sorry Bela, I wasn't there with you when you need me

Bela - mahir I said forget it, it wasn't your mistake at all and please don't stress yourself because of this.. see na I'm completely fine now

Mahir - I love you Bela, I love you so much.. I just can live without you

Mahir hugged her confessing his feelings while Bela stayed numb hearing it, sensing it mahir backs off and cupps her face.

Mahir - I'm sorry if you felt bad but I really love you Bela.. if you aren't comfortable yet that's ok, you take your time

Bela slightly slaps mahir on his cheek shocking him.

Bela - I wanted to surprise you by confessing my feelings, but what you did? You proposed me first and that too in this place?

She said with a pout and mahir chuckled seeing her.

Mahir - I was scared that you don't love me like I do, but you are upset coz I proposed you here?.. Acha fine don't worry, I'll propose you again making it as the best memory for us ok?

Bela smiled wide and hugged him back and mahir too wrapped his arms around her.

Bela - I love you too mahir ji.. I love you the most

Mahir backed off and locked his lips with Bela's, though she was shocked at first but soon started responding equally pouring all the love they have for eachother.

After a week, as though it was the day of Behir's marriage and they got married happily that day, they consummate there marriage marking eachother. They lived happily ever after.



So yeah this is my 6th OS and hope you enjoyed reading it. Do share you views through the comments and don't forget to vote.

With love
~ Srija

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