RouTEEN Love!!

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Bela a bubbly girl sat next to her hostel room window and was continuously looking at her phone.

"Ugh!! Five minutes late he is", she exclaimed still looking at her phone

Just then she received a call and seeing the caller id Bela smiled wide and picked the call in the second ring itself.

"I'm sorry babe, actually mumma called for some work", the guy on the other side of the call said in his most pleasing way

"Don't keep that puppy eyes, I can't see you now", Bela said sarcastically

"Oh wait, how do you know?", That guy asked Bela

"Is there anything I don't know about your mahir?", Bela asked him smiling

"Ok fine madam.. is my apology accepted?", Mahir asked

"Since it's for mom's work I accept", Bela said giggling

"Accha fine, I'll tell you later about this", said Mahir

"Let's see!", Bela exclaimed

"Yeah sure.. and then tell whatsupp?", Mahir asked

"You know na I have a project to be submitted tomorrow in the early hours so I just completed it", Bela said sighing

"Wow such a nerd I got", said Mahir dramatically

"Shutup mahir, and listen bye.. coz I need to wakeup early so I would prefer to sleep early.. you know right I don't compromise on my sleep", Bela said

"What no! Don't you know it's out habit to talk all the night!?", Mahir asked

"Of course I know mahir, and coz of that I always skip my morning classes but tomorrow I can't do it due to my project so I need to sleep now", Bela said

"Fine sleep, good night", said Mahir and cut the call

"He cut the call? It's ok, I know how to convince him tomorrow", thought Bela and lied on the bed sleeping.

Next day as though Bela submitted her project and then got busy in her back to back classes, thus dint get much time to meet mahir.

During there lunch break Bela quickly picked her bag and went to there regular place behind the playground of there college.

Here, mahir was also missing Bela as if they haven't met for days together. He knew Bela would be busy in her classes and so waited till the lunch break and when it's the time he too ran quickly to there place and saw Bela already sitting there waiting for him.

Seeing her waiting for him automatically made him smile wide and taking baby steps came in front of her and sat next to her.

"Sorry mahi", said Bela in her atmost convincing way

"For what sona?", Asked mahir confusing

"You ar'nt angry on me?", Bela asked widening her eyes

"And why would I be?", Mahir asked shrugging his shoulders

"Yeah that's true, you can never be angry or upset on me.. but I thought you felt bad when I slept early yesterday", Bela said

"No I understand you need to wakeup early", he said smiling

"And that's why I love you so much mahir", Bela said side hugging mahir

Mahir smile faded listening those words.. these were the words he was waiting to hear from her mouth and when she finally did he isn't happy, coz he know it was in a friendly way only for her.

"I need to tell you something", said Bela backing off

"Shoot!!", Mahir said

"Vyom asked me out few hours back", Bela said and that was enough for mahir's heart to break

"Ohh, what did you say then?", He asked almost stammering

"For now I just said that I need time, but you tell me what's your opinion about him?", Bela asked him

"If you feel you will be happy with him then you can tell yes", mahir said choking

"Acha fine, don't talk too practical it doesn't suit you.. ok I need to leave, today is a hectic day mahir, I'll call you after I reach home ok?", Said Bela getting up from her place

"Yeah ok take care", said Mahir

Bela hugged him and picking her stuff left to attend her next classes. While Mahir was totally broken of the thought that what if Bela accept vyom? Will he be able to see her with someone else?

He wiped his tears before they fall and taking his bike drove directly to his house without attending the next classes he had.

It was a tough day for both Bela and mahir.. one side the thought of loosing Bela was killing mahir from inside and the other side bela was confused about vyom's proposal.

The same day night Bela was asusual waiting for mahir to call but when he dint turn up she herself called.

"Oyy what happened? You are late again", said Bela as soon as mahir picked the call

"Sorry, I was just little busy", he said plainly

"Busy in?", Bela asked

"I mean I was studying, our exams are nearing right so..", mahir said

"Really? When did you start studying so seriously?", Bela asked knowing about him

"Today", mahir answered with no emotion

"Ok fine listen to me, I said yes to vyom", Bela said excited as it was first time she's dating someone

Tears made its way and it was indeed hard for mahir to control his emotions at this moment. When he knew vyom proposed Bela he was broken and when his only love said yes to him it's wasn't easy for him to digest the fact.

"Out of thoughts Mr. Sehgal", Bela said when she received silence

"Yeah congrats Bela", mahir said wiping his tears

He signed that atleast they were on call, if Bela would tell this infront of him then there would be no chance he could control his burning emotions infront of her.

"I'll talk to you later, I need to study actually.. bye Bela", said Mahir

Before Bela could tell anything further he cut the call and Bela was confused of his behaviour. This was the first time he cut the call himself, it was always Bela who does.

In there three years of friendship this was the first time he did and she was sure enough that something was wrong with him. But thinking to give him some space now she decided to ask him the next day.

The next day Bela tried talking to mahir but he kept saying some lame excuses and left. Though Bela felt bad for his behaviour she thought she will talk to him at night.

Two days later, she called him and when he dint pick the call her face fell.. she tried another time and this time when he finally picked the call for no reason she smiled wide.

"Hi Bela", Mahir said formally

"What hi? Why are you being so formal?", Asked Bela

"No nothing of that sort.. tell", said Mahir

"I broke up with vyom", said Bela

"What?", Asked mahir in shock

"Yeah he wasn't the right choice for me and I could know that in just two days mahir.. he isn't like the guy I want, like he's too complicated.. I mean he's just isn't like you", Bela said

"Oh okay, I'll talk to you later", mahir said

"Why? Don't tell me you are studying ok?", Bela said

"I'm so will talk later", mahir said and cut the call

Bela dint know what's wrong but his words and his behaviour surely did hurt her somewhere deep inside. She fell on the bed and cried her heart out hugging her pillow and soon fell asleep.

Three more days pass by and Mahir's behaviour towards Bela dint change. He knows that it's difficult for both but knowing that Bela doesn't feel such for him he couldn't face her nor be like before.

Till now he believed that Bela too loves him but when she considered vyom proposal it was clear that she don't so he decided that it's better for both if he maintain certain distance with her.

These three days Bela for obvious wasn't in peace, she knew there's something bothering mahir but she doesn't understand why he's ignoring her like this.

She saw the time and it was already nine at night, she know that her hostel warden wouldn't allow to go out after eight so she have only one option left now.

She went out and somehow managed to jump off the wall and taking an auto she quickly went to mahir's house and went near his room window.

She saw him using his mobile so she called him to see if he would pick it or no and as thought he dint, she called again called and once again he ignored her call.

Bela hits mahir on his back of head through the window and mahir turned back in fear. Once he saw Bela standing there he startled and fell from the bed.

"Very busy, you are studying isn't it? So this is called studying for you?", Asked Bela angrily

"Bela please don't shout, dad is at home", mahir said being scared

"Is it? Then good let him also know how his son is studying", Bela said angrily yet in a sarcastic way

"Bela please, you be outside I'm just coming", mahir said and went out

"What did I even do mahir that you are ignoring me like this? Did I do something wrong?", Asked Bela with moist eyes

"Bela please don't cry", said Mahir stepping close to Bela

"Then what should I do? You simply ignore me like this and I let it go like nothing happened?", Bela asked

"Bela it isn't like that", mahir said

"Then how is it? Tell me why the hell were you ignoring me dammit?", Bela asked furiously

"Coz I Love You Bela", mahir confessed

"Yes I love you, I always wanted to tell you but I couldn't dare to do so.. when you said you said yes to vyom I knew you have no feeling for me like I have for you.. and that's fine but after knowing that you don't feel such for me I'm not able to be like before with you Bela", mahir continued

"Such a dumb person you are, and may be I too.. I have always loved you but couldn't realise until I was commited with vyom.. that day also I indirectly told you that I want someone like you but your small brain only couldn't understand.. I Love You Too Mahir, may be I realised it late but it's true that I can't live without you", Bela too confessed out

Mahir dint know how to react, not even in his wildest dream he thought he would confess like this and Bela loving him back was no where to be expected.

He was beyond happy, he knew he got everything he wants now.. he feels complete, and obviously complete with his Bela.

Here, even Bela was also feeling the same.. the best friend is what she thought but it turned out to be her only love. She always knew that mahir holds a very important place in her heart and life but she never thought that he's the one for her.

She smiled wide thinking of all there memories till now and hugs mahir keeping her head close to his heart hearing his heartbeat beating only for her right now.

For the first time she too feels complete in his arms and she knew he's the best thing ever happened in her life.

Mahir backed off and cupping her face sealed her lips with his, Bela was indeed shocked but feeling his love in each moment she too gives up and responds equally and that's when two beautiful souls became one emotionally forever.


Phew!! So here I'm with another OS. Hope you guys liked it and don't forget to vote and comment your views to let me know what you feel about my story.

~Your pagal writer!! 🤪

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