An Unwelcome Surprise

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A/N: Damien and his father receive some unexpected news...

"Dad, I never got to ask but I can't recall coming home yesterday from practice..." I asked, when I managed to sit up and take some hot soup. I was at home since I hadn't been feeling too well.

"According to the caretaker at the poolside, some kid came running out of the locker room looking really distraught saying that you had lost consciousness and he needed help getting you to the infirmary, a kid by the name of Randy...

You managed to blurt out Hawkes' phone number which he called, so Hawkes got you home but you were in a really bad way..." He said.

My eyes went wide. It wasn't a dream, it really happened! I nearly choked on my soup! My dad rubbed my back and looked at me.

"Are you OK? You look like you've seen a ghost!!!" He remarked.

There was a knock on the door and Hawkes entered. It was a phone call from the doctor's office.

"I'd better take this. It sounds urgent. I'll be right back" He picked up the line and nearly yelled out loud. "He's what??? Doc, are you kidding me? Der...Damien can't be pregnant!!! You told me that you had done a thorough examination and that there was nothing to worry about! Those were your own words, doctor! How on earth could that have escaped detection from you of all people! Alright, we'll come in for some tests. I'm certain that he would like to know as well and what would be the logical thing to do next. We'll be seeing you soon, doctor. This will definitely go on your record for missing such vital details as to his condition!" His expression darkened as he put the phone down.

My dad came over and sat by my bedside, pulling me close to him as he rubbed my back again, his gentle gaze piercing into my eyes and into my heart. I began to feel overwhelmed with the news but I determined not to let it influence my decision.

"I suppose you heard all that...Do you have any further recollection about what happened during your kidnapping? Anything that could possibly give us more to go on, son? It's important that you remember if you can. What are your thoughts right now on this sudden revelation?" He grimly asked me.

"Firstly, I would need to know who the father is...but there's little doubt in my mind I think. There was a point during their physical assault on me that I blacked out. To be honest, anything could have happened. I need to know just how far along I am and if it can still be aborted. I don't want to go through nine months of labor for a kid I didn't want! It's my choice, isn't it?" I asked, feeling antsy about the whole situation.

"Of course, it is. I wouldn't want you to feel obligated for something that happened wrongfully to you. If you were indeed raped by those men, I swear, so help me, I will make sure those sons-of-bitches pay for what they did!" He brought a fist down angrily on his thigh.

"By the way, a kid named Randy has been asking how you are..." He mentioned. "Anything going on with this boy that I should know about?"

"Well, that day I fainted...He and I were...We were..." My dad raised his eyebrows at me and finished my sentence.

"...Having sex?" He queried.

I gulped nervously, mortified at dad's conclusion, and uttered a tiny 'no' to his question. He drew a hand across his face in relief. "Damien, I'm not going to tell you how to live your life or anything like that. You're close to being an adult...a responsible one I hope. But please, please be careful with who you go out with or even who you eventually do it with! You're still my little boy!" He pulled me to his chest now, tears dusting his clear, blue eyes. "As a parent, and especially as your father, having a son with your unique physical condition, you need to be very careful. I don't want to see my boy get hurt..." He gasped.

I shook my head in agreement, and hugged my dad tightly. I explained that although we were on the verge, nothing happened between us except for some kissing and mild groping. I was just getting to know Randy, and well, I wanted to be certain before I made the next move.

I really wished this situation wasn't seriously happening. The sooner we went for my appointment, the better. Since these men were already in custody, my doctor had the right to draw samples from them to check against the sample taken from me whether I had been more than just physically beaten as per previous tests done on me initially. It was strange that such details did not show up immediately on proper tests done on me, even though the lab was using advanced medical technology, used to detect early pregnancies in females. Was it perhaps because I was male, even though biologically I had two sets of sexual organs?

I was nervous as hell and I wanted this thing over with as soon as possible. A look of horror on my father's face, after the lab results of the ultrasound came back, confirmed our suspicions that I had been raped during my kidnapping and had subsequently blacked out during the ordeal. Bits and pieces of the incident had me questioning as to whether such accusations would stick up in court, but one of dad's friends, who was a prosecutor, reassured me that justice would be served against those men.

To our relief, the doctor confirmed that I could abort the fetus since it was within the recommended gestation period for a fetus to be aborted. He further explained that such a process would not harm me although it meant a recovery period of at least a week or two at the most.

He also confirmed that I could still have sexual adjustment surgery if I wanted, despite the repercussions that such a surgery could ensue once I had healed internally. I had to weigh all options carefully, but I wanted to discuss this with my father before I made any hasty decisions that didn't fall in my favour. There were so many things to think about but now I had to focus on getting this out of me. I refused to feel guilty about it because I didn't want to have a child by someone who raped me.

The organization had come up with an excuse saying that I had contracted some rare flu virus and had to be incubated for a period of one to two weeks to allow for a full recovery. I was actually relieved that it wouldn't interfere with the game. Nationals were up soon and being captain of the team, I could not afford to miss that, EVER, since the game meant a lot to me. I was still young, and I wanted to enjoy my life before handling anything else.

As I took my bedrest at home, I discussed the possibility of the court date being delayed slightly. I was running the risk of a long hiatus between the period of identification and the actual court hearing since I still had to ID the guys via their voices. I did not see their faces, so that would mean a necessary trip to the precinct where they were currently incarcerated to identify them properly.

Deep in the recesses of my warped mind, I wanted to do to them what they did to me, only worse. My father could only stare into my eyes, as if he could read exactly what was on my mind.

"Don't go there, Damien...Don't you dare go there. It's bad enough what they had done to you but they will get what's coming to them. I promise you this. But for now, you get some rest in order to heal properly for as long as it takes. Do what you have to with your school responsibilities, the game included. Then we'll deal with them together, I promise you" He smiled positively as he gently squeezed my knee, before wrapping his arms around me. I felt comforted by his presence, knowing that he would protect me and keep me safe from harm.

He had a secret rendezvous to go to that evening so I was left alone at home, although not literally alone since the mansion was headquarters central! I really wondered whether these people slept or not. But the compound was huge and there were other buildings which I had not yet had the privilege of visiting since I began staying here. There was too much to take in too soon. But I had made it a point that I would explore more of my surroundings as soon as I was able.

I at least knew where the training center was, since I had started taking those self-defense lessons. My teachers were among the deadliest experts the world had to offer and I took my training seriously. I was happy that they were pleased with my progress so far, and so was dad!

As I lay on my bed, reading an intriguing, online story on a reading app, about some kid who had a secret he couldn't tell anyone, not even his best friend while having had a relationship with one guy while dating another, I couldn't help but allow my thoughts to wander towards the relationship I had with Randy Crum.

He began texting me practically every single day, checking up on how I was and letting me know what he was up to. It waslike we were a 'thing' already even though nothing major happened between us since I passed out. I kind of chuckled at the prospect of being Randy Crum's boyfriend. But I guess I was the only one tough enough to stand up to the asshole!

Just thinking about it brought a cheeky smirk to my lips, remembering how we had done the hot lip-lock, and some serious groping in the locker room. I would have been livid if the caretaker had walked in on us! But somehow, I wanted to take that calculated risk of being found out...It seemed kind of kinky to me, the thought of being if there was a secret voyeur spying on us! 

"PROCEED TO LOCK-DOWN...OUTER PERIMETER POSSIBLE BREACH...ALL PERSONNEL PREPARE FOR LOCK-DOWN PROCEDURES in 10...9...8...7..." The intercom in every single room of the house blared out the message loud and clear. I began to panic slightly as the door handle slowly shifted but thank goodness, it was Hawkes who entered with Alma. They both helped me to the lifts which would take us to the secret bunkers below the deep they went I could only imagine. I hoped dad was safe while the other employees soon joined us.

I suddenly felt more vulnerable than I had ever been, and missed my father terribly. Hawkes relayed the message that he was safe along with those whom he had to meet. We heard thundering footsteps above us as we went lower and lower. I lost count after the 56th floor...

"Hawkes, what's going on?" I asked, as they both had their arms wrapped around me since I still felt weak.

"Security breach testing, Master Damien. Not to worry. This is a matter of protocol. All personnel are required to follow procedure. You're in safe hands, don't worry" He smiled softly, squeezing my hand in reassurance. I nodded, following them into some rooms that mimicked the upstairs study. Huge screens lit up, showing what was happening above us while military AI personnel were above ground doing their investigations as huge helicopters with large searchlights scanned the grounds.

"ALL CLEAR...ALL CLEAR..." And suddenly all personnel went back up in those same elevators together with us and carried on as if nothing happened.

"Does this happen often?" I asked, marvelling at the technology as robotic armed forces slowly dissipated into the mid-level bunkers below.

"We're always on alert, sir. It is high-level protocol due to the sensitive processes and top-level people involved. Our mission has always been to protect the world from any kind of attacks whether internal or external..." Hawkes nodded.

"External? You mean...outer space?" My eyes went wide with the thought of actual space invasions on Earth.

"Yes, exactly" Hawkes confirmed, smiling as we found our way back into the day room where he helped me into a lying position on one of the cozy couches near the bay windows. I could see the green grass lawns stretch for miles and miles.

"Damien, would you like some tea?" Alma asked me. I smiled and nodded politely. Moments later, she came in with a trolley bearing my tea with additional baked goodies spread out upon a tray.

"Alma, you spoil me! I'll end up being fat, not fit!" I teased her as she beamed a smile and left me to my books. I still had homework, which I submitted via a private server online. So, in reality, I could even go to school from home. But it was no fun without actual physical contact with anyone, let alone my schoolmates and teammates with whom I had made fast friends. I began to miss them already!

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