Just a little tease

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A/N: Warning - sexual references in this chapter...A bit of sensual tension comes in the form of Randy Crum, which causes Damien to seriously think things through about his newfound relationship with the guy. He barely even knows him and yet, he finds himself the willing recipient of Randy's kisses...

Dedicated to: sanmariano Noirotica

Mr. Randy Crum and I had a such a strange relationship over the course of the next few weeks. Whenever I played well, he seemed to approve everything I did. But that was the only thing he seemed to like about me. But when it came to other things like his knowledge of my being a bit of a nerdy jock when it came to science subjects, left a bad taste in his mouth and he would do anything to piss me off or goad me.

Mick explained that that was the quirky way Randy showed that he liked certain people. I honestly wasn't convinced and tried hard to stay out of his way. However, Mick and I had become fast friends. After the scrummage on the football field, Mick had sprained his foot badly and was hobbling around on crutches for all of two weeks, but that didn't stop him from enjoying the company of his friends. It was through Mick that I had gotten to know the other players and I was grateful for his friendship.

When it came to plays, Coach Gilmore gave me free reign over what I thought was a good play; especially one that got results. I preferred the mathematical point of view in seeing the players' placements on the field, the trajectory of the ball and other considerations which was why I chose this sport.

Soon, the others understood what I was trying to specify when I laid it out for them, taking into considerations each player's strength and weakness. Coach Gilmore was flabbergasted at my enthusiasm but he could see that the players were paying close attention to my suggestions and carried them out onto the field which gave our team the edge they needed.

The end result was a series of successful wins throughout the majority of our playing season, which took us to the nationals. Dad was really pleased to see me getting along with the other players so well. He even found the time to attend most of my games. How he did it, I honestly never knew but he was there in the bleachers, cheering me on.

Cherisse and Ciara were screaming their heads off at every perfect play we executed on the field. After the game, all of us hit the showers except me. I found out that there was another changing room on the other side of the building, reserved for the pool area, which happened to be equipped with individual shower stalls, so I went to that one instead. The caretaker was curious at first as to why I preferred to go there to shower but he didn't question me as long as I kept the facilities squeaky clean.

After washing myself properly and hosing down, I went to the lockers to grab my stuff and change. While I was wiping myself off, I heard someone whistle behind me which made me gasp.

"Well, well...now I understand why you prefer not to take a shower with us..." A voice said. I recognized that voice very well...Randy Crum. "Turn around...I said TURN AROUND!" He spoke firmly.

I fumbled with my towel, dropping it to the floor and slowly turned around with both my hands hiding my sex.

"Show me..." He said, ordering me to remove my hands. I refused and he lumbered forward grabbing my hands away from my crotch. "Shit...is that...is that for real? Are you transgender or something?" He asked me, staring at that part of my body for a good few minutes.

"No, I'm not transgender. I'm equipped with both and yes, that's for real. It's a medical condition that I have lived with for all of my life...and if you start calling me a freak, I swear I'll beat you to a pulp!" I threatened, raising a fist to his face.

He backed off, hands raised, nodding. "No, I swear I won't tell...You can trust me...It's kind of sexy..." He grinned awkwardly.

I scrunched my eyes at him warily, disbelieving the remark that just came out of the guy's mouth. "What did you just say?"

"I said I think it's sexy...You're sexy..." He approached me, suddenly pinning me against the lockers, his eyes wandering down towards my sex, and back up to my face. Before I knew it, he was kissing me...hard.

My eyes grew wide with shock...Randy Crum was gay and he was into me...really into me! Shit! Wow, just...WOW! I was still flustered, as he pressed his body against mine, and then I felt it. I felt his arousal nudging against my body, which made me tingle all over. 

"Randy don't...please...don't stop..." I found myself moaning into his mouth as he deepened that kiss, wanting to explore my mouth with his tongue. I responded equally, finding myself wanting more. Here I was, a fully-naked male, pinned against the lockers by another guy roughly close to my size and I found it hot...I found Randy Crum hot and what he was doing to me was utterly devastating in a steamy way.

As I succumbed to his attack of my lips, making me want more of this instantaneous pleasure, I felt my insides moisten; the rush of blood flowing through my veins; my heart quickening its' pace as he fervently stroked me with his kisses from my lips, to my collarbone, my pecs, my abs. I leaned back against the lockers with my eyes closed, savouring the sensations his lips were leaving on my skin. If this was heaven, it felt too good to be true.

My heart was now racing with expectation as to what might happen next until...

"Are you alright in there?" I heard the caretaker yell out.

"Yes...I'm fine. I'll be out soon" I yelled, all the while trying to stifle the moans coming out of my mouth as Randy continued to eat me alive with those hot kisses of his. Before I could say anymore, he whispered in my ear...

"I want you...I wanted you since I first saw you...only you were playing it cool and hard to get. Will you let me in Damien?" He asked, his orbs glowing with desire as he pressed his hard self against me. I simply nodded because I was in orbit... driven by my own needs to be satiated and if Randy Crum was going to be the one to do it, well, HELL YEAH!

But then, a nagging thought entered my brain even though I felt ready for some reason. I'd been thinking about what it would be like to have sex with another guy...a lot. Visions of my previous assault rushed into my head, giving me a nasty headache of the three men kicking and punching my guts. But no, this was different and he was asking permission before he went further. The headache dissipated as he sucked upon my collarbone, panning down my pecs towards my abs and groin.

"Randy...stop...No, I can't...It will have to wait...It's not you...it's me...I need time, Randy" I answered, reality hitting me like a ton of bricks.

Randy nodded, acknowledging the fact that it was too soon. We had so much we didn't know about each other. I wanted to know what it was like to date another guy, even if it was Randy Crum! I couldn't care what others thought of me, but only if he felt the same way.

Gay guys like us jocks had to behave normally and stay in the closet, even throughout college. If he wanted it that way, then, fine...I would just have to be the same. The real world was only beginning to accept the fact that gay jocks existed, and I didn't want to ruin my chances or anyone else's career if they didn't want to expose themselves.

This was the dilemma toxic masculinity was gaining. The fact that we always had to be the tough, straight-acting guys who weren't crybabies; who ate nerds for lunch and had sex with lots of female cheerleaders, as opposed to doing something totally emasculating was a no-no.

We quickly broke off, panting before I began to dress myself. I had to take another shower, a COLD one, before leaving the premises. So, I made Randy go ahead of me, in case the caretaker was on the lookout for anything suspicious. I didn't know what to make of this revelation or this 'thing' between us. I had to think it over...really hard.

Hawkes was there like clockwork to pick me up, although he wondered why I took so long getting out of the changing rooms. I got into the back seat without a word, and allowed myself to daydream about what it was like to date someone like Randy Crum...

"Son? Son, wake up!!! Damien WAKE UP!!" I heard another voice suddenly in the picture and I slowly opened my eyes. My father was leaning over me in the bed as he had placed his hand on my head to feel my temperature.

"You came home with a raging fever after practice and was delirious with the medication doc gave you. I was so worried! You scared me out of my mind!" He gently cupped my cheek.

"I was just having a dream, dad" I smiled softly...and what a dream it was...or was it?

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