Confessions of the Disillusioned

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A/N: And let's see what Felix has to say...

Thank you to ambermoon3105 for being a wonderful angel...

Thank you to 12MidnightBlue12 for being a constant beacon of thought and hope

Thank you to IamRegal for the rousing review of my story

Thank you to all the wonderful readers and followers for loving this story and for all your votes and support!!!

"Ow, does he have to grip me so damn tight?" A struggling Felix howled in pain as both AIs MARCUS and TAMBER kept a strong hold upon the young man.

"They have every right to clamp you down, Felix. Now, explain why your name was all over the Katrina-bot!" Darius's steely gaze glared at a now trembling Felix.

"Hawkes, Dad had commissioned me to investigate and create a working AI unit under Christian Tech, for the benefit of the visiting statesmen but I never expected it to come so far...But you said that she's from the future, so how could I have created that?" He gasped, shocked at the realization that he was her creator.

"Well, it looks like you made good on your promise! But did you have someone helping you at the time?" Bry swooped in, waving a folder stacked with information at Felix.

"I had one of the Christian Tech guys with me, whom I never really bothered asking his name. He was brought on board, about the same time I was. But his specialty, was cell mutation and acceleration...Oh crap! I think he created the serum from the plant extract that caused Damien to go haywire for a bit," Felix pondered.

"We have to find out who this guy is, and stop him before it gets out of hand. The future of this present earth depends on it!" Darius boomed into the com-link, getting Mason, Fahey and two other agents on the case.

Damien protested, wanting to participate eagerly, but Darius explained that due to the personal involvement of Felix, he felt that their group was safer in the compound, monitoring the agents' progress from there.

But Dante stepped up and spoke, "Sir, it is imperative that we discover who this person is and stop him at all costs. I have no doubts regarding Agents Fahey and Mason and their abilities, but since we are all similarly trained and have impressive traits that might aid in the investigation, wouldn't it be faster if it was a team effort?"

"And we will also lend our own expertise as well. Kryon, our offspring, can head another contingent if necessary, since we have all had firsthand experience as witnesses to the carnage brought on by the mutation. We will help with strengthen the antidote, the one which you managed to administer to Damien when he became infected by the Katrina-bot," Gaia and Prion nodded in Zack's direction.

"That will definitely be most welcome, thank you both for volunteering. Okay, Dante, if you guys think you're up to this, I won't stand in your way. I know of how capable you are, but please, just be careful," Darius agreed.

"We will also help with the investigation," Mara interjected thoughtfully, holding onto her beloved husband, Ilya, as they both beamed with pride at their son.

"It's settled then. You shall all leave at dawn tomorrow. Both Bry and I will head the operation from here first, with the rest of the team, which now includes Deke and Gerry. Then we'll be joining you afterwards, that is, when Zack pinpoints the location of this man," He smiled at the two men who grinned enthusiastically.

"Got it, Chief," Zack nodded, hustling everyone out of the lab, except for Felix, since Darius had not finished interrogating the young man. Everyone was quite relieved to see Felix cooperating with the investigation, and that he had been frank and honest about his involvement due to their father.

Nik stood there, in shock and disbelief that Felix would allow himself to be swayed by their father into working with Christian Tech operatives, who had a reputation for being overly secretive with their work since they were working for the enemy.

"I'm really sorry, Nik. I know you're disappointed in me, "Felix frowned, as the cuffs finally came off his wrists.

"I realize that you didn't have much choice in the matter, and that you were also protecting Alonso," Nik patted his sibling's shoulder. "But you could have come to me with the information. We may have been able to find a suitable solution together," Nik sighed.

"I know...but to have you involved in this mess too...I couldn't risk it. You were always the level-headed one, Nik. You were and are destined for greatness. Dad always said it, and it's true..." Felix peered into his brother's eyes.

Although they were triplets, Nik was still the first born of the three, even though they were minutes apart.

"But I would never have allowed it to happen. I love you both and dad...Dad fell in with the wrong crowd for all the, let me rephrase that...for all the wrong reasons," He said gently, drawing Felix into his open arms in a brotherly hug. Nik's face darkened in pain, recalling that fatal bullet he had shot, ending his father's life abruptly, in order to save Darius and the others.

'Alright gentlemen. At least, I know you will make amends Felix," Darius smiled.

"Yes sir, I will definitely do that right now," Felix acknowledged, as he went to where Zack was sitting, perusing the formula that created the serum, trying to remember something.

"Are you alright, Nik?" Darius quietly observed the young agent who seemed deep in thought.

"Yes sir, I am. I was just thinking about how you and dad had been so close. He was the same for us too, but it's like we never really knew him I guess..." Nik's voice fell into a whisper.

"I know, Nik...I know..." Darius clapped a hand on Nik's back, understanding completely.

A/N: And who is this mystery man?

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