To Right A Wrong

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Damien POV

Felix jumped at the chance to redeem himself. He even suggested going back to Christian Tech to see if he could get some more information on his elusive partner, who had disappeared into the woodwork during a meltdown at the laboratory.

Dad only agreed to it as long as he was not alone, in case of any emergency. Nik and Mick both volunteered their services immediately, deciding to follow Felix at a distance discreetly.

We were all assigned to different tasks including infiltration at the other Christian Tech labs around the world, and would re-convene at a secret location at a later date once we found this missing scientist.

Meanwhile, Randy had his son to feed, and everyone went back to the mansion to take a rest, and also to prepare our stuff for the journey. Dad had split our team up into three or four people depending on the necessity, and so, Dante and I were working together with Randy.

Randy was fully on board since he wanted to erase the horrible memories of the atrocities his father was responsible for. He told us that he was determined to make a new and better life for himself and his son, even if it meant distancing them both away from his 'wretched' family, with the exception of his aunt who was now under our protection too.

Bron, Alonso and Arturo made up the other team, and their destination was right in the heart of Asia – Singapore in fact. Marina made sure that her son knew all the ins and outs of the place, since both she and dad had been operatives there a long time ago, and yes, that's where Bron was conceived.

I had long forgiven dad for his wicked ways, since I loved Bron, my brother too much, to keep a deep-seated grudge against him. We had gotten ever closer since our realization that we were actually siblings, and it felt wonderful to have Bron as a brother who supported me.

As we retired to our own room, Dante threw me a sly smile, curling out the corner of those luscious lips. I threw one back, and before I knew it, I was suddenly, swiftly pinned to the wall by my beloved, as he captured my lips, devouring them in ecstasy. I then chuckled as we broke off for air, pushing him playfully towards the bed.

"Whoa, easy there, tiger...Couldn't wait, huh?" Dante teased.

"Uh-huh, no way can I resist those yummy lips of yours any longer..." I grinned back, as he fell upon the bed, once his legs hit the edge of it. We both tumbled onto it, laughing as I wrapped my arms around his trim, taut waist.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I gazed lovingly into Dante's face, as he furrowed his brows ever so suddenly.

"You do realize the repercussions of what we do right here and right now, could have a startling effect on the future?" he pondered, as we lay there in each other's arms momentarily.

I nodded, "Yes, but I believe that we have more to gain by it. I will not lose you. We're both here right now, and whatever happens we have each other. You have nothing to fear..." I calmly stated.

"Oh God, I hope so...My parents had escaped from the future, with the help of your father, my love. There is no telling of what our fate may be. I have seen things but they do not collate to the plan of things..." He sighed heavily into my embrace as I cuddled him tightly.

"I understand. I too worry about our future, but as long as we have one another, nothing can stand between us. I love you" I reassured him.

He nodded, but I knew exactly how he felt. Our future rested in finding this man had putting a stop to the process before anything else could happen. It was a risk that we were undertaking, but it had to be done.

I pulled him up off the bed, as we still had some packing to do. It would be a restless night for all of us, owing to the gravity of the situation and the risks involved if we could not find this man in time.

We left at dawn early the next day, as Dante, myself and Randy were deployed into Russia by way of Ukraine. Everyone synchronized their watches, as we travelled discreetly, posing as young tourists out to have a good time.

Nik had relayed back that Felix was successful in obtaining some secret files on the man and was bringing in the much-guarded information without any interference, which was great news. The lab that Felix had been working in was now abandoned, and it seemed that everyone had left in a hurry.

Dad deployed the other agents to seal the lab, so that Zack and his fellow scientists could study all the projects that the lab was meant to produce over time. It seemed strange to us, however, that the information left behind would be left lying there so carelessly, so they sifted through everything cautiously, taking apart the lab, piece by precious piece.

Once settled back at the compound, Felix was able to shed some light on the man's character, and unfortunately for us, it was not a happy one. According to Felix, this scientist was not all that he seemed to be. Tyron Bader, was a loner, who kept to himself.

Abandoned as a baby in an orphanage, Tyron was mysteriously adopted by a secret benefactor, who trained him in martial arts as well as the sciences such as physics and chemistry. Bader was notorious as quite the radical in high school, always fighting for causes, as well as initiating protests. Thanks to his benefactor, he had been brainwashed to think that he was going to be the earth's savior in that respect.

He seemingly hatched a plan to bring the world to its' knees by releasing a deadly toxin into the water systems of the world, through the laboratory access given him. He was caught and incarcerated for a short period, before being released to continue his education at a prestigious university, before winding up at Christian Tech. He was apparently on orders from his mysterious benefactor who kept him out of trouble for a while, whom we had yet to decipher who it was.

This benefactor was another one of those elusive tycoons who refused to be named, hiding in the shadows of his billions somewhere out in the Caribbean. But knowing how our organization was quick to discover the secret hideaways of these felons always amazed me.

So now, as we set off on our separate journeys, our targets were other branches of Christian Tech. We scoured these abandoned labs for the whereabouts of Tyron Bader, hoping to stop him in his tracks before he turned the earth into one gigantic laboratory of rampant mutants.

These mutants, according to my father, Gaia and Prion, were the scourge of New Earth – sent to find other habitats to thrive in, while eliminating prior inhabitants.

If it were not for my father's intervention at the right time, Dante's family, as well as the leaders and their families and other survivors would not have been able to make the jump to hyperspace, and wind up here.

But after surviving for more than 25 years, below our planet's surface, waiting for their true leader to emerge, Gaia and Prion came to know of Dante's existence, thanks to Mara's and Ilya's location. But before they could complete the rendezvous, all communication had been mysteriously severed.

Tyron Bader posed a great threat to humankind and it was imperative for the teams to find out where he was, and soon!

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