Healing Motions

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A/N: To continue, Felix had been attacked by a beast of some sort and was in serious condition as Zack continued to observe him...

Zack POV

I was monitoring Felix's grave condition in the chamber, as he floated in and out of consciousness in the past couple of hours. He had lost quite a lot of blood and we had given him several transfusions and was healing nicely, thanks to Dante's immediate actions.

He had been airlifted on a Black Hawk to one of our aircraft carriers, settled just outside of Russian waters. As soon as he was wheeled into the infirmary, Sam and I were there to welcome him to begin the treatment right away.

Both Damien and Dante had been keeping watch, taking turns with Nik and Alonso who were strickened with sadness at their sibling's condition. I had to reassure them both that Felix was going to be okay. But there was rather an important matter to discuss with all of them.

Felix had not only lost blood but had been bitten in the neck by his assailant, who was now undergoing an examination of his own in another room from both Gaia and Prion, while under heavy security. As we had previously assumed, Tyron Bader had given himself the volatile potion, but Felix's quick thinking of pouring the antidote down Tyron's throat was a game-changer. Now, Tyron was slowly transforming into his human self again.

We now were close to uncovering the real mastermind behind this entire process. It was Darius' suspicions that Marcus would know the target, and he went to interrogate Marcus further on the subject, with Bry, Deke and Gerry taking part.

"How's his vital signs, Arty?" I asked Arturo, who was closely watching the apparatus, as Felix's eyes flickered rapidly.

"He's breathing normally, but appears to be experiencing some violent dreams in REM state. Should we put them up on the screen?" Arturo gazed back at me, questioningly.

"Yeah, let's do that. I'm sure Sam and the others would be interested," I nodded, as Sam Grenley came into the lab.

"Hi you two, how's Felix doing?" She enquired of us both.

"He's responding to the antidote, and Dante managed to stem the flow of blood. But...whoa, get a load of those images that Tyron's been throwing out! I'd better notify Darius immediately!" I stared, my eyes wide at what was being projected upon the screen, of children being experimented on. One of the kids looked vaguely familiar to me.

Everyone soon joined us in the lab, Dante's parents included, as their eyes scanned the faces that flickered across the screen. Ilya pointed out some of the missing kids when their lab was operational, as the children were whisked away to another unknown location for further testing.

Mara acknowledged that these were the subjects they were supposed to have experimented on, but they had decided to leave the facility upon refusing to take part in the program. She pointed at the screen, remembering every single name that resurfaced in her mind, and we logged them into the main computer, in order to find out whether they were still alive.

As I scrolled through the names, my heart stopped. No wonder why one of the kids looked familiar to me. He was the son of a colleague, when I was still going through the paces at university. The boy had been forcibly kidnapped and was missing.

"It appears that one bite was enough for Felix to absorb all of Tyron's information into his system. We are seeing things through Tyron's eyes apparently," Sam noted.

Everyone stood silently, as the images revealed more scenes, around the lab, on different levels. Whatever Tyron had done or had been doing that day, was revealed from one single, instantaneous contact with Felix. This man, whomever he was, was not all human.

Tyron Bader must have been a different species of alien, with his movements reflecting these mannerisms. We all agreed as we continued to watch the footage upon the screen.

The images now showed the elevator, being taken to a higher level, with top level security. Huge doors loomed into view, and once opened, we came across a man, who was sitting at a large desk, perusing some files.

He stopped, looked up and smiled at us, nodding his head as he spoke to us in a gentle manner and tone.

Here was Bader's benefactor, in all his glory, a businessman with ties to the military. He was still talking to Bader, until something went horribly wrong and we soon found ourselves witnessing the man's murder right in front of us.

"He was still in the blasted building" We heard some of our men groan out loud, as they came through, with a body bag.

Our forces, now combed level by level to make sure that there were no more personnel on the premises. They had stumbled upon that large room, and found the benefactor, with his throat ripped from ear to ear – Bader's doing.

"WHAT???!!!" We all exclaimed.

The man's body had been collected and brought to the other section of the lab, where both Prion and Gaia had been observing Tyron, now that he had reverted back to his humanoid state. Prion noted Tyron's unusual behaviour and relayed his findings to us, via com-link.

Prion's and Gaia's observations confirmed that Tyron was not of this world. Even subsequent blood tests proved this theory, and Darius was briefed on the situation. I continued to keep watch on Felix's injury as Dante, for some reason could not heal it thoroughly.

Dante wanted to try one more time, using the combined efforts of both his parents and himself, and I agreed, once Felix was out of the chamber of amniotic fluid. We gently lifted him out onto a gurney, wiping him down and keeping him warm, until both Ilya and Mara came.

They held Felix in their embrace, as their combined powers warmed Felix up, and soon, the wound began to seal of its' own accord. Sam and I were relieved that it was working. We did not need another Tyron Bader in our midst, although I was sure that the antidote would work, since it was a joint effort with both Gaia and Prion's help.

Felix's eyes soon fluttered open, as Nik and Alonso stood by his bedside, silently observing their sibling. Sam and her team were also on hand in case of any difficulties but he seemed well enough, and was soon demanding to be fed!

As if on cue, Alma came barging through with a variety of warm breads for everyone, and hot coffee, since none of us had slept a wink, and she had insisted on being there for her son.

"Well done, Zack and Sam, and well done, Dante and family," Darius was full of nothing but praise and relieved to see Felix looking much better after his ordeal. Our lives would have been devastated if Felix did not make it.

There was some new intel on Bader's benefactor, and we soon discovered that he was only one of a handful of very prolific businessmen, who had ties to the military. Darius and Bry had been able to squeeze out more information on the names of these men from Marcus, with help from Ilya who did some psychic intrusion into his brain.

"Gosh, if there are any more Tyron Baders to deal with, we're going to need every available agent on this paper trail!" Damien noted.

"Yep, going to agree with you on that one!" Bron nodded.

"There's a better way to trace them without having to physically be present, since we have all the resources we need right here...' Darius said, smirking as he threw a glance Dante's way.

"On it!" Dante nodded, as he sat down in a chair, fiddling with some articles which were personal to the man in question. It suddenly dawned on me what Dante was doing. He was trying to latch onto any floating bits of information regarding these mysterious men. Hopefully, we could have these men found and arrested before anything else could arise.

Alma was checking on her son's appetite which seemed to be voracious than normal. But then, Sam thought nothing of it, and neither did I until I noticed his physical size increase at an alarming rate. He was not getting fat, he was getting muscular, not that he wasn't already.

His metabolic rate was on fire, which made us very worried, and it seemed that his heart was doing more than it should. I com-linked Dante who was in the other lab, trying to get into Tyron's mind which he communicated to me was like a fortress.

Darius confirmed his species, a combination of humanoid and some other form of beast, which we had to deal with soon. Apparently, all the antidote did was return him to his humanoid state, but that being said, we didn't know whether it was effective on his alternate state, that of a beast.

Tyron Bader's transformation was an interesting phenomenon, one that had to be further studied, since neither Darius nor Gaia nor Prion had come across such an anomaly. This stuff was made of folklore and old wives' tales of shape shifters and the rest. I for one, never believed in such hocus pocus, and this just fuelled my determination to dig deeper.

As I watched Felix evolve, he seemed totally unfettered, just hungry for food, unaware of the physical changes occurring in his body. His heart rate returned to normal as if it was nothing. My eyes left the screen momentarily since I was no longer in the room, obviously allowing mother and son to bond in private. But then, as I was discussing the situation in detail with Darius, we heard a loud clatter as Alma dropped the empty tray to the floor, screaming, "FELIX!!!"

A/N: And I wonder why Alma screamed...

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