I'm not a Beast!

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A/N: Felix gives his mother the shock of her life with his transformation...

Damien POV

We all rushed back into the lab, wondering what the hell was going on, when the smell hit us – wet dog. I raised my eyebrows at Dante and Bron and both men shrugged as we cautiously approached the hulking, furry mass that was Felix, with his lower half wrapped in a towel.

He had decided to take a shower, after having his meal, and had given his mother quite a shock with his current appearance when he re-emerged from the bathroom.

"Felix? Is that really you?" Zack enquired.

"Umm, yeah, what's going on?" He answered, continuing to towel dry his body as if it was nothing until he noticed all that hair... "YIKES! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME???" He started partially yelling and growling at the same time. His eyes wandered over to his mother, who was now in a dead faint at his feet.

Poor Felix sank to his knees, sobbing as I went down on mine beside him, and threw an arm around him.

"Zack, can this condition be reversed? I thought the antidote was powerful enough to resist this sort of mutation," Darius pondered, as we examined Felix once I managed to help him onto the table.

"There must be some sort of genetic link in Felix's DNA that the serum latched onto, allowing this to happen," He scratched his head.

"Whatever it is, we must find a way to change him back! Can we change him back?" Nik and Alonso chimed in, looking horrified, as both Mick and Randy looked equally shocked.

"Everyone, please calm down. We can get blood samples from Felix to analyze them further and make a stronger antidote to reverse the effects. We will help," Prion nodded. "I think I may need a bit of time to extract some more information out of Tyron which could help us," He looked at Gaia who complied by following him out of the room towards the cell where Tyron was held under high security.

"Good idea. Steady, Felix. This is going to sting but I need some of your blood for testing, okay?" Zack readied two syringes as Felix stared at him, wide-eyed.

"Umm, okay but is it going to hurt?" He whined.

"Yep, so as a precaution, we're going to tie you down love," Mick responded, as he stroked Felix's arm. The young man gently kissed his snout, before he lay back onto the gurney to be strapped in by both Dante and myself.

"Oh, okay...as long as you're here" Felix grinned at Mick lovingly, with very pronounced canines.

"Not everything has changed...at least not the parts that I like," Mick smirked, as his eyes pandered down Felix's nakedly furry body, still revealing the firm six-pack, sexy V-line and the meaty protrusion that hung between his thighs which was now getting heavily aroused.

"Don't tempt him!" Nik swatted Mick's head playfully.

Zack managed to extract the blood without any fuss from the wolf-like Felix, who now stretched his limbs after being released from the straps. He pulled Mick into his embrace saying, "Hmm, you smell so good I want to mark you," as his tongue darted out licking Mick's ear.

"Easy there, pally. There'll be no hanky-panky until we really find out what's going on with your body, and for how long you'll remain in this state," Zack shook his head, as he prepared the blood sample for analysis.

"Awh nuts! You mean I have to be confined here?" Felix howled.

"Yep, well, not here but in one of the more spacious, comfortable rooms at least," Dad spoke up. "How soon will you know, Zack?"

"I'll need at least overnight and the whole of tomorrow morning, sir," Zack replied dutifully.

"Wow, you sound really certain about that," Nik's eyebrows raised up.

'Well, our technicians generally hold strange work hours anyway. It's pretty natural," Zack shrugged. "Get some rest, Felix. I'll hopefully get the results back to you all tomorrow around midday," Zack called out, as he proceeded to the bloodwork laboratories one level up.

"Come on, man. It's going to be okay. You'll find something to occupy yourself, I'm sure," Dante nodded.

"The only thing occupying my mind at the moment is this," Felix rubbed himself all over Mick who chuckled, stroking his beloved's fur affectionately.

"Felix...stand down, that's an order" Dad's firm words made Felix squeal and cower at the same time.

"Yes...sir," He gulped. It made us all chuckle at how a big, werewolf-like creature could humble himself before the voice of authority - my father's. Bron and Alonso were beside themselves, struggling to hold in their laughter as Nik rolled his eyes.

Sam, meanwhile took care of Alma, who was slowly coming around, after seeing her son in that condition. She had regained consciousness only to faint again after seeing Felix who had yet to revert back to his human form.

"Good grief, she's out" Sam exclaimed, checking the poor woman's vital signs.

"Better lie her down in one of the rooms. It's been too much for Alma," Dad chuckled. Bry helped carry Alma to another room to rest.

"In the meantime, you guys see to it that Felix gets to his room okay, and Bry and I will check up on Prion and Gaia with their interrogation of Tyron," Dad continued as he followed Bry out the door.

"Come on, Poochie" Randy teased Felix, making him throw a glare and growl back at him.

"HEY, he's MY POOCHIE, so hands off!" Mick wagged a finger as Nik face-palmed himself, while Arturo looked on with much curiosity.

They all went down the corridor to find Felix some decent accommodation in the facility, laughing along the way...

A/N: Oh dear! What a situation! Poor Felix! Hopefully, they can revert him back to his human state soon! 

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