Metallic Marvels

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A/N: What a funny mess to get into!!! Naughty Mick for getting the AI Unit fully aroused, lol!!! Let's see what the boys get up to...

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Damien POV

My father found out about the grave mishap that occurred at the Robotics Lab. He came down to survey the mess that had been made. Mick was still shocked that he actually made the AI Unit respond to his fervent touch that he was shaking like a leaf.

To my surprise, even my father thought that the entire incident was extremely funny. He even managed to cajole Zack into being a bit more lenient with our punishment, since we were already volunteering into mopping up the place.

Zack did not expect the AI Unit's reaction and was re-playing the scene over and over on his computer. There was hardly any damage to the AI Unit at all, except for a fully plastered look of pure bliss cemented on his face.

"Okay, I must admit that it was very interesting as to how you got the AI Unit aroused. Normally they are programmed to be in charge of human arousal and sexual pleasure. AI Units have become extremely sophisticated, thanks to Spielberg's AI, the film.

We have been collaborating with laboratories responsible for building fairground attractions and theme parks, since the technology for actual AI Units was initially created and perfected by one particular company.

Since then, we've been able to take that technology and re-master it into the units you see here and all around you in the lab. These two are special in particular for their ability to express and sense all kinds of human emotions, including what you just experienced" Zack explained, as he adjusted the male AI Unit whose moniker was A.R.T.U.R.O.

ARTURO and LAILA were the children of one very famous parent, DIANA who was their predecessor and child of one brilliant young professor, Marcus Danon for a project spearheaded by Senator Kelly and General Winters, dad went on to say.

"What happened to DIANA?" I queried, as I was really getting into the whole scene of robotics. I was so eager to start working on my own science project and here was the perfect opportunity to work alongside professionals in the field.

"DIANA was stolen by a counter-laboratory set on developing droids for intel-espionage and counter-destruction. She had been re-programmed to seek and destroy her own creator in the process. The droids who guard our compound were developed by Doctor Danon to counter-attack. Unfortunately, Senator Kelly and General Winters are no longer with us. They died during a catastrophic explosion on one of our remote outposts similar to the one I had to invade..." Dad broke off, and I could see the look of concern upon his face. I understood completely. It was similar to the place where my mother had died.

"DIANA was re-united with her creator under the direst of circumstances. Marcus had no choice but to destroy her before she could murder him and his associates. He had the foresight to create more droids like her, but purely for defense purposes. They were quick, agile, strong and followed orders to the letter. They succeeded where she and those who re-programmed her had failed.

Christian Tech was eventually seized and converted into all of this that you see here. We took their technologies and further developed the AI Units, but destroying the unnecessary components that did not serve us. LAILA and ARTURO have Nano technology built into them. Their inner Titanium casing is built to last for hundreds of years long after we're gone" Zack continued.

"Well, after all that history and cleaning up all this mess, I'm fricking hungry" Randy bellowed, patting his invisible stomach again. Nik and Felix threw out the soiled tissues, while Mick stood there, immobilised, stunned into a stupor by the entire incident. He still couldn't believe it!

"If that's the case, how about we go for a spot of lunch before continuing? I really want to show you the inner workings of these droids, Damien, so you'll have a working idea of how you want to proceed with your project" Zack smiled.

"AWESOME!" I responded, elated with the prospect of doing a really great job on the science project for the competition.

"But you must show me your work. I hear that you've brought some with you?" Zack asked.

"Yeah, but their tiny Nano-bots really, although I did build a dog once. I wanted to have a puppy but I wasn't allowed to have one, so I made one from scratch actually. I wonder what happened to it. It went missing one day and I remember crying really hard because it was my sole companion amidst the madness" I sighed, miserable with the loss of my robotic friend.

"Erm...Damien...He wasn't lost...only borrowed. I wanted to surprise you but Cora passed and everything started to snowball, I never even had the chance to..." My dad began to speak when...

"Woof" I heard a distinct barking noise, and something was scrambling around the corner. I crouched down and opened my arms as a creature resembling the doggie-bot that I had created came bounding into my arms, alongside a real fuzzy creature who rounded the corner as well. The little fellow stopped and sat there, cocking his head to one side eyeing me from head to toe.

"Oh my God, dad...It's Beamer!!! This is just so great, I can't thank you enough..." I broke off as tears steamed up my vision as I set the lovely robotic-dog down and allowed the real one to approach me. He was such a tiny fellow for now but cuddly nonetheless.

"They've been playing together and are as inseparable as peas in a pod. Sparky here doesn't know the difference. He thinks Beamer is as real a dog as he is" My dad beamed.

"Sparky, how appropriate!" I laughed, hugging the little woofer to my chest. The lovely Labrador pup began to lick my cheek as I chuckled softly, patting his soft fur. He nuzzled against me as I held the little dog to my chest.

"Great, now I have two dogs to take care of!" I laughed, as the puppy tickled my chin with its' zealous licking. Beamer ran around us, yelping happily, wagging his little robotic tail. This was just awesome!

"When your dad brought me Beamer, I examined him thoroughly, marvelling at the simple rotary unit you installed for his movements. I was really impressed with what you did, having so little to work with. I could use a talented kid like you in this lab" Zack grinned. For a moment, the previous wacky episode with ARTURO had been forgotten.

"Really? That would be so cool! But right now, Nik, Randy and I have to build a fully functional droid for the Science Fair at school. I've entered the competition and I want to win! Do you think we could hang around the lab and possibly work with you, that is, if you have time to guide us?" I pleaded.

"I think that can be arranged, provided you and your pals keep their hands out of mischief" Zack chuckled, making Mick blush out of embarrassment while we all hooted and hollered. My dad stood there, smirking and shaking his head at us as Mick desperately tried to hide after making a fool of himself.

"Is ARTURO going to be okay?" He sheepishly asked Zack, watching as Zack made notes during his inspection of the AI Unit.

"Oh, he's going to be just fine. Normally these droids are the ones giving pleasure, not the other way around. You gave ARTURO a whole new experience in pleasure" Zack teased Mick.

"Why were they built in the first place?" Nik scratched his head, trying to understand the whole scenario.

"Well, it was an entirely new concept, developed by the Marketing Department. They came up with the idea of AI Units for household use, hospital facilities, and more recently the new space station" Zack drew up a virtual plan of the newly designed space station which seemed more like a huge floating city. It had hotels, apartment buildings, bars, clubs, restaurants, mini highways.

Our eyes bugged out while Randy's eyebrows wagged like crazy. "Holy Hell, that's fantastic!!! You mean this whole humongous thing is going to be floating up there?"

"Yep, as soon as she's fully operational. DIANA was supposed to have been sent but now these two and other prototypes will be entertaining the masses on board in more ways than one..." Zack replied, tracing the outlines of the virtual map that unfolded into a wider spec of the floating mass.

At that, ARTURO woke up and stepped out of his cabinet, surprising us all. He was no longer coupled to the umbilical wires. He casually sauntered over to where Mick, Nik and Felix were, and wrapped his arms around Mick tightly, and cheekily laid his head on Mick's shoulder...

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