No Holding Back

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A/N: Damien and Randy settle in for the night, but hear noises coming from the other room...

"So, your dad's some kind of secret agent, huh?" Randy sauntered into my room, casually looking around, his eyes finally settling upon me as I stood, glancing out the bay window.

"Yeah, so, are you freaked out? Are you mad?" I asked him, without turning around. I wanted to sense his take on this entire operation. I wanted his impression on what he'd seen and heard so far. In a way, it was more of a reassurance for me that Randy wouldn't be fazed by any of it and still remain the sweet guy I fell in love with.

"No, why should I be mad? Well, come to think of it, yeah, I'm mad...I'm mad at my dad for doing these stupid things! I'm mad at him for hurting my mom, and then you! Yeah, you could say I'm mad. But am I freaked out by all this spy versus spy stuff your dad is involved in? No, I'm not. Actually, I think it is kind of cool" He smiled, reaching out for my hand. I held it out towards him, finally turning around, drinking in his glorious form as he stood there, as he captured and eventually clasped my hand tightly in his.

"I'm kind of glad he got you both here...Thanks to Nik too...If anything happened to either of you I'd be broken...especially you..." I responded, in a sullen tone. I now understood what it felt like to be one half of a whole, in a relationship.

Although this was my first ever love, I had no intention of letting Randy go, and I hoped that he felt that way about me in return, or at least he seemed to. He sidled up to me, slipping his arms around my waist, gently placing his chin on my shoulder as I gazed outside the window once more.

"Hey, do you think he can train me to be an agent?" He suddenly enquired, his eyes brightening up with the prospect of doing something exciting and not ordinary.

"What? You mean, you want to join The Organization?" I gasped as my eyebrows shot up, snapping around to face him as I placed my hands upon his chest. "Whoa, steady there, fella...Are you sure you want this?"

"Yep, I think so. Your dad may not have told me everything but I kind of guessed exactly the line of work he's in. He's got to be one of those operatives who's seen a lot of action, and I want to be exactly that...wouldn't you?" He grinned, holding me at arm's length.

"Umm, Randy...You don't even know exactly what line of work my father is in! You don't even know what kind of training that even entails. My father has put lots of hours into self-defense training, but it's not just the physical part. There's also sciences, math...Stuff you hate..." I broke off teasingly, chuckling at Randy's expense.

He rolled his eyes citing, "Awh, I'm sure it will be a piece of cake...Besides I think your dad will go easy on me" He laughed, but I shook my head in total disagreement knowing full well how my father would react to that! I also recalled how Randy had been reluctant to do the science project I had roped him into with Nik.

"Okay, mister...Since you're so eager to get on with it, how about we concentrate on the Science project for the competition? We still have to turn that in you know?" I chided him.

"Umm...sure...but for about we concentrate on something else?" He smooched at my neck, laying down small tender kisses from my collarbone upwards to my chin. There was a hint of some stubble there, which he teasingly nibbled at, which made me ticklish.

I squirmed in his arms, laughing as I pushed him backwards easily using very little strength. He backed up towards the bed and we both fell into it with me on top of him. He then rolled us over, laughingly as he did so, still with his arms locked tightly around me. His steely gaze clouded over with lust as he gazed into my eyes.

Our lips found each other as our hands gently massaged flesh upon firm flesh, groping, stroking each other tenderly underneath our shirts, slowly melding our bodies, still clothed against one another. I gasped, catching my breath briefly as he did, then once more, he assaulted my lips with such fervor and passion. I sensed a tantalizing tingling between my legs and found myself wet with desire and he pressed his growing girth between my legs.

"Whoa, easy there, tiger..." I clamped a hand over his eager lips. That did nothing to stop him though as he kept kissing my palm which made me break out in laughter. Yet I was overly concerned what with the two big guards posted on our floor, and Nik and Mick in adjacent rooms overhearing every single sound.

I hushed my over-zealous lover for a moment, clambering off the bed quietly. I then pried open the door just a tad, sneaking a peek at the quiet hallway fearlessly decorated with armed men, who nodded upon seeing me. Then I heard a giggling noise and soft, dulcet tones coming from one of the bedrooms...

"No, no, no, no... Stop. Wait...I said wait! I can't get the damn thing undone. Hold on...I think I got it. You take off yours first, then I'll undo mine, got it?" I distinctly heard my dear friend Mick saying and he was obviously not alone. A series of grunts and groans ensued making us more curious.

I took off my boots so as not to make any noise, beckoning to Randy to follow suit. He gently removed his shoes and set them aside by the bed. We then sneaked out into the hallway, acknowledging the men once more, before we headed straight ahead towards Mick's door under scrutiny from these armed men.

We heard more giggling, scratching, tussling and moaning from behind the door. Then someone yelled out loud, causing us to scramble back to my room while one of the guards knocked on Mick's door. We spied from our end the door opening very slowly, with only Mick's head peeking through.

"Are you alright in there, sir?" The burly guard enquired politely.

"Yeah, yeah, I am, err...thanks for asking..." He grinned, a blush clearly rising in his cheeks. He then eased the door closed once again.

Randy looked at me with an all-knowing glint in his eye as he whispered into my ear softly. I chuckled at the plot he had hatched out of nowhere to catch both Nik and Mick together. I listened intently, since I knew that our balconies were connected which made things easier for us.

We crept out onto the balcony in Randy's room since it was the closest to Mick's and slid carefully across. The room was dimly lit with the curtains drawn halfway. Randy tinkered with the sliding doors and found them unlocked, so he tugged at the handles, successfully sliding them quietly open.

We then both hunkered down like two army commandoes, crawling our way into the carpeted room. The configuration of the room was angularly different to mine in that the bedroom was housed in an inner private sanctum away from the large, balcony doors whereas mine was not. The two boys had no clue that we had gotten in.

But silly me had forgotten that the doors had a hair trigger attached to a silent alarm which notified security which alerted the guards causing them to burst in. One of them flicked on the light switch to full and found us both standing there, looking sheepish at both Nik and Mick whom we both caught playing NAKED TWISTER!!!

"Okay...I think we'd better get back to our rooms" I calmly managed to say in spite of myself. Randy didn't even know where to look, because both boys were buck naked, fully aroused and obviously enjoying a lot more than just Twister!

Mick sported a look upon his face that threw daggers right at me for breaking up their raunchy play. Nik acted like it was perfectly normal to be standing there with a hard-on as if nothing had happened. Randy was desperately trying to hold in his laughter, and was slowly starting to turn beet red.

The guard had to give the all clear to the rest of security via com-link and inspected the balcony doors to make sure no damage was done, before retreating back out into the hallway. Once he had left, we found ourselves apologizing profusely to them for the cheeky interruption before going back the way we came.

Randy was struggling to control it as we both high-tailed it back. Once in my room, we couldn't help but burst out laughing. Our plan had worked, and Mick and Nik were getting to know each other pretty well!

After the laughter had died down, we found ourselves drifting into each other's arms towards the bed...

"Fancy a game of Twister?" Randy tugged at my t-shirt, raising the hem up while stroking my abs teasingly.

"Umm...We'd better get some shut-eye if you don't mind" I spoke, suddenly regretting my suggestion, upon seeing the disappointment on Randy's face. But I wanted our real first time to be special, and I had promised myself that I would abstain from sex until I was of age, meaning at least until I was 17, which wasn't too far away, since my birthday was coming up really soon.

So, Randy relented, and we just cuddled on the bed together, spooning. I sighed into his embrace and closed my eyes, content just to be in his arms, for now...

A/N: Well, Mick and Nik certainly didn't waste any time getting to know one another, much to the embarrassments of their two friends, lol!!! But Damien still wants his own time with Randy to be special, and rightly so...hope you guys enjoyed it! Thanks for voting and commenting!!!

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