One Mistake Too Many

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A/N: Hawkes has an explanation which brings light to the situation...

Dedicated to: lonelycauliflower  onedopegirl Zachsilver26 cristinairiza ambermoon3105 alltimesTorment Annteee longlooks AlphaKelly LucainArmand hasnoshamexx njmawrite 

Damien POV

"NIK! Dammit to hell! What on earth were you thinking of letting Alonso leave the compound? Who told you to let him out, Nikolas? And where the hell is Felix?" Hawkes exclaimed, hauling his son in by the collar into the conference room, as soon as they were cleared for entry into the compound.

Nik looked distraught, almost fearful at the sight of his father's wrath. Hawkes would never hit his son...or would he? It was then I realized the change in Nik's mannerisms. Could it be that Alonso was the trickster who had kissed me in the foyer and not Nik?

I shuddered at the thought of having been in close proximity of a mad gunman. He could have easily taken my head off. SHIT!!! I stood there, mouth agape, staring at Nik. This was the real Nik, quiet and reserved, slightly shy, gentile and kind. But who was the one who had been tailing us up to the woods and back?

But now I was even more confused. Who the hell was Felix? Hawkes saw the look on my face and apologized immediately. "I must explain...Nik, Alonso and Felix are triplets. Nik had been assigned to look after both you and Randy" he went on but was shocked when one of the other agents came up the stairs with a very weary looking Felix I presumed.

"Felix, Good God! What happened to you?" Hawkes' hand flew to his mouth in utter shock and dismay.

"I found him bound and gagged in Alonso's cell just now, sir. I was hearing a strange scratching noise. It turned out to be Felix..." the young agent, named Kelly replied, then he curtly nodded and left us.

Alonso had been receiving psychological treatment for a mission gone terribly wrong which left a huge internal scar on the young agent. He had been living in a padded cell within the compound and had been visited by his siblings from time to time. Both siblings had been keeping their brother up-to-date on certain events, thus Alonso knew of the hearings and their location.

Felix had then been tricked by his brother into letting him out on the premise that he would be on his best behaviour since there had been times when Alonso was given permission to walk within the grounds, accompanied by an armed guard in order to ensure that he would be up to no mischief. But this time, the bastard was as slippery as an eel and had managed to escape.

Thus, Alonso managed to make his way somehow to the secret location for the trial of Thorpe and his men, causing havoc and unnecessary casualties. Hawkes had regretted sparing his son's life, even when he had sided with the enemy on many occasions, this being no exception.

The compound guards had footage of the surveillance tape that revealed the culprits who had aided and abetted his escape and were now on their way to join Alonso in jail. Goodness, what madness this is!!! Is there no one to be trusted, I thought?

Randy and Mick had to be blindfolded so they couldn't tell where they were being taken for the safety of the compound's location being kept a secret. As soon as Randy's blindfold was off, he came running, even stumbling towards me, arms outstretched as I caught him.

He seemed frightened by the prospect of being in a strange place and dad felt that an explanation was forthcoming. We would have to explain the circumstances to them soon. My father quickly pulled me to one side, quickly informing me that both Randy and Mick would have to stay here for a while at least until the trials were over.

Seeing as how Nik's doppelganger, Alonso, had made an unwarranted appearance at one of the trial hearings, the Organization could not afford any other mishaps. At least, General Adams was being treated for his gunshot wound and appeared to be on the mend, but others in the line of fire were not so lucky.

Felix was sent to the infirmary for the treatment of his wounds and Nik and I both showed Randy and Mick to their temporary accommodations on the same floor where I was. Dad thought it would be best if we all stayed in close proximity of each other for safety and assurance. Extra guards were now posted on every floor and in every building of the compound.

"Damien, where is this place and why the heck are we here?" Randy peered around each corner, surveying the mansion in awe.

"Yeah, what about my parents and my sister? What's going on?" Mick asked.

Randy also mentioned his aunt and was worried about her safety as well. I reassured them both that their families and relatives were on their way to a safe location for a reason which dad and I would lay out for them in detail eventually.

Nik and I let them both rest before dinner, having brought them to the rooms where they would be staying for a while. During dinnertime, Alma had prepared and served up a fantastic meal and by the way the two guys ate, they were simply ravenous. Dad couldn't help but chuckle at the way Randy and Mick were eating. It was as if they had both been left starving for a very long time!

"Boys, slow down. You have all the time in the world, so relax, okay?" My dad reassured them.

"Sorry sir, we didn't mean to behave this way. It's just that...with all this stuff going down, it really kind of freaked us out" Randy explained.

"Of course, son. I understand perfectly. We understand perfectly" Dad reiterated, stressing on the 'WE' aspect of it, nodding towards me. With that remark, the two turned to me expectantly. Dad then gave the signal for me to go on.

"Holy SHIT! You mean my dad was involved in all that? And they hurt you?" Randy stared deeply into my eyes, slowly tearing up as he pulled me closer, once we were on the couch and no longer at the table. We were now seated comfortably inside the Drawing Room, overlooking the roving hillside as my father continued with the rest of the story, leaving out the part about my mother being an agent and everything else – only the crucial points that involved his dad and his men being involved in something nasty which dad didn't fully explain either.

"Yes Randy. They hurt me but I'm a survivor and I'm okay...thanks to you" I nodded, interlacing my fingers in his. He smiled, letting his thumb caress the top of my hand.

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