Pushing the Limits

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A/N: Randy touches down...

Randy POV

Here I was, just touching down at the airport in Mumbai. General Adams had arranged for a car from the Eden Compound to pick me up. I was waiting patiently until a familiar black, unmarked sedan drove up.

To my astonishment, the driver was no other than Darius himself. I wanted to double-back and get on the plane. The look on his face was one of fury and resignation. He had no choice but to pick me up.

It was my guess that he must have gone ballistic and given General Adams a severe tongue-lashing, because I received a sudden text from the older man telling me 'You're on your own, kid' which really scared the heck out of me. My fate was sealed when Darius rolled up in that car, looking terrifying, and I felt like I wanted to die right there and then.

"GET IN!" He spoke icily, in a tone that sent shivers up my spine. I meekly opened the door, holding my backpack to my chest really tightly. I almost wanted to bolt right out of the car, but the flash of red in his eyes made me stay put.

"Yessir" I squeaked, knowing full well that this might be my last day to live. I pulled the door shut, and he drove off, skilfully maneuvering through the heavy traffic past Brahma bulls being led by a religious man; Tuk-Tuks charging down the roadway; street sellers peddling their wares while winding their way through the on-coming cars; a herd of cows bustling over to the other side; noisy bus drivers hurtling obscenities at one another, along the colourful yet dusty roads of Mumbai.

What chaos, yet what an amazing cacophony of sight and sounds! It was both a feast for the eyes and ears! I was enthralled by the madness, so much so that Darius had to shake me out of my stupor.

At last, we were at the highly-electrified gates of Eden, looming before us. The huge, menacing gates swung open, revealing a brand-new complex of buildings and centers, were personnel moved to and fro, busy conducting their daily activities.

I sat, still buckled in the front seat, when all of a sudden, two massive hands ripped me out of it, hauling my ass towards the sliding doors of the main building. No sooner after we entered, I was forcibly thrown into a seat, in one of the interrogation rooms down the left corridor on the ground level.

Several pairs of glaring eyes settled upon me, making me cower in my seat. Never had I felt so small than at that moment. I squirmed in my seat like a little kid, not willing to look anyone in the eye.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE, LOW LIFE?" Bron berated me in an instant, shoving me back in my seat. His nostrils were flaring like some wild bull out to gore me into a bloody pulp. "YOU'RE REALLY ASKING FOR IT, AREN'T YOU?" He raised his fist, pulling it back as if to strike me. I winced, preparing myself for the impact.

"Now, hold on there, Bron. Let's see what the ass wipe has to say..." Mick cocked an eyebrow, as he grabbed hold of Bron's forearm, stopping him from sending the first blow. I sighed in relief. I thought for sure I was a goner!

"Thanks, man" I acknowledged, but Mick reared up at me, chiding, "Don't give us an excuse to beat you up, ass wipe! You're not in the clear, not by a long shot!" He added.

"Steady, boys. Let the kid talk, then I'll let you all beat him up" Darius smirked, glaring at me.

"Okay, Okay!!! I just need to see him, to explain to him why I couldn't tell him...please..." I pleaded, feeling so overwhelmed with emotions, my tears just began to flow of their own accord.

"So, talk then..." A deep baritone voice spoke from behind me.

My chair was spun around, and there he stood. My golden boy. His hair was soft and curly, atop his head. Those eyes, pierced deep into my own. He now sported a moustache and goatee, which made him look much older, like the twenty-year-old man that he was.

Damien came around the desk and leaned against it, his muscular arms crossed, looking down at me. The tight, V-necked muscle tee-shirt that he wore did his body much justice as it strained against his taut muscular torso, revealing heaving pecs, and ripped abs. I nearly came in my pants as I felt the fabric shifting in my crotch area...but he was cold. There was no emotion in those eyes that stared straight into mine...right into my soul...

Damien POV

Randy coughed hard as I caught him staring at me. In the few months of my training here on Eden, quite a lot of it was purely physical and I was very well aware of my bodily changes. I smirked quietly to myself, seeing the boner Randy was getting, as he squirmed in his seat.

I acted nonchalant, keeping cool in spite of myself. I wanted Randy to feel that remorse...that emotional pain he put me through. In other words, I wanted him to suffer...mentally and emotionally as I had. It was only fair, after all, after he turned into the lying snake that he was, hiding a pregnant woman bearing his child from me.

All that time we were together in school, he had been getting it on with his female tutor, banging her behind my back, while I gave my body to him, and eventually my heart and my soul, because he seemed willing to accept me as I was or at least, I thought he was. My mind was racing with such negative thoughts, I willed them all back as I tried to remain calm in his presence. I refused to be riled by his insolent, foolish behaviour.

But then I thought...was it all a ruse just to get inside my pants and test the difference? Surely, he would have felt the same. I was no different from her, not down there at least. The only true difference was that I was a man, mentally, physically and emotionally...a man.

As I watched him sweat it out, the different scenarios of our moments together plagued my mind, fast becoming a headache. He swallowed hard, asking for a glass of water before he continued. I could have been mean and denied him that, but I wasn't.

He gulped down its' contents quickly after I had placed it upon the table and slid it across towards him. He nodded in thanks to me but I felt nothing. How long these three months seemed, and now his very presence made the time seem ever longer.

"If you're here just to waste my time, then I suggest you go home, Randy. I have exams to study for, homes to build and people to train and I am also undergoing certain training myself. I haven't got all day as you may know. I have responsibilities to many people, and these people are counting on my help..." I sighed heavily, while opening my tablet.

"No...No, I mean...please hear me out. I'm sorry...so sorry that you had to find out that way. She made me swear not to tell anyone for fear of her being expelled and being given disciplinary action for seducing a minor...me.

I complied, and we promised never to see each other again. She was teaching me for goodness sake. I was seduced by her and I fell for it. I could have shunned her away, but she gave me this sob story about being abused by her ex, and I took pity on her because I knew too well what it was like to be abused.

I never knew about the kid until only recently, because my aunt kept that from me. I won't deny that I'm excited to be a father but scared shitless of what it all means and of the fact that I nearly lost you...I'm sorry...Please forgive me!" With that, he fell to his knees, prostrating before my feet.

"You've lost me as you put it. I'm not sure that I want anything...and I mean anything...to do with you, Randy Crum. Get up! You're making a nuisance of yourself, and stop snivelling! Buck up and be a man!" I chided him.

The others were shocked at my words, but I felt that I had to take a tougher stance with Randy if he was going to make amends for his transgressions. My acceptance of his apology was another matter entirely. I needed time to think things through, taking my feelings into account and how he had toyed with them...with me.

I stepped away from him, turning on my heel abruptly.

"I need to think this through. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more important matters to attend to" and I took my leave of them all.

Once I left the room, closing the door behind me, I felt my chest constrict with pain...a pain that hurt like no other...

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