Under the Knife - Part 4

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A/N: At last Damien awakens to a surprise...

Damien POV

I awoke to subtle chatter in the background as Doctor Akachi was discussing my care with...my father...and Bron...and the guys...Wait a Minute!!! What the hell were they all doing here?

"Dad...guys...what are you all doing here?" My eyes widened, as I tried to sit up, wincing slightly. Dad and Bron rushed to my side, gently holding onto me as Bry fluffed up my pillows so that I could half sit-up in bed.

"We wanted to surprise you! Do you think we'd allow you to go through something so crucial and important as this...ALONE???" They all answered, with their eyebrows raised.

I shrank back into the bed, burying myself up to the neck in my blanket, and squeaked, "Umm...okay..." as my dad pulled me into his massive arms and ruffled my hair, laughing, "That's my boy!!!"

Bron grinned and hugged me gently, and as I tried to hug back, I felt quite weak. The guys came over and surrounded me, and I was swamped in a bevy of over-zealous yet joyful young men.

"How are you feeling, Damien?" Doctor Akachi beamed.

"Depends..." I replied, as my hand wandered down to the tightly bandaged area which was my groin. My eyes widened with delight as I felt a seemingly hint of a bulge down below. Doctor Akachi had granted my request to have my penis become visible. "Is it...is it there?" I asked weakly, expressing the desire for it to be true.

"Yes, Damien. It's intact, functional and perfect and so is the rest of it..." He smiled reassuringly. Everyone looked at us curiously, wondering what on earth we were talking about. I grinned sheepishly for only both the good doctor and I knew exactly what was going on. I had requested that if my penis was functioning properly, that I could have it revealed instead of hidden within me.

I honestly felt relieved and could not care regardless what anyone thought. This was my body and this was exactly what I wanted. I wanted the maleness of me to be present. Somehow it made more sense this way.

Doctor Akachi and I had a long discussion about the removal of my male genitalia, and I had initially been in two minds about it. Since I had been blessed with both, as long as the presence of it did not hinder me from enjoying my life albeit sexually, why not allow for it to be there, as a part of who I really am?

Although the top half of me was truly male without a doubt, I discovered the joys of having sex with my female sex organs. But having my penis and testicles also present, gave me options I thought I could never have. Having both penis and testis revealed, cemented my persona as male, but also having the female presence of me also cemented my uniqueness.

I was finally comfortable with being myself, even if it meant having the presence of both my sexes revealed. It was something that I had prepared myself to accept, and I hoped that others would accept me this way as well. At first, I never thought of myself as intersex, since I always felt more male than anything despite the fact that my lower half said otherwise. I initially had suffered some dysphoria over my sexuality, but not anymore.

But, and I admitted it now, thanks to Randy, I felt accepted for having that female part of me and that even someone like Randy had thought that it was sexy...that I was sexy, which made me feel more confident about that part of me, and hopefully find the love and trust with someone for the rest of my life.

As I lay there, pondering over all these points about my 'new' life and all that it brought me, culminating into this, my thoughts wandered towards Randy and how he was feeling about this entire affair.

Dad saw the slight irritation surfacing upon my face, with those thoughts rushing back of that woman and her pregnancy, and of the revelation that Randy was the father of her unborn child was not the deciding factor for my hasty departure.

It was the fact that he had chosen to lie to me by not telling me the truth, and that I had to do my own investigation in order to find out for myself who she was and why she was in the compound.

"He tried to come with us, but I refused. It would have been devastating for you emotionally and I didn't want him to hurt you any further than you'd already been hurt, love..." My dad answered, reading my mind, as he cupped my cheek.

I nodded silently, tears staining them, as Bron wrapped his arms tighter around me as a means of comfort. I was grateful for the presence of my sibling, which brought me much peace and solace during this time, seeing as to how distraught I was.

The triplets had apparently gone out and gotten me some delicious Indian sweets such as Laddu (spherical in shape made from seeds and grains) and Burfi (diamond or square-shaped made from milk solids or flour with pistachios and silver leaf on top), which I have not had the pleasure of tasting, even during my three months here. I had such a busy, hectic schedule of intense studying in preparation for my final exams as well as the continuation of my training, and hands-on participation in Project Eden.

The boys had commented on the lovely tan I was sporting and how my facial hair had given my appearance a more mature look. Dad had noticed this and gently teased me about it. I retorted, chiding him about his haggard, rough look which was totally not my father.

This lightened the mood and the atmosphere a bit, as the boys took their leave and headed for the compound here, so as to give me some rest. I would have loved to have spoken with them some more, but Doctor Akachi insisted that I make a full recovery. There were still some tests just to undergo in order to make sure that everything was in working order, before I was dismissed.

Dad insisted that the boys fly back home soon, to complete their own preparations for their exams, but they were too excited about exploring Mumbai that my father relented, letting the principal know that they would be sitting for their exams around the same time I was, remotely, as long as we were properly supervised by Bry and the triplets.

ARTURO seemed the most excited, which surprised all of us. He was collecting a huge amount of data on the area by observing and taking notes, which pleased Doctor Akachi that he asked Zack if he could borrow ARTURO for a short period of time, to which Zack said yes.

As soon as I was able, I too was looking forward to giving the boys a tour of my latest project for Eden, which was the development of new housing in poverty strickened areas for the small shanty communities along and beyond Linkin Road areas.

The areas included a huge expanse of land for a school, small hospital, a supermarket which would be run by people of the community for each other, thus creating jobs and alleviating their own financial status. It gave me a sense of accomplishment to do this especially after meeting these lovely people.

My recovery period lasted for a whopping six weeks. As soon as I was given the 'all-clear' by the good doctor and his team, I was given the complimentary ride in a wheelchair out to the driveway, where an entire cavalcade waited to take us all back to the Eden compound where we stayed.

The boys kept eyeing me strangely, especially due to the fact that the noticeable bulge adorned the crotch area of my trousers. Dad, Bry and Bron were the only ones told of the changes done to my body and yes, there had been some eye-popping moments between them.

But the boys had not yet been told, as I expressed the desire to break the news to them myself, as soon as we were back home in the Eden compound. In fact, I insisted on revealing myself to them, since I was no longer shy about my own body and to show that I was comfortable with it, in their presence.

"Wow...You're umm...well...endowed..." Mick swallowed.

I laughed out loud and scolded him for being silly, but Bron begged to differ, stating that I was indeed blessed. They all congratulated me on a decision well made, as I gently pulled up my boxers. The fact that I now had my penis and testicles for full use, meant a lot to me as a man.

"Are you sure you're happy with the results? That's the most important" My father asked me.

"Yes, dad, I am. Remember that day when I described how I felt the absence of one made me feel strange and less a man? Well, the presence of it seals it. I no longer regret the presence of my vagina as much either" I acknowledged.

"Well, I guess that means...double the FUN!!!" Mick grinned cheekily, which made us all burst out laughing!!! Dad threw the boy a wry glance which made Mick turn beet-red.

As we sat throughout our meal, chatting away happily, I found myself dwelling on the serious implications of Mick's words, and what it would mean for me, to be sexually active as a gay man. Had I truly made the right decision for myself?

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