Worlds Collide

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A/N: And here I am, continuing the story... Damien insisted, lol!!!  We find our young hero wrapping up his mission and flying home. But not before Bron has his own adventure in Hong Kong! 

Bron POV

"And that's a wrap!!!" I slapped palms with my beloved Alonso, exchanging a heated kiss with him, as we rounded up the rest of Elena's henchmen. Mick and the rest of the triplets, Nik and Felix were with us, when we intercepted the precious cargo here in Hong Kong. We had smashed one of a series of links in an international human trafficking ring.

As soon as the men were taken into custody, they started spilling out their guts to us about how they were underpaid and forced into near-slavery at the hands of the royal tyrant, Alejandro and his wife. Their pleas for leniency would be taken into consideration, provided that they handed over all information to us that could help us with an on-going investigation into the prince's ill-gained assets across the globe.

Interesting as to how easy it was for them to tell us everything, and I mean, everything, including the nitty-gritty stuff regarding Elena's own sexual exploits of other men, even before Dante came along.

The prince had begun his search for a physical host long before his demise. Elena had taken advantage of the fact that he was dying and had little time left, in order to score with whomever, she had fancied at the time.

When I relayed this back to Damien, he was clearly pissed. She only had her sights on Dante in order to try and lead him astray and fall into a trap of slavery of a kind, just to please her. The previous young men who had serviced her sexual needs were discarded like broken toys once she was done with them.

We made her undergo a physical, medical examination which later proved a point. She had her fallopian tubes tied on purpose, so as not to be able to give birth. The surgery which was unbeknownst to her husband, was kept a secret, just so she could pretend to keep pushing her husband into finding a suitable mate who would give them an heir.

The young men whom she had her husband trick into their employ as bodyguards, only served her with one thing in mind, to satiate her unfathomable lust. However, it remains to be seen whether they survived, or were murdered when she grew tired of them. We had uncovered the identities of several missing persons, mostly young men tying in with the couple's movements across the globe. It was only as matter of time before we truly discovered the fate of the others.

This would most likely have become Dante's fate except that Dante was a whole other kettle of fish, and she did not know what she was in for.

Damien described the scene at the Mayan temple in full detail to all of us, after his conversation with our father and Bry. We were quite impressed with the way Dante handled the situation, and were no less amazed at the powers that this young agent had in the palms of his hands.

But coming back to the situation at hand, we had the indomitable task of emancipating the young victims of a huge, secret operation, which unfortunately, Randy's father had been a part of. It soon became clear as to the connections which Egon Von Crum had to the royals, and his involvement in all this, as we gathered more intel on the subject.

We enlisted the aid of the local police force on this, since Hong Kong was under the jurisdiction of China, but had a unique situation where the local government had been allowed to conduct government practices autonomously, with little interference from the China government, unless it was deemed necessary for them to intervene.

We headed into the container port, with two full SWAT teams, plus our own men, swooping down on a reported snakehead of one of the local triads, was in charge of rounding up the cargo for distribution to other parts of the world.

We were all shocked when three of the containers were opened at the container port on Tsing Yi Island. Young faces soiled with dirt, and listless eyes viewed us, as a throng of bodies shook and quivered to the touch. The smell was nauseating – a combination of sweat, pee and vomit mixed in as we forced the men to open several more containers such as this, which housed kids as young as 8 on board.

It was a relief to see that they had all survived the voyage, but were in some catatonic state due to the number of drugs administered to them in order to keep them in such a state, supposedly until they reached their port of call. Apparently, the last bunch of teenagers and young adults who were taken in Mexico, was a last-minute cargo for the ship that departed.

It had been a stroke of pure luck that had led us to cracking this case, taking down two huge gangs that had been responsible for the kidnapping, and shipping of their precious human cargo. But there were other links that required further investigation, due to the secret involvement of certain heads of state, whether internally or outside, who had yet to be brought to justice, which meant that our time on this case was far from over.

Damien was on a plane back to LA with Dante and Walid, in order to continue the investigation on their end from there, but also to give Captain Sam Grenley further opportunity to explore Dante's unique capabilities, with a series of tests. Damien had been reporting to her on his progress since the incident on board one of the stealth jets.

We helped to bundle these innocents onto trucks which would bring them to awaiting aircraft carriers docked within Hong Kong waters. We were relieved that the local government allowed this, in order to evacuate the victims back safely in international waters.

Whilst on board, the young victims received medical attention from marine medical staff, and given clean clothing and fed. Some of them had been raped prior to being taken and many had been severely traumatized. It was a dismal affair, and I was glad to have been able to have participated in their emancipation from this circle of evil.

Back at the compound, Zack, our sciences officer and head of the AI department, and other agents had managed to procure hundreds of records of missing children and teenagers spanning over several years, from places all over the world. There were more cases I'm sure, but at least this was a start. Now the daunting task of placing their faces with the missing individuals was up to our favorite humanoid AI Unit, ARTURO and his pals back at the lab. They would work quickly and efficiently.

We were notified of the release documents for the poor kids being approved, meaning that we could all go home, but Alonso had other ideas. So, since we had a bit of time to ourselves, we decided to explore the city as well as the outlying islands.

I had no idea that parts of Hong Kong could be so beautiful. We discovered a small strip of beach, close to a hotel named Silvermine, on one of the islands – Lantau. Alonso and I spent some private time there, watching the sunset. It provided relief from the work we had just done...

"Bron, I wish we didn't have to leave..." Alonso sat between my legs as we rested upon the soft sands. There was a light breeze, and it was warm but not that hot.

I gently kissed the nape of his neck, wrapping my arms around his waist, nodding in agreement.

"I know what you mean...but at least we've gotten some time alone together, in spite of it. Our work is hardly over though. It's just begun..." I replied, embracing him tighter. We had no idea how far the case would actually go, but for now, at least, these kids could be reunited with their families.

Back in LA -

Damien POV

We had just touched down at a private strip beyond the airport, when I received a call from Bron, that they would be clearing out soon. I felt good for the first time in a long while. I had met someone who had imprisoned my heart next to his and the feeling was incredible...

Dante had given me the space to grow, and yet he was discovering himself at the same time. I was anxious for Bron to meet him, and I wanted an opinion although my heart had already given in to this wonderful man...

It had been a while since I saw Bron. This case had split apart our little group and I was missing my sibling terribly, but hearing of the great work that he had done made my heart swell with much pride. Even a few months apart did nothing to quell our burgeoning relationship, as we kept tabs on each other's progress.

As we got into the black sedan, Dante held onto my hand nervously, since this was the first time that both he and Walid would actually get to see one of our main bases of operations. I reassured him by giving his hand back a gentle squeeze, sensing mild relief.

The two men's eyes went wide as we cruised through the Titanium gates, past the high concrete and steel walls. As I had hoped, my father, Bryant and Marcus and Sam Grenley awaited us upon the steps to the main building.

As soon as I got out of the vehicle, I formally greeted my father, who totally forgot all formality and pulled me into his arms. I smiled, hugging him back. Bry didn't hold back either, hugging me afterwards.

Dante stood quietly watching us, until Marcus himself approached the man, and held his hand out to him to shake his, instead pulling him too into an embrace of warmth. Sam shyly pecked Walid on the cheek in welcome.

We were all relieved to have returned home safely. It had been just two months but it seemed like years, especially in that Mayan temple. Alma made a sumptuous feast for us, remarking that I had gotten too slim or that Dante needed fattening up which made him blush. This lovely woman always loved to feed us with magnificent meals fit for a king!

While I sat chatting with dad and the others, Dante was slowly nodding off, so I suggested he go up to bed. He agreed, plodding off as Walid joined him, helping him up from his seat. After the two men had left the dining room, my father asked me for the full details of what had happened in the temple.

I recounted everything, including the mysterious movements of the statues, to the entire entourage being turned around like puppets on a string – all of which were done by Dante's inexplicable power. But I also added that he had managed great control of his anger, and practically left them all unharmed.

The shaman had put it upon himself to be his own sacrifice since he had thought that he had offended the Mayan God, and plunged the knife into his chest in order to appease him. I was grateful that he didn't plunge the knife into Dante's chest instead.

We agreed that Sam would conduct more tests as soon as Dante was well-rested from the journey, and that I would be in charge of all the proceedings, since I was close to more ways than one. My father naturally observed how much closer we had both become by our not-so-subtle ways of stealing looks between us, or how our hands brushed against each other in passing.

As we stood up to retire to our respective rooms, Dad gently beckoned to me to follow him into the study. I kind of figured out that I would be getting the third degree regarding my relationship with Dante.

"So, I take it you're in love?" He quickly questioned me as soon as we were out of earshot.

"Dad! That was awfully fast of you to notice!" I mocked him, playfully punching his arm.

"Ha-ha, yeah, right! Come on, son. You don't have to hide stuff from me. You know that, don't you?" He teased, patting the seat next to him on the sofa.

"We got along really well while we were in Mallorca...I guess, a little more than I cared to admit at first" I admitted, "He knows..." I continued, as I sat down.

"He knows...what exactly?" He asked me, eyebrows raised, offering me a beer.

"He knows that I'm different...down there..." I shrugged, taking it from him and sipping it slowly.

"I see...and what was his reaction?" He gently spoke, peering deep into my eyes, noticing that I no longer had my contacts in.

"He accepted me and that he was happy that I had accepted him for being different also, and before you ask another question, he requested to see the colour of my eyes...the real me. I told him who I was...for" I concluded, waiting to see my father's reaction.

"Okay, fair enough. We just don't know much about him yet...well, not as much as we'd like to. But since he seems to be comfortable opening up to you, then, I guess you know what you're doing. I just want you to be happy...and not get hurt again..." He put his beer down on the table and wrapped an arm around me.

"Dad, I'm fine. I'm a grown man now and I'm learning pretty fast. I'll be okay" I reassured him, reaching around to pat his back.

We finished our beers and put the bottles in the recycling bin on our way upstairs.

"Man, it's been such a long couple of weeks. I've just been going through all the documentation of the case. Zack, Arturo and the droids have been working really hard to put names to faces and families with missing children. At least the parents of those kids will be very happy to see them home safe and sound. Some of these kids have been missing for years, presumed dead! Could you even imagine?" Dad grimly shook his head.

"Yeah, I heard. Bron's been keeping me updated on their progress. He's coming home tomorrow evening. I'm sure happy that he's coming back" I beamed.

"Yes, a great relief. I honestly didn't want to send your brother out yet, since he's pretty green but at least he wasn't alone" He sighed heavily.

"No, he wasn't alone, dad. Mick and the triplets were with him, thankfully" I agreed.

"Better get some shut-eye, son. See you in the morning!" My father waved me off to bed, but not before giving me another hug. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "You do know how very proud I am of you, don't you?" He gleamed, with a twinkle in his eye.

"Yes, dad...and I thank you" I nodded, smiling back.

"Thank me? Whatever for?" He raised his eyebrows.

"For being my father" I rolled my eyes, jokingly.

"Well then, I should be thanking you back...for being my son..." He pecked my forehead. "Now, to bed, young man!" He mockingly scolded me.

I chuckled before turning the corner, to my own room...

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