Check Mate

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A/N: I'm back! I've just been getting caught up with the situation here...covid testing...MORE testing...semi-lockdown mode...SIGH! Promises that entertainment venues and restaurants will open after Easter, as long as the infections slow down. I hope that all of you are safe and well!!!

Shout OUT to: filosofieke Zachsilver26 12MidnightBlue12 ambermoon3105 Emily_max MKG2012 sanmariano lonelycauliflower longlooks taxham AlphaKelly MiMiAngelus DamienSilver NialSilver Anime_cat_lover

Damien POV

We went back to the mansion, which was cleared of all personnel, including the designer and his staff. They were going to be interrogated at the same time as Elena but of course, in separate facilities. Our bags, still packed were thankfully sitting untouched in our rooms, as Walid went upstairs to bring them down since our mission was pretty much wrapped up.

Dante was pottering about in the kitchen, since we were starved and had hardly anything to eat since the ordeal. I went into the study to make a call to my father, informing him and the others of our findings, and the situation with the poor kids on a ship into Asia, its first port of call being Hong Kong.

This was perfect, as my sibling, Bron together with Mick and the triplets for the moment were on assignment in Hong Kong. Fahey and Mason would join them, while we tied up loose ends here. Elena finally broke down and spilled the beans about the entire operation, blurting out names, dates and places since she had nothing she could hide from us.

Fellow operatives took down statements, documented all papers, and gathered other evidence that they managed to find both back in Mallorca and here in Mexico. The mansion had been cordoned off after a clean sweep of evidence, and my two colleagues, Fahey and Mason had informed the authorities that we would be doing the last check before leaving.

As I ended the call, Dante poked his head around the corner, calling me back to the kitchen. He had managed to rustle up some scrambled eggs and toast for all three of us. I was impressed, since I had no idea that the man could cook at all, since most of the time while in my tiny apartment in Can Sera, I was doing the cooking.

As we sat there, munching away, Walid looked relieved that it was all over. But a crease crossed his forehead as he looked at me inquisitively.

"Umm...Damien? What happened to the urn containing the prince's remains?" The big man scratched his head.

"Didn't you know? It's somewhere floating down the river in the Amazon. I threw it out a side window while the shaman was chanting. He had no idea where it went to..." Dante responded.

"But...What if someone finds it?" He rubbed his chin, pondering the thought of what could happen.

As we all thought of the different scenarios, a familiar black sedan pulled up, as two agents took our bags and put them in the back. We settled into our seats, as the car took us directly to the airport, to a secret hangar where a plane was waiting to take us back to LA.

While in flight, Dante looked towards me, smiling widely, as he gently stroked my hand.

"I can't believe it's actually over...that I'm free of those people at last" He sighed heavily while leaning into me, his eyes meeting mine, continuing, "...and I'm glad I met you..." He paused, perusing my face. Those soft hazels burrowed deep into my soul, making my heart pound in my chest.

His lips found mine tenderly, pecking them softly at first, then his tongue darted between them, seeking my own in a heated dance of dominance. I found that part of me pushing against my pants, aroused at the warmth I felt throughout my entire body.

Once the plane climbed into a cruising state with its' pre-programmed destination locked into place, we uncoupled our belt buckles, and went towards the private section of the plane, where there were individual rooms for resting.

"I need you" He whispered, as he pulled me into one of them, his eyes darkening with lust as he wrapped his arms around me. I quickly made sure we were not followed, and switched the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on, before locking the door.

We both kicked off our shoes, before climbing onto the bed together, still with our lips locked in a heated kiss. I broke off the kiss, sitting up to straddle my beloved, as my hands went to his shirt, unbuttoning it slowly.

My hands squeezed those ample pecs as I traced a finger in-between them, before flicking a nipple. He moaned as he arched his back to my touch. I then bent down, seeking one of them with my mouth, as I suckled at the hardened bud which quivered against my tongue.

"Oh my...God...YES..." He hissed, his eyes rolling back in ecstasy, as he clutched the pillow on which he had nested his head.

I inched my way between the two aroused buds, that sought my attention fervently, pausing to kiss the hollow between his pecs, then slowly but carefully, I went southwards, savoring the tantalizing body of this beautiful man before me.

I was guided towards his happy trail, as my fingers nimbly undid his belt buckle, and then the buttons of his jeans. He raised his hips up, allowing me to glide his jeans down towards his feet before I yanked them off him completely.

I then climbed back on, but not before undoing my own shirt and trousers, tugging them off as I tossed them to the side. Clad only in my boxers, I assaulted his crotch, cupping and kissing that aroused part of him between the silken cloth of his own boxers.

His girth continued to grow, as it noticeably pushed against the fabric of his boxers, whereupon Dante begged me to release him from their confines. I obliged by hooking my index fingers, in the waistband, teasing the pair of boxers down achingly slow, revealing a very rigid cock standing at attention before me.

Dante's eyes darkened once more, as I took that rigid length with my mouth, devouring its' saltiness. The man shivered underneath me, coaxing me with his hands between the curls of my hair.

"Dayum..." He moaned out loud, hitching his breath, as I continued until he climaxed, providing spurt after spurt of that delicious cream that slid down my throat.

"FUCK ME!!!" He yelled out loud, to which I promptly confirmed, "Definitely!!!" with a wink.

The intensity of the act had subsided briefly, as he let rip a hilarious guffaw, much to my amusement. I now stripped off my briefs, allowing him a titillating look at my body and clambered back onto the bed.

As I sat there between his thighs, just watching him breathing deeply after such an exhilarating moment, I began to imagine what it would be like to settle down with someone as amazing as Dante. He smirked as he had just read my mind.

I had prepared a tube of lube on top of the bedside table, coating my fingers before inserting them one by one into that tight core of muscles, which made Dante buck in unison with the scissoring action.

"Holy Hell..." He muttered, his eyes rolling as he perused my own hardening cock between my legs. He reached down, clamping his hand around me, stroking me deftly from the tip downwards, making me shudder with delight.

He had somehow managed to do it rhythmically in time to my own digital actions, until I ceased all movement altogether, having been satisfied with my preparation of his wanton hole.

With a wicked look plastered across my face, I now thrust into him without warning. The tightness of his crevice enveloped me warmly, squeezing me as I pumped into him, until I came undone, seeing stars in my eyes as I hit that perfect peak of euphoria.

I began to unravel at the descent of it, plunging heavily onto his thick arms, catching my breath. Dante stilled me by rubbing one hand on the small of my back as I molded into his body.

"Are you okay?" He gently asked me.

"Yes, just...just totally into you..." I replied, breathless, to which his laughter filled my ears.

"Yes, you were," He retorted smugly, "But then again, I'm totally into you, too" Those tender brown eyes softened as he peered into my own.

"Remove those contacts. I want to really see your eyes...please...?" He asked politely.

I got up slowly, still giddy from that high, and fished the small container out of my bathroom kit. I then went into the bathroom and removed my contact lenses as ordered. I came out again, to see him so relaxed, sitting up with his back resting against the headboard.

He patted the bed, indicating for me to sit beside him. I climbed back on, and yelped as he suddenly grabbed me to him in a heated kiss. He then pulled away slightly, as he held my hands in his, staring deeply into my eyes.

"I love your eyes...I never realized how beautifully blue they are, as clear as crystal...I could lose myself in them forever..." He grinned, observing me carefully. I blushed when he said those words, never truly thinking of my own beauty or how I even looked in another's eyes. I was brought up thinking that no one could ever love a freak like me.

"Damien, that's not your real name, is it?" He stated.

"No, it's not. It's Derek...Derek Halestrom...although I even doubt that that's my real name either..." I chuckled, recalling that this was the name grandma Cora called me by.

"You know what? I don't really care...since the only thing I care about is the person inside here..." He smiled, placing his hand over my chest, just above my heart before he wrapped his arms around me.

But then, for no reason, these feelings of uncertainty rushed in to haunt me. Everything suddenly became overwhelming, clouding my mind with doubt as to whether this was real or just a dream...a desire of hope and fulfilment coming into fruition.

I felt an angst, a fear welling up within my chest, causing a constriction of sorts which caused me to sigh aloud, which Dante noticed. His brows furrowed sensing my sudden distress, as he sought to comfort and reassure me.

Could I truly be happy with this man for life, of whom I have yet to discover more about? Could I have been too eager as I had been with Randy to have rushed into this relationship with Dante? Right here? Right now?

Dante gathered me into his arms, as I lay there, ensconced within them, as he knew what I had been thinking.

"I will never lie to you...for there is nothing to hide. I'm still finding out more and more about who I really am. The wonderful thing is that, I no longer have to do it alone. Ever since that day, when I ran away, I had never felt more alone in my entire life, until dad happened to rescue me...When he passed away, I was devastated..." His voice broke slightly, as tears prickled his eyes.

I shifted slightly, stretching my hand out to cup his face, wiping the tears away with my thumb.

"I will forever be grateful to that man...He was the only real father I ever knew..." He closed his eyes tightly, recalling the memories of the man who took him in.

"Do you have any recollection of your parents at all?" I wondered.

"Yes, some faint memories since I was too young...I could remember certain words that the gypsies had uttered. Those words were similar to what my mother used to sing to me as an infant..." He responded as he looked at me quizzically.

"You mean she was chanting to you in those exact words?" My eyes widened, pondering as to why his own mother would even do that.

"Yes, those exact words..." He confirmed. I had a hunch about those gypsies that the prince had sent away when the first shaman died during the initial ritual. I slid off the bed, producing the lap top from my bag.

I then grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, handing them both to Dante, who joined me at the small desk to the side of the room.

"If you can, write down those words that they were chanting...I just have this feeling..." I scratched my beard thoughtfully. The gypsies must have known that Dante was no ordinary human being, but someone who possessed great power.

He finished writing the words, and handed the small sheet back to me, which I then sent ahead to Zack, who ran the text through the central main-frame computer.

"What about the shaman? Was he saying the same words?" I wondered, asking Dante whether he had any recollection as to what the shaman had spoken.

"No, he was reciting some ancient Mayan scripture, similar to the man back at the temple, which I couldn't understand at all..." He confirmed further.

I cross-checked with Zack the final wording of the text that the gypsies had uttered in Dante's presence as they had prepped him for his first evening with the princess and her guests.

"BINGO!" I shouted, as my lap top displayed the final results. The gypsies had been chanting in his mother's native Romanian tongue a kind of spell designed to protect anyone from coming to any harm if spoken correctly.

Furthermore, the last lines of said incantation or prayer described a particular being, who would become the most powerful being on the earth. This being would act as a conduit for destruction, and if provoked would put the fear of God and Hell into every single being should that ever happen.

"Shit..." Dante whispered as he read the last lines, gasping in total disbelief as he shook his head.

We turned and looked at each other in utter shock at this news...Was this the role Dante was destined for?

A/N: Hmmm...what indeed is Dante destined for as the most powerful being on the planet???  As Dante is slowly discovering more of what he's capable of, it is clear that Damien's heart belongs to him. But Damien still has his own doubts regarding the relationship. How do you think it will all pan out?

Stay tuned! Remember to vote if you guys like the story so far! And thanks to all of you for supporting me!!! More to come!

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