Chapter 2 - Forks Hospital

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I had set my alarm for earlier than usual the next morning because I wanted to be prepared, so as soon as the alarm went off, I turned it off before getting off the couch and heading upstairs to shower, then changing into the pile of clothes I had left prepared next to the couch the night before, brushing my teeth and combing my hair, then tip toeing downstairs quietly tip toeing as fast as I could so that I didn't wake up Charlie or Bella because it was early.

I hurriedly prepared myself some cereal and ate it as soon as I could before returning to the living room and putting on my shoes and jacket, grabbed my backpack from behind the sofa and coming to the door, unlocking it and silently stepping through before closing and locking it behind me. As I walked down the drive, I put my earbuds in and turned on the blue foundation's Eyes on Fire before putting my phone in my pocket and continuing walking. I'd chosen to walk to work to get some fresh air and take in the view, not just because I hadn't seen it in a long time but also because I wanted to be on time.

As I walked through Forks I could feel childhood memories fill my brain once again I enjoyed Forks even though it was wet and rained a lot it had a beautiful aesthetic unlike any town in the world that I had seen after leaving Forks I lived in Phoenix for a while with my cousin Bella and both of our families for a while. When I turned 18 I left Phoenix I decided to travel the world for a few years before I applied to medical school in Los Angeles because they have one of the best medical programs in the world. I had wanted to be a doctor since my father died because there was nothing I could do to help him and it made me feel useless but maybe I could help other people instead.

As I walked everything came back to me and it was as if I knew the route like the back of my hand. After walking for a while and going through several songs on my iPod I reached Forks small hospital which made me smile as I stopped taking out one earphone before walking inside. As I headed inside began to walk around for a while until I found a reception I stood there for a while waiting for two nurses to stop talking and notice I was stood there after a while one did alerting the other I was stood there "Sorry" The nurse said as she headed over to the desk and sat down I could tell she wasn't sorry but I wasn't interested in starting an argument with her

"How can I help you," The nursed asked as she looked up from the desk "I'm Dr Cullens new resident, I was told to wait here for him" I said which seemed to confuse her so she looked down at her paperwork before quickly looking through it until she found what she was looking for "Dr Swan?" The nurse asked so I nodded before I spoke "that's me" I said before she passed me some paperwork "you need to sign these while i page Dr Cullen" The nurse said as she turned away from me so I took the paperwork and pen and I went and sat down before looking through it before signing it.

After I while I heard whispering around me before footsteps approaching me "Dr Swan?" I heard a male voice asked so I looked up from the paper work "Yeah that's me you must be Dr Cullen?" I asked as he smiled he fit my Uncle Charlie's description perfectly a tall man, bright blonde hair, yellow eyes and skin as white as ice. "thats me nice to meet you Nicholas please call me Carlisle, if you'd like to follow me" Carlisle said pointing infront of him so I grabbed my bag and the paperwork before I stood up following him as I passed the reception I placed down the paperwork infront of them before following Carlisle for a while.

After following him for a while we stopped at a room "that's the male locker room inside there will be a pile of clothes with your name badge," Carlisle said as he smiled at me "I will wait for you outside," Carlisle said smiling at me once more before I pushed the door open and headed in to see a small locker room and as I headed over to the bench I saw a pile of blue scrubs and I began to get changed before placing my bag into a locker and closed it before putting on my name badge and looking at myself in a mirror calming myself down.

Before heading out of the door "follow me" Carlisle said as we began to walk around "A Swan becoming a Doctor" Carlisle said questionably "did you always want to be a doctor" Carlisle said. "I don't know probably not but after my fathers tragic death I wanted a job where I could help people," I said as he looked at me with a look of sadness on his face. "I'm sorry," Carlisle said with a sad tone "you must have done something to impress my uncle he doesn't like a lot of people," I said which made Carlisle Smile. I spent most of the day with Carlisle teaching me the ropes of this place but after he went missing for a while I was sent by a nurse to go and find him but as I did I stopped and hid behind a corner to see Carlisle with a girl with blonde hair she had the same skin colour and eyes as Carlisle I'm guessing this is one of the Cullen twins Bella had told me about. I stood there for a little listening in until they turned around and saw me.

"Dr Cullen Nurse Taylor is looking for you," I said coming from the corner and standing there nervous in front of them. "Rosalie this is my new resident Nicholas Swan," Carlisle said as he introduced me "Nicholas this is my daughter Rosalie," Carlise said as he pointed to the blonde girl next to him "Nice to meet you," I said smiling at her. However, she didn't seem impressed to see me and she didn't even change facial expression "I will see you at home Rosalie," Carlisle said as she walked off and he began to walk so I followed her. "Ignore her she's like that with strangers," Carlisle said as he laughed a little however this girl intrigued me along with the Cullen clan they seemed different.
End Of Chapter 2

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