Chapter 3 - Heatbreak

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I'd had a normal but stressful day at work I couldn't wait to get home, have a beer and sit with my uncle Charlie on the couch and watch a game of football however as i stepped through the doors of the hospital I pulled my phone out of my pocket to several missed calls from Charlie so i called him straight away "Uncle Charlie what's the matter I've only just seen my phone" i said worried because Charlie never called me unless it was urgent "Bella's gone" Charlie said which made my heart drop "what do you mean gone" i said freaking out "she went to see Edward and hasn't come back" Charlie said hysterical.

"I'm coming home" i said as I tightened my rucksack so that it wouldn't move when i ran, then i began to run ask fast as i could not looking and relying on memory alone, because i was moving fast and it was dark. When i arrived home no one was there so they must have been at the black family house Charlie was bestfriends with Billy Black i was already out of breathe so i took a moment before I began to run again once i reached the house i saw Charlie outside along with Billy Black and a bunch of others the community has rallied around to help, Forks was a small community everyone knew each other and Charlie was the Cheif of police and good at his job.

I stopped for a moment to catch my breathe once more before running over to Charlie "Uncle Charlie are you ok?" I asked before Charlie turned round to look at me with a look of worry on his face, because Bella was his only child even though he saw me as a son and she had been missing for hours it was cold,dark and the woods were dangerous at the best of times let alone at night.

"Nic Thankyou you're here," Charlie said before he began to walk over a group of people so i followed, from what i had gathered the Cullen's had packed up and left quickly which i found odd because i had only seen Carlisle a couple of hours ago at work and he seemed fine, which only meant one thing that it was to do with Bella, she was dating Edward one of the Cullen children. Everyone had hope but i was worried "I'm gonna try the Cullen's place again," Charlie said panicking as placed the phone against his ear "the Cullens are out of town Charlie," Billy Black said looking at his friend concerned. "what," Charlie said confused as he ended the call and looking at Billy confused.

"no one told me that," Charlie said looking confused at his friends "when did they leave town," I said confused as I looked at Billy & Jacob "today," Jacob said which made me think it was strange that they left the same day Bella went missing "good residence," the man said on the computer "whats the hate with the Cullens," I said as I looked at Charlie " I don't know but the Cullens have done well for this town Carlise is an experienced doctor and he's working at a small-town hospital and the locals need to be more appreciative of the" Charlie said as he looked at his friends with an angry look on his face.

I tried to spend more time with Charlie as we waited for some news about Bella as time continued to go on and it began to get dark so much of Forks had come out to try and find Bella because Charlie was very popular with the locals and that's when I saw a man walking over into our direction as he got closer I began to see that he was holding a girl in his arms and then I saw she was holding a yellow coat it was Bella. "Oh my god," Charlie said as he ran over and grabbed Bella from his arms I didn't recognise the man holding Bella. As Charlie walked off holding Bella I headed over to thank him "Thank you, I don't think I know you I'm Nicholas Swan" I said as I smiled at him as I placed my hand out to show that I was friendly.

He looked at me stunned for a second probably wondering why I spoke to him "Charlie's Nephew right?" He said questionably as he shook my hand as I nodded "I'm Sam, a bit of advice if the Cullens do come back stay out of there way" Sam said before walking off in the opposite direction. Which confused me how did he even know that I knew Carlisle Cullen I knew this was a small town but. I stood there confused for a few seconds before running after Charlie and getting a lift home with them when Charlie arrived home he ran upstairs with Bella in his arms leaving the door open so as he went upstairs I closed and locked the door before heading to the kitchen and putting on the kettle so that I could fill up a hot water bottle to warm Bella up. I stood there for a while thinking over everything that had happened in the last few days was there something going on between the Cullens and the very strange muscly men of Forks.

But as I continued to think I heard the kettle finish boiling which got me out of it as I began to make sense out of it I filled up the hot water bottle and began to head upstairs slowly as I could hear Charlie speaking as I reached to the top of the stairs I headed to Bella's room and stood there in the doorway watching Charlie stroke her head "Hey" Charlie said as he looked at me "she ok?" I said looking at Bella who was sleep. "I think so," Charlie said looking at the hot water bottle in my hand "Here," I said as I walked over to the bed and placed the hot water bottle under the blanket. "You want a beer," I said as I began to head over to the doorway. "Yeah," Charlie said before he went back to looking at Bella, Charlie wasn't there for Bella as much after her mother moved away but I knew he loved her she was his only child.

As I headed back downstairs and opened the fridge Charlie came downstairs looking more at ease now that Bella was home. As I opened the first beer I passed it to him "thanks" Charlie said as he took his sip of his beer "how was work" Charlie said trying to turn life back to normal "good it's weird that the Cullens left so suddenly" I said as I looked at him and what I had just said had changed his facial expression "yeah but it's not surprising with the grief some of the people here give them I however like them especially after Edward saved Bella's life" Charlie said before sitting down on a chair at the table.
End Of Chapter 3

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