Chapter 12: The Date Pt. 2

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"I'll have the rigatoni Abruzzi and a lemonade." Amelia ordered. The waitress couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at Amelia's drink order. Can't this curva (whore) hold her liquor? The waitress thought. What the waitress and Nikolay do not know is that Amelia doesn't drink alcohol.

"And you, Mr. Pavel?"

Third POV

"I'll have the same." Nikolay said in a bored tone, not bothering to look up at the waitress.

"Yes, sir. I'll have your drinks out as soon as possible." The waitress said, scurrying off to get Amelia and Nikolay's orders in.

"So what do you do, Nikolay?" Amelia asks. She wasn't sure what to talk about or say on a date after all this is her first date. What if I am making a bad impression? Amelia thought. She couldn't stop fidgeting with her hands.

"Printesa, please stop. You're starting to make me nervous." Nikolay said in a light chuckle. He grabbed both of Amelia's hands from the table and planted a kiss on each hand. Amelia couldn't help but blush at this small action. Amelia slowly felt her nerves fade away.

"To answer your question. I own companies dealing with banking, medical, and entertainment. And what about you?" What Nikolay meant was that he is the sef of the Romanian and Mexican mafia, and he has dealings with money laundering, drug cartels, and multiple prostitution rings. But his printesa does not need to know that.

"Well as you know I just graduated. And right now I am just taking a break from everything..." Amelia was too ashamed to tell Nikolay what really was the reason for not working at this time. She hated even just thinking about that day.

"Oh? I suppose that is good. Taking a year off to think about what to do next."

"Here are your entrees, Mr. Pavel and doamna (madam)." Both Amelia and Nikolay turned their heads as their food and drinks arrived at their table. Amelia whispered a thank you, while Nikolay remained silent. Before Amelia took a bite of her food she did a silent prayer. Nikolay couldn't help but smile at his innocent little printesa. Nikolay personally wasn't a religious man, but it was good to know that Amelia was.

"Are you a very religious person? Nikolay asks while taking a bite of his rigatoni.

"Hmm. . . Compared to others no, but I do go to church. Umm, would you like to come with me sometime?" Amelia sipped her lemonade, hoping he would say yes. Now that her nerves were gone Amelia felt more comfortable around Nikolay and also very much attracted to him. She had the feeling he felt the same by the way he touched her.

"Maybe... If I can have another kiss, printesa?" Nikolay couldn't help but smirk at how Amelia suddenly became speechless.

"Well. . ?" Amelia would love to kiss Nikolay. But those nerves that she felt earlier were starting to come back. It's now or never! Be a woman! Amelia thought.

Amelia scooted closer to Nikolay and glanced at him through her eyelashes. Amelia looked up at Nikolay while putting her arms around his neck. Amelia looked back and forth between Nikolay's eyes and lips, before crushing her lips against his. Nikolay was shocked at her boldness at first but quickly kissed her back. This kiss was different from the last. Nikolay instantly dominated the kiss. Nikolay kissed her with a fierce passion. Amelia couldn't help but moan as he trailed kisses up and down her neck.

"Nikolay" Amelia moaned. Nikolay grabbed her butt as he left a hickey on Amelia's neck.

"Nikolay. . . We can't. We are in public." Amelia could hardly get the sentence out. Nikolay groaned but reluctantly pulled away.

Amelia and Nikolay finished their dinner while trying to keep their hands to themselves as best as they could.

Leaving the Restaurant

"I had a wonderful time with you tonight, Mr. Pavel," Amelia said with a smirk of her own.

"Tonight was amazing, Amelia. You made me feel things I have not felt in a long time. I might take you up on your offer to go to church." What Nikolay said was not true. He never felt these feelings before and he was not scared of them either.

Nikolay walked Amelia to her aka Teresa's car.

"I want to see you again. Soon." Nikolay pulled Amelia into his arms and wrapped his arms around her. His hands resting right just above her bottom. They looked right into each other's eyes, Amelia was blushing at how close she was to Nikolay.

"I would like to see you again too. Whether it is in church or not. Umm you know you can call or text me right?" Oh gosh! why did I say that? That sounds harsh. Amelia couldn't help but look down. Nikolay grabbed her chin again.

"Hey, what's wrong? My printesa, you keep looking down."

"It's just I feel like I put my foot my foot in my mouth when I talk to you." Nikolay couldn't help but laugh at his printesa.

"Oh gosh!!" Amelia hid her face into his chest.

"My little love, you've done nothing." Amelia smiled and looked up at him. Something about being in Nikolay Pavel's arms just felt right. She couldn't help but want to stay for the rest of the night, but who knows how long Teresa can keep my brother busy?

"May I kiss you?" This was the first time Nikolay had asked to kiss Amelia. He usually did it on impulse, but this time it felt right to ask. Amelia could only nod.

Nikolay's kiss was known to be dominant and possessive but yet with Amelia he has shown a softer side of himself, that is willing to show affection. And at this moment, this side was showing. This kiss was just like how earlier tonight's kiss was, soft, sweet, and showed affection. Nikolay's lips caressed her lips gently.

"Call me when you get home, Amelia," Nikolay said in a serious tone.

"Okay. I promise." Nikolay opened and closed the door for Amelia. He watched as his printesa drove home. Before getting into his car and making his way to his home.

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