Chapter 13: I Don't Care

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"Call me when you get home, Amelia." Nikolai said in a serious tone

"Okay. I promise." Nikolay opened and closed the door for Amelia. He watched as his printesa drove home. Before getting into his car and making his way to his home.

Amelia POV

Tonight in one word was amazing. Nikolay is very much a charmer but also a gentleman, which I like very much. Under that tough appearance, he is such a caring man. After passing the gate, I pull into the driveway to see all the lights on. Crap! Why are all the lights on?!? Maybe Teresa couldn't cover for me... I parked next to the garage since I didn't have the remote to open it. I walked as quietly as possible to the side door leading to the kitchen, but it was locked. Crap again! I tried the other two doors that led to the basement and sunroom but with no success. My only other choice is to go through the front door or go up a tree to a window as a last option. As soon as I was about to grab the door handle the door suddenly opened.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!?!" Bradford yelled. I can practically feel the color drain from my face. I'm not too fond of confrontation especially yelling and my brothers knew that.

"Oh hey, you are back home. Are the others?" I asked trying to play it cool, but the tremble in my voice told otherwise. Bradford's face is red as a ripe tomato. He's gripping the door so tight, it must be hurting his hands.

"GET IN THE FUCKING HOUSE NOW!!" He yelled. I would but you're in the way... As if reading my mind Bradford moves and I walk into our home. I tried escaping to my room, but the keyword is tried. A tattooed hand grabbed me and spun me around. I am now facing an extremely mad Alex.

"Who in the hell do you think you are going out alone? Especially without your bodyguards." Alex screamed. If I wasn't crying then I surely was now.

"I umm went out. . ." Duh! Of course they know I've been out.

"We know that you were out Amelia. But who were you with? What were you doing? And please stop crying." Looked over at Nikolas who was sitting on the couch with Max. He had a surprisingly calm and relaxed voice, which did help calm me down a little.

"Umm well, I actually went on a date." I said looking down and playing with my fingers.

"So you and Teresa decided to trick Alex and sneak out to just see probably some strange perverted man, who most likely wants to get into your dress." Max finally spoke. But what the words didn't scare me but the tone he used did. His tone was deadly serious and calm, unlike Nikolas. Max's jaw is clenched, arms folded, and with an expressionless face. Unlike my other brothers, who openly show their anger. . . Well, except for Nikolas.

"He's not like that." I don't disagree with him about sneaking out and tricking Alex because that part is true. But Nikolay is not some pervert, who just wants to sleep with me. Sure we have our heated moments but we stop ourselves.

"Oh? What is he like then?" Bradford asked.

"Well, he's sweet, a real gentleman, and he is an established business owner." I realized Nikolay and I don't really know a lot about each other.

"Hmm. What is this so-called gentleman's name?" Nikolas asks, shaking his head.

"Nikolay. Nikolay Pavel." I say proudly.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?" Max yelled. All of my brothers look back and forth between each other and then at me.

"Stop yelling, please... I said his name is Nikolay Pavel." I can feel the tears falling again. My face must look like a mess from all of this crying.

"You are not seeing him again. You understand me!?" Bradford said grabbing my chin, forcing me to look at him.


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