Chapter 19: All Grown Up

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"Before you picked me up I was looking at some potential teaching positions." From the few sentences, I got to read St. Francis and Mount Washington look like an ideal place to teach. I definitely should get a job before a place for security.

Three Months Later:

"Before it's time to pack up, who can tell me what two plus eight equals?" Looking around at my students, I see that only eight of the twenty students have a hand raised. This is the third day of learning addition and subtraction. Looking over their completed worksheets, most of the class understood adding and subtracting.

"Oh, Oh Miss Xander! Pick me. I know!" Blaire exclaimed with a raised hand. Blaire is one of my social butterflies in the class and wanted everyone to be his friend.

"All right Blaire, what is the answer?" I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm.

"It's ten right? I know since I used my fingers." He said showing me both of his hands.

"That's right Blaire, class you can always use your fingers to help you. Let's get ready to leave everyone. Sister Mary and Sarah will be here soon." Glancing at the clock, it is five minutes till three-thirty. Looking around the classroom I see all of the children get ready for carpool or the afterschool program, except for Nate. He is one of my reserved and quiet students, especially for a four-year-old. Sister Mary and Sarah arrived exactly on time as usual but Nate was still in his seat.

"Is something wrong, Nate? Do you still not understand?" I asked walking to his table.

"No ma'am, umm my father wanted me to give you this." Unzipping his paw patrol backpack and handing me a folded piece of paper. Reading over the note it was informing me that Mr. Ashford aka Nate's father planned to have a meeting with me after school. I have never met Nate's father or mother before. The closest people that would be considered parental guardians would be his nanny and chauffeur who attended an open house and the teacher-student nights.

"Nathaniel, what did I tell you? Real men don't mumble or look down." A masculine voice said from the doorway. "And you must be Amelia Xander." Who I assume is his father. Nate looks just like the man before me. Both have golden blonde but instead of having golden locks like his son, his hair is very short and slicked back overall it looked like he stepped out of a business meeting.

"Yes, I am. It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Ashford. What exactly did you want to discuss this afternoon?" After placing the note on the table, I walked back to my desk and sat down. " Please have a seat."

"Nathaniel, go to the car." He didn't even spare a glance at his child leaving the classroom. His icy blue eyes were locked on to me and me alone. "The reason why I wanted to speak to my son's teacher, is because I would like to get to know the woman that my son keeps talking about."

"Mr. Ashford, I am truly grateful for this opportunity but I have to decline. I made a commitment to teaching at St. Francis Private Academy and the children, which means not dating any of my student's parents ." For some reason, he tensed up about the rejection. The energy around him was already cold and intimidating plus his hard gaze. He sort of reminds me of a few of my brothers' business partners.

"Amelia, I would think about that answer again. Here's my card. Contact me when you come to your senses. Have a nice weekend." After placing his business card on my desk he left.




"No, I didn't forget about this evening?" I didn't even need to look at the id to know it was him. Because of the big argument, I had with him and my brothers about me moving out, Nickolas suggested we schedule a family dinner every Friday which everyone agreed to. And to make sure I remembered the Friday dinners, Max took it upon himself to call me after school is over. I can understand why he would want to check in with me since my brothers and I didn't speak for almost three weeks after I moved out.

"You better not have, Lia. Or I'm gonna tell Rosa, you said you ate better lasagna from the frozen aisle. But seriously Amelia, the anniversary is this Sunday." Max had a joking tone at first but once he mentioned what this Sunday is, it quickly turned to sadness. How could I forget? Luckily Monday is a teacher workday, I thought after grabbing my things and leaving the classroom.

"I didn't forget. I should get there around six-thirty. Umm uh Max, I gotta go." I hung up without waiting for his response. "Nikki? What are you doing here?" He smirked and wrapped his arms around me.

"Are you not excited to see me, prinţesă?" He said removing one arm from my waist and tilting my head up to fully face him. Nikolay and I have been seeing each other for almost four months but made it official two months in. He's been very supportive of me moving out. "You don't remember me dropping you off this morning? I thought we could do something before your dinner..."

"Oh yeah. Sure! What did you have in mind?" We do have about three hours to spare. I do need to finish packing, but that will only take like thirty minutes.

"What are you thinking about, prinţesă? Because I can think of a few things." I felt him cup my ass then give it a light squeeze. I couldn't help but blush at this action, he is always bold and sensual with his affection whether it was physical or through his words. "Let's go." Nikolay kept his right hand on my behind and took my backpack to carry. I still don't understand why my brothers don't like him, so far he has done nothing to offend me or pressure me to have sex with him. We have done some very intimate acts but I just haven't been ready to have sex. I know that I have to truly love the person but a part of myself is debating whether I should save myself for marriage or not.

"Thanks. So after tonight's dinner, I'm going to stay the weekend at their house till Sunday evening or Monday morning." Thanking him for getting my car door and reminding him that I wouldn't be available in the next coming days. Every time I tried to open up about my family's anniversary and tell him I became very emotional.

Third Pov:

Nikolay kept his right hand on Amelia's thigh as he drove to Amelia's condo. Over the past couple of months, his relationship with his enemy's little sister had changed to a romantic and trusting one. Even though Amelia and he haven't had sex yet he still wanted to be with her. But her Nikki is a man with strong urges and since Amelia will not be satisfying them any time soon he found women who will gladly fulfill them. He has one coming over this weekend. Nikolay squeezed her inner thigh after he parked in front of her building.

"Nikki, I've been thinking and I don't think you should come up this time." Ever since that day, Amelia got into it with her brothers about him, I decided it would be best not to brim him up around them anymore. Only one person knew about her dating Nikolay and that is Teresa, but lately, she's been very busy with her new job, and when she and Amelia hung out she was very interested in her relationship with Nikolay. "I just feel like what if one of my brothers decides to pick me up and they see you, that it will turn nasty."

"It's up to you, Amelia. I'm not scared of your flunkee brothers. Tell them I'm ready any time, prinţesă." Nikolay looked directly into her eyes as he said those words. Amelia was still in the dark about all of the dangerous and illegal things around her. Because of this, she truly did not understand why there was a reason why there is a feud. A month into dating he realized that their relationship would most likely stay a secret, which bothered him since he considered her 'his woman'. Once while groping and licking Amelia's breasts he saw a faint scar under her left breast. Could it be possible she experienced something in the past that led to her brothers' behavior?

"Be nice and no I won't tell them that." Amelia said, unbuckling her seat belt about to get out of the car.

"Don't forget to give Daddy a kiss." He joked. One thing he will never forget was the first time she spent the night and would only call him daddy after a few sips of vodka. Amelia planned on doing a little peck but he had other ideas. Amelia looked back and forth from his eyes and lips, her stomach full of butterflies as she kissed Nikolay. At first, the kiss was soft and sweet but quickly became more sensual and demanding with Nikolay dominating the kiss. A slight moan escaped Amelia's mouth feeling suck and lick the sweet spot behind her ear. He broke the kisses and lifted her onto his lap. Grabbing and slapping her ass now that she was on top of him. Amelia went to kiss him again but was interrupted.

"Miss Xander? Is that you?" A masculine voice said from outside the vehicle.

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