Chapter 20: What A Surprise

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"Miss Xander? Is that you?" A masculine voice said from outside the vehicle.

Third POV:

The once-heated lover's moment quickly ended once Amelia heard and saw who the man was outside the window. Embarrassment. That was the first word to come to Amelia's mind. Trying to remove herself from Nikolay became a struggle. Rolling the window down, he saw a random man interrupting his time with his woman.

"Mr. Ashford? Umm, what are you doing here?" Amelia tried again to remove herself, but Nikolay tightened his arms around her.

"Who is this?" Annoyance is clear in Nikolay's tone. The only men he knew about in Amelia's life were her brothers and her family's "security team." So who the fuck is this creeper?

"Nikki. . . It would be easier to introduce you two if we were both out of the car." Nikolay reluctantly unwrapped his arms from her waist and helped her get out of his car. "Mr. Ashford, this is my boyfriend Nikolay, and this is one of my student's father." Amelia couldn't help but smile and blush when saying out loud that Nikolay was her boyfriend.

Amelia POV:

"Please call me, Chad. Is that alright, Amelia?" Chad asked, completely ignoring Nikolay's presence. Glancing over at Nikolay, it is clear that Mr. Ashford, now known as Chad is not his cup of tea.

"Mr. Ashford, if you don't mind me asking. Where is Nate? You picked him up less than two hours ago." Even though seeing him is a coincidence, it still feels awkward. A small part of me thinks it might not be a coincidence seeing him here, especially without his son. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

"That's right, Amelia. Are you stalking, printesa mea (my princess)?"Nikolay unwrapped his arm from my waist and walked towards Chad. Are they squaring each other up? I thought, from looks more like glares on both of their faces.

"Nikki, was it? I own this complex and live here as well. Amelia, you should have been notified that the complex will not be allowing visitors after five, who don't have a visitor pass, and I don't see one in his car, so Nikki, you need to leave." Chad says with an all too confident look on his face. All of this is news to me. The leasing office informed me that the new owner was away on business, but that was it. "You are still here, do I need to get security?" Quickly stepped between Chad and Nikolay, trying my best to pull him away.

"Nikolay, Nikki, please look at me. Let it go." Grabbing his face, trying to make him focus on my words. In the past few months, I have gotten to know him; one Nikolay has a quick temper, and two, he can be very possessive over me. His possessiveness is arousing, but not at this moment. Chad seems to be the type of man who will call the police after instigating the fight.

"Cum ai vrea să moară, băiat drăguț? Aveți capul zdrobit lent sau armați cu unghia în lobul parietal? (How would you like to die, pretty boy? Having your head slowly crushed or nail gun to the parietal lobe?)" Before Nikolay walked with me to the car, I heard him growling something in his native language, mostly like cussing him out. Once we reached his car, I put both of his hands on my behind.

"Daddy..?" I asked him, feeling my cheeks heat up. Nikolay's gaze instantly traveled to mine and had a wicked smirk on his face, which made me a little nervous.

"Are you trying to distract me, soarece mic?" I could tell he was starting to relax but was still a little tense. With his hands still cupping my behind, he gave me a light squeeze. Right before I could answer, he kissed me. When Nikolay, kisses me, I can feel his passion and sensuality.

"You better go, before you get me evicted," I said, reluctantly pulling away from him. An annoyed look appeared on his face. "I'll call you later tonight, kay?" He responded with a slight nod, then handed me my work bag and gave me a peck on the lips.

Going inside my apartment building completely ignoring my apparent landlord and started to think about tonight and this weekend's plans. Just thinking about what is planned for Sunday makes me emotional. Walking into my apartment after putting in my apartment security PIN code, I feel more at ease. Placing my bag on the counter I noticed that I forgot to zip the main zipper. Checking to see if anything fell out, and see everything but the new lesson plan for next week. Frantically searching every pocket I still couldn't find it. Did I leave it at school? Did it fall out?! Wait! Maybe it fell out of Nikolay's car! All of these thoughts and questions and more started to race through my mind. Even though I am an official kindergarten teacher at St. Francis, I have a feeling that the head Father and Sister of the school are giving me a one-year trial. If it's in Nikolay's car I can just send him a text asking him, can I come over to get it. I'm sure he wouldn't mind that plus we would get to spend a little more time together before I spend the weekend with my brothers. I smiled and relaxed at the upside I could only see in this.

Before I grabbed my suitcase and zipped my bookbag, I sent Nikolay a quick text letting him know that I was on my way to his house. Luckily his house is only about fifteen to twenty depending on traffic. Locking my door and taking the elevator to the complex's parking garage. After I received my driver's license, Alexander, told me that he was very proud of me and gifted me a Jeep. At first, I wanted to return it but then fell in love with it. Surprisingly traffic wasn't too bad today and made there earlier than expected. Checking my phone, I still haven't seen a notification from Nikolay yet. Getting out of my car I noticed an unfamiliar black van in his driveway. Pressing the doorbell I am greeted by one of the housekeepers.

"Hi, I think Nikolay knows I coming. He might have something of mine." I explained, from her facial expression she looked hesitant to let me in. The majority of his housekeepers spoke their native tongue, which is Romanian, and spoke little to no English.

"Domnișoară, vă rog să nu intrați. O femeie atât de pură. (Miss, please don't come in. Such a pure woman.)" She said. She kept glancing back every few seconds with a look of panic on her face. After looking back one more time she stepped aside and let me in.

"Nikolay? Nikki?" Walking into the living room I see that it is empty but hear faint noises near. Following the noises, then soon realized that I was hearing moans and grunts. The moans and groans led me to the kitchen. My worst nightmare.

"Aaahh Nikki don't stop! Fuck me harder!!" A naked woman loudly moaned. Indeed, MY NIKKI is aggressively fucking her. She bent over the counter, with Nikolay Pavel thrusting hard and deep into her from behind. I see him grab a fist full of her long black and pull her head towards him. Is he going to kiss her?!? I can't watch any more of this. Running away from this horror house, I feel my heart clench, and tears fall from my face. Am I not good enough, Nikolay?

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