Chapter 1

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Alright the first chapter again, now to start without rushing into anything this time.

Aphmau's POV

     After hanging out with Zane yesterday, I told Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan about it. Kawaii~Chan can't wait to help, she was already on the hunt. Katelyn didn't want to help, but I used my puppy dog eyes on her and she gave in. I owe her a Netflix date night though, with cuddles and kisses along with it. Yet, I'm still shy about it, but hey maybe I'll be able to fluster her this time! Okay enough of that, Zane's potential boyfriend is now top priority as of this very moment! I grab a piece of paper, and begin to write down names of boys from high school and here. I do remember Gene, Zenix, Casey, and Kai, hmm I'll put them under a close maybe. There's also Dante, Travis, and Aaron, but I need to find out if any of these boys are bi or gay. Can't just force relationships onto people who don't like a specific gender, ya know. "So are they any good matches for Zane?" asked Katelyn who hugged me from behind. "Gah, Katelyn! You scared me!!!" I said while catching my breath. "Meh, not sorry heh." she chuckled out, while she hugged me tightly. "Grrr, well I don't know. Some might be in relationships, or not like guys at all for that matter." I replied.

     "Hmm, well not Casey. I'm not letting my brother become an edgelord." Katelyn said with a small growl. I chuckled, "Zane is not an edgelord, you know him. Also don't worry, I know that you won't let your brother date my fat little nugget." Katelyn nodded. My phone buzzed, I picked it up looking at my new message. "Ah, gotta go. I need to go hang out with Aaron today." I said as I got off my chair. "Aww really? So soon too." Katelyn whined. I smiled, and kissed her with a smile on my face. "I'll be back in time for cuddles, don't worry. I love you." I said as I headed out with Celeste. 

     I made my way over to Aaron's house, with Celeste trailing along beside me. She really loves Aaron, I wonder why? I kept thinking about Zane's potential matches, then I found myself already at Aaron's door. Shaking my head, I knocked on his door and waiting for Aaron to answer. Aaron opened the door, and we hugged. "Hey Aph, come on in. I see that there's a special little dog here as well." He said as he began to pet Celeste. I enter Aaron's, and sit on his couch. He came over as well, and we began to chat about what was new with each other. Joke about certain things, and rant about annoying things in our life. Me and Aaron are stills friends, even after we dated in high school for a bit. Until we found out that we both like the same genders, we stayed friends and decided to find someone we love. 

     I wonder if he ever found someone he loves, it doesn't seem like it. Otherwise he would've told me. "Hey Aph, I know it's a little blunt and weird to be asking this, but... is Zane single?" he asked while rubbing the back of his neck. I noticed that he had a small blush on his face, but I could see it clearly. Me being me, I squealed in delight and had a massive grin on my face now. It took everything in my body to not make my fangirling so obvious. I cleared my throat and faced him, "Maybe, but who wants to know~?" I asked him with a small mischievous smile on my face. He noticed this, and looked away for a moment. "No one, but I'm just curious you know." he replied with a small nervous chuckle. Quietly chuckling to myself, I said, "Oh really~? Well he is, and he's currently looking for someone to date." He faced me suddenly. "Really!? Ahem, I uh mean, really?" he nervously replied while trying to act cool. Wow, he's really interested in Zane. Yet, I smiled and replied, "Yeah, he's looking for a nice guy who is nice, caring, protective, strong, handsome, patient, dark-haired, etc. Oh well, I'm trying to help him find his ideal guy, but it doesn't seem like anyone is a good match. Well, except Gene, maybe he'll be the one." I explained to Aaron.

     "No!" Aaron stated suddenly, it surprised me a bit. He noticed this and repeated again, "Uh, no. I mean Gene was a jerk to him in high school, remember? I'm pretty sure he's the last guy Zane would want to see right about now or date for that matter." Aaron said. He did have a good point right there, Gene, Sasha, and Zenix did treat him very poorly during high school. Which led to Zane making the Jury, and becoming the greatest delinquent in Phoenix Drop high. I sighed at the thought of that memory, my sweet little nugget came from being the bad boy of that school. Oh well, I can't change history, and that's all in the past now. "Yeah, you're right. Zane should never date a guy like that. I guess I can't help Zane find a perfect boyfriend after all. Maybe Zane will be forever alone in this cruel and unforgiving world. Oh well, time to give up this mission." I said dramatically to see Aaron's reaction. "Well, maybe I can give him a shot? You know, to see if we do get along with each other. Maybe, even become boyfriends. Possibilities are endless you know. He replied as he sounded genuinely interested. 

     "That sounds like a great idea! I'll set you guys up for a date, how does this Saturday at ice rink sound?" I asked with a glimmer of hope in my eyes. "Sure, I'll be there say around 7:30. Yeah, but it depends on his choice too! Don't want to interrupt anything important on Saturday for Zane you know." he replied. Aww, he is so sweet, Zane will love Aaron. Even if they haven't talked to each other. I know that they'll be a great match for each other!

Zane's POV    

     I put all my trust in Aph to see if she can find someone for me. I know that's risky knowing her, she probably told Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan about her plan. Now, I will probably expect some random guy at my door tomorrow asking me to have intercourse with them. Those kinds of guys make me sick, but whatever I know that I can trust Aph with whoever seems perfect for me. Otherwise, she won't give up, she's always filled with determination in some weird way. Anyway, back to watching My Little Horsies. Today was a My Little Horsies Mare-athon, clever use of that pun I must say. Oh well, back to watching the mane six solve friendship problems again.

     The Mare-athon ended on a good episode, and I made my way back to my room. When I entered my room, my phone made a ding noise. Indicating that I got a new message, I turned on my phone to see who this message was from. It was from Aph, 'Hey Zuzu, guess what I found! :3' it read. I wondered, and replied 'What?'. I waited for a bit then another message was sent to me, 'Alright, I found you a date, but I ain't telling ya who it is. Lol. It's on Saturday, at 7:30 no need to be to formal. Unless you want!'. I was actually surprised, but now I have to wait until Saturday for the date. I guess I'll have to pin point the guy Aph found for me. It's not Travis, since I know Aph wouldn't do that to me. Hmm, still is it a guy I know? Probably not, I don't know many people on Mystreet like Aph does, and she's friends with all of them.

     I sighed, knowing Aphmau she won't tell me who the guy is. Shaking my head, I got changed into my evening wear and laid in bed thinking. Was this a good idea? Did I leave my trust in the right person? Will this date go okay? Is this guy the one? I don't know, turning over to my left side, I closed my eyes and let darkness consume me. 

     Wow that was a lot to write about, and I think I did way better than than back then!! I hope you all enjoyed this rewritten chapter! I'll continue to write more of this story!! Until then, stay happy my friends!! Ciao! 

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