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Ok, now that this story is rewritten. I'll be able to produce a better way to set the story in the mood. Sorry for taking such a long time, but I have had a lot of stress lately so cut me some slack for now mkay?

This all takes place before Aphmau and Aaron became a thing and 5 months after Aph and Zane became friends.

Zane's POV

     After that whole Christmas fiasco last year, I had begun to hang out with Aph more. She's a really good friend, and I'm glad that she cares about some one like me. Not like very one else here on Mystreet, I don't think they really like me being Aphmau's friend. Not after highschool I guess, but whatever no need to brood. I have Aph here with me as a friend, and that's what matters to me now. However, my train of thought was interrupted by Aph tapping my shoulder,  "Hey Zane, I've been thinking... I noticed that you only hang out with me and nobody else. I know that they don't necessarily like you, and you don't really like people other than me. Yet, you seem lonely, even if Garroth and Vlyad are around you. And I've decided, that you should get yourself a boyfriend!" Aph said with a smile.

     "What!? Aph I know that you've accepted me and my sexual orientation, but a boyfriend!?" I replied a little annoyed. "I know that you're socially awkward, but come on. I know that behind your hard, edgy, lonely outside. That inside you wish to feel safe, loved, and cared for in someone's arms. Come on Zane, we're friends and you're like a brother to me!" She said with a comforting tone. I sighed, knowing she was right, but I'm not edgy!! "Tch, I guess you're right, but it can't be anyone annoying here! Especially Travis, he's such a perv." I stated, while crossing my arms. Aph nodded and giggled, "Okay! I'll see who I can find! I promise that it won't be someone annoying or Travis." she stated. I knew that I can trust Aph with these kinds of things, I know that she likes to tease but she cares at least. Unlike Garroth who doesn't know when to quit.

     "I promise you Zane, that I will find you the best boyfriend in Mystreet!!" Aph exclaimed as she fistbumped the air. "Like how I found out me and Katelyn had feelings for each other, and we've been happy ever since then!" she added with a swoon. Yes, Katelyn and Aphmau are together and I support them greatly since Aph is my friend. There's also Garroth and Laurence, they can't seem to stop excessively talk about how great the other person is. Kawaii~Chan is with Nicole, and you can always see them snuggled up with each other somewhere. Lucinda is with a girl, but she's keeping her a secret until someone can guess. Hmm, I guess that's it, since I don't know about anyone else but whatever. Like I care about their lives anyway, sometimes I like to see the world burn. 

     Ok, maybe that was a bit edgy, but I'm not like that all the time. My thoughts were interrupted by a Pinkie Cake plushie booping my mask where my nose was. "Zane, I lost you there for a second! It's time to party!!" said Aph, trying to mimic Pinkie's voice. I rolled my eyes playfully, "Alright Pinkie, hand me a cupcake and let's get started." I said playing along with Aphmau. Playing with Aph makes me happy, since she's someone who I can talk to. I chuckle as I hide the cupcakes from Aph, while I try to blame it on Flarity.

     Maybe I will find a guy who loves me for me.

     Whew, got back to writing this book! Sorry for the long wait, I have to rewrite this book entirely. This time, I won't rush so quickly into the story and go off track. I promise, but if you have some ideas, it would be appreciated if you left them here. Anyway, I'll get back to rewriting this book, please cut me some slack. I had a really, and I mean really bad case of Writer's block. Also, a lot has happened to me, especially with relationships. Whatever, you're not here to see me rant, but I'll keep writing I really promise!!! Bye!!!!

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