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A/N: Hello, readers! Another chapter is here! Enjoy!

edited on june 25th, 2022Β @ 6:52pm

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰


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"YOU'RE AWAKE, HANAGAKI?" Ichirou heard Muto's voice ask.


"The whole conflict with Tenjiku. You know something, don't you?" Takemichi asked.

"Look beside you, Hanagaki!" Muto exclaimed as Sanzu turned on the lights. "All the actors are here. Let's begin, shall we?"


Takemichi came face to face with Inui, Kokonoi, and Ichirou.

"These three? Inui, Koko, and Imaushi... Why are they!"

"Shit. So even Takemichi got caught, huh? 'Ghost of S62'..." Kokonoi spoke.

"S62... You mean the guys in Tenjiku? What do you mean?" Takemichi questioned.

"This guy was originally buddies with Kurokawa Izana and the rest. The 6 of them who got out from juvie. The 'Brutal Generation.'" Inui explained.

"That has nothing to do with you guys. Izana is my problem." Muto claimed.

"This guy. What's up with him?!" Takemichi wondered.

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰

"Mucho-kun, why did you bring me here?" Takemichi asked. Muto just pulled out a chair, making it squeak as he sat down in front of Takemichi.

"We the 5th Division are Toman's special unit. We're a 'special unit' that has a permit to dispute with other members when seen fit." Muto explained.

"Eh? Has a permit?" Takemichi asked himself. "Special unit?"

"Simply put we're Toman's 'discipline committee.' We are allowed to punish those who betray Toman. Without getting any permission from the President! Mikey put me, the strongest of all division captains in charge of this 'special unit.'" Muto explained.

"Huh? So... that means Mucho isn't on Tenjiku's side? He's a good person?" Takemichi thought.

"So does that mean I did something suspicious?" He then asked.

Muto stayed silent for a moment. "You know, my motto is... 'A suspect's guilt must be proved beyond reasonable doubt.'" He replied.

"Huh?! Wait a minute. Are you saying I did something?" Takemichi questioned.

"Who knows? I don't know." Muto responded.

"Izana, right?" Ichirou spoke up.


"Rou and I both had a connection with Tenjiku's Kurokawa Izana." Inui revealed.

"Eh? Inupi, Imaushi, and Izana?" Takemichi muttered.

"Us, who were aiding Izana, entered the First Division. The First Division is Toman's traitor. Tenjiku's spy. And the mastermind behind it all is Hanagaki Takemichi!" Inui exclaimed.


"That's what you're thinking, isn't it? Mucho!" Ichirou asked.

Muto didn't answer as he stood up. "I'm Toman's traitor?!" Takemichi asked himself. "Have I been staged by this guy?"

"He's wrong! I'mβ€”" Takemichi paused. "What should I do. I can't find any excuse!"

"Hanagaki isn't the traitor."

"Eh?" Takemichi was confused by Kokonoi's words.

"Mucho... You've got it all wrong. We're not betraying Toman at all." Inui added on.

"Now kneel and apologize to us, damn it!" Kokonoi exclaimed.

"We're not gonna tell anyone." Ichirou claimed.

"We don't know anything." Inui added on.


"Hm... What have you guys been blabbering about?" Muto questioned.


"You guys aren't involved in our 'special duty' that I've mentioned." Muto said.

"We're not involved? Then what is this all about?" Takemichi asked.

"Robbery, assault, narcotics. Me and Izana did all that bad shit." Muto began.

"Izana?" Takemichi repeated.

"Then we created a team of our own. We were feared as the 'Brutal Generation' we owned the era." Muto continued on. "Then Izana for some reason, left. Things got boring, so Mikey took me."

"Do you get it now, Hanagaki? I was one of the founding members of Tenjiku."

"So you... You're saying you're betraying Toman?" Takemichi asked.

"Things would've been different if I met Mikey first... And now Izana is back in the gang... You guys are now my enemy. Your life ends here." Muto declared.

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰

"Mucho-kun, what are you aiming for?" Takemichi questioned. "No matter how much you serve for him, he'll only see Mikey-kun. He created Tenjiku only to destroy Mikey-kun."

"You shit. You're saying Izana's only aiming for Mikey?" Muto countered.


"There is a reason why I abducted the 4 of you." Muto claimed.

"The 4 of us?" Takemichi repeated.

"Inui, why do you guys want to serve under Hanagaki? Is it because you don't want to be used again?" Muto asked.


"Inui. Last time you served under 10th Generation Captain, Shiba Taiju, right?" Muto questioned. "Inui you used his 'strength' to rebuild Black Dragon once again. Then what Taiju wanted in return is 'Kokonoi Hajime' to be in Black Dragon."

"Why Koko..." Takemichi wondered.

"Do you know why Taiju wanted Kokonoi Hajime? Hanagaki." Muto asked, getting Takemichi's attention. "Kokonoi is a genius in making money. And what Izana wanted to use, is that 'power.' Financial power."

"Eh? So the one who was making money wasn't Taiju?!" Takemichi then remembers what he witnessed in the future. "That's right. Whichever timeline the future was... Kokonoi Hajime. The one who's been holding the 'money' in Toman is this guy?!"

"And what's annoying about you Kokonoi, is that you only listen to Inui. And somehow Inui serves under Hanagaki. That's why I must kill Inui and Hanagaki. If the person you always tag along with is gone... You have no choice but to go under Tenjiku, right?" Muto questioned.

"That-That's too much!" Takemichi exclaimed.

Muto then slammed his foot on Inui's face. "Seishu!" Ichirou shouted out.

"Now then. Kokonoi, join Tenjiku." Muto demanded. "Or I'll kill these two. You've got two choices."

"Muto, you backstabbing jackass!" Ichirou shouted before he eventually joined Inui on the ground.

"Hanagaki. Mikey isn't Izana's only plan. Kokonoi's financial power, Kisaki's brain, and Mikey's charisma. "He" can make full use of those three... and make the greatest criminal organization." Muto explained.

"The 'S62 Generation' are now 18 years old. Shit like bosozoku are for kids." Muto continued on. "Kokonoi! If you join Tenjiku, I'll let go of Hanagaki, Inui, and Imaushi. So! What's your choice, Kokonoi!"

"I... I..." Kokonoi trailed off.

"Koko-kun. You don't have to listen to that shit bastard." Takemichi told him.

"Hanagaki." Kokonoi mumbled.

"Mucho-kun. 'Create the greatest criminal organization' you say? Even if I die, that won't happen." Takemichi claimed. "As if that happens in the future. This battle I keep on losing. I've found the key to win it. I'll definitely not hand Kokonoi to these assholes..."

"Kokonoi Hajime is a member of the First Division." Takemichi stated.

"I won't hand my subordinate to the likes of you!"

"Hanagaki..." Kokonoi muttered in shock.

"I just need to protect Koko. That's how I win!"

"Alright. I'm motivated!" Takemichi exclaimed.

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰

"I won't hand over Koko to the likes of Tenjiku!" Takemichi claimed.


"And then what? There's no way you can win against me." Muto informed.

"You don't get it do you, Mucho-kun?" Takemichi countered. "This isn't about winning or losing!"

"And I won't die either." Takemichi added on before he charged towards Muto.

"Let's go!"

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰

Takemichi, Inui, and Ichirou were dropped off near some trash bags.

"Ouch! Fuck." Takemichi mumbled.

Ichirou took out his switchblade that he always carried with him, undoing the binds on his wrists.

Ichirou then looked towards Inui. "Seishu..." He muttered.

"Inupi-kun! That's right." Takemichi said.

"I'm with you, Hanagaki!" Inui claimed.

"So am I!" Ichirou shouted out.

"Hmph! You brats should just die!" Muto began punching Takemichi, Inui, and Ichirou. "What'll you do now, Kokonoi! At this rate, these three will die, won't they?"

Kokonoi widened his eyes. "Enough, Mucho!" He shouted. "I'll do as you say! So please let them go!"

Ichirou was walking next to Takemichi, who was carrying Inui on his back. "Hang in there, Inupi. We're almost at the hospital." Takemichi told him.

"Hanagaki... I'm sorry. I couldn't do anything... I couldn't protect Koko." Inui apologized.

"It's alright, Inupi-kun!"


"They won't kill Koko-kun." Takemichi said. "Tenjiku only wants Koko-kun to recreate the brutal generation."

"Inupi-kun, I... misunderstood you guys. I thought you guys were with Tenjiku or some other irredeemable bastards. But... You guys helped me out. Koko-kun sacrificed himself for us. You three... are good people. You guys are my friends."

"I won't let Tenjiku have Koko. I'll do whatever it takes to get him back. That's why it's alright, Inupi-kun." Takemichi claimed.

"How are you gonna get him back..." Inui asked.

"I'll think about it from now on." Takemichi replied.

"Pfft. Yeah right." Inui said.

"Why the hell are you laughing?! I really mean it, okay?!"

"Put me down Hanagaki."

"Are you seriously giving up on me now? I mean look at your face!"

"Come with me." Inui said.

"This is mine, Koko, and Rou's hideout." Inui explained as the three were at an abandoned building.

"Hideout, more like... some abandoned building." Takemichi muttered.

"Come on in, we can treat our wounds here."

The three of them walked in as Takemichi was cleaning the wounds on his face.

"I have a reason why I wanted to revive Black Dragon. Koko... He's always been with me wherever I go. Even when I'm such a useless person he's always there to support me. Because of that, I'd die for Koko." Inui then bowed, making Takemichi get taken aback.

"And I too, entrust my life with you. Please carry on Black Dragon, Hanagaki. Please become the 11th Generation Black Dragon President!"


"Hanagaki. Please save Koko..." Inui pleaded. "Please save us..."

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰

Inui sighed as he sat down. "Sorry, Takemichi. The hell am I gonna do now." He asked himself as Ichirou and Takemichi soon joined him.

"You know... This used to be Shinichiro-kun's bike shop." Inui said.

"You mean... Mikey's older brother?" Takemichi questioned.

"Yeah." Inui responded. "For punks like us, this was our gathering spot."

"You mean here? It sure don't look like it..."

"There used to be a bunch of cool bikes standing in a row at the sides... and Shinichiro-kun will always be there, tinkering. All the seniors who came it's as if they were shining, they looked so cool. Those cool seniors were also polite with Shinichiro-kun. He was my hero." Inui explained.

"So you must've been in Black Dragon since..."

"I wanted to bring back that era of when Shinichiro-kun formed Black Dragon. In this bike shop I've heard a lot of fun stories... from the seniors of that glorious era. They looked so happy reminiscing when Shinichiro-kun was captain. And then Shinichiro-kun, will always stay humble and awkward. It's nice, isn't it? To be able to talk about all the crazy things you did in the old days. And laugh about it with your friends." Inui ranted.

It was then silent for a moment. "I've always admired such a team. That's why I joined Black Dragon. But by the time I joined Black Dragon, along with Rou, it was the 8th Generation. Kurokawa Izana was President. It was shit. The 8th and 9th Gens did all the criminal things like drugs, assault, robbery. The First Generation's will completely disappeared. Slowly, I got tainted by that team. That good old Black Dragon I used to know was no more." Inui continued on.

"I panicked when Black Dragon died for a while. That's when I sought help from Shiba Taiju. From there on, you know what happened..."

It was silent for a moment. "Man... What the fuck have I been doing." Inui questioned himself.

"Inupi-kun. There is someone I want to save. Because of that, I've been working hard. But I'm so useless I keep on failing! So Inupi-kun." Takemichi stood up. "I really understand how you feel. I'll take over Black Dragon."


"From now on, I am Tokyo Manji Gang's First Division Captain and the 11th Generation Black Dragon Captain." Takemichi holds out his hand towards Inui. "Be prepared. I will bring back Koko, defeat Kisaki... Izana... and Tenjiku! Will you come with me?"

Inui took his hand. "I entrust my life to you!" He exclaimed.

"Imaushi-kun?" Takemichi turned to Ichirou who was quiet the whole time.

"Hanagaki, I'm not gonna say some dumb shit like, 'I entrust my life to you' because in reality, you're probably gonna get me killed." Ichirou spoke.


"Seishu and Hajime told me you brought Taiju to his knees, and if there's a person out there who could do something like that, they deserve my respect." Ichirou continued on. "Even though Hajime and I would bicker a lot, he's still my friend, so I'll help you and Seishu out."


⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰

"You know what they say about trios?" Ichirou finally asked after it was just him and Inui. "They're always destined to fall."

"Also, I'm in love with you, Seishu."

Inui blinked for a moment. "Huh?" He said.

"The boy I have a crush on. It's you." Ichirou repeated. "I mean, who wouldn't fall for you? You're amazing, perfect in every wayβ€”"

Ichirou felt a hand clasp over his mouth. "I get it, Rou." Inui interrupted, causing Ichirou to smile.

"Can I kiss you?"


Ichirou turned red as he looked away. "I figured I'd ask because I'm not an asshole, you know? Just forget itβ€”"

He was interrupted once more as Inui grabbed his chin and connected their lips together.

"You ramble too much, Rou." Inui told him once they pulled away from each other.

"Does this mean we're boyfriends now?"

"Idiot. I literally just kissed you and you ask that question?"

"Just making sure."

Ichirou leaned over and kissed Inui again. "I really do love the feel of your lips against mine." Ichirou commented.

"You're really corny, you know that?" Inui sighed out, making Ichirou laugh before smiling.

"Only for you, darling."

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰

A/N: Another chapter is completed! Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 2260 words.

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