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A/N: Deciding whether or not I should put Ichirou's backstory in the Three Deities arc or the Final arc. But the Final arc seems more fitting for... reasons :)

edited on june 18th, 2022 @ 7:02pm

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰




《 𝖣𝖤𝖢𝖤𝖬𝖡𝖤𝖱 𝟤𝟧𝖳𝖧, 𝟤𝟢𝟢𝟧 》

ICHIROU CLASPED HIS HANDS TOGETHER as he stood at Shinichiro's gravestone. He opened his eyes and kneeled down.

"Merry Christmas, Shinichiro-kun." He said, looking up at the snow falling. "It's actually snowing on my birthday. What a great way to spend sixteen, huh?"

"Anyways, Taiju's still an ass and I still hate him. I mean, don't get me wrong. He's a strong leader. He's just..." Ichirou paused. "The first time I met him, was around the same time I met Hajime."


A new voice was heard, getting both Kokonoi and Inui's attention. Kokonoi saw how Inui smiled at the sight of the newcomer.


Imaushi Ichirou.
Middle School 3rd Year (At the time).

"I fucking missed you, idiot!" Ichirou huffed out. "You're forbidden to go to reform school again! After the 9th Generation got beaten by some brats, shit got hella boring without you!"

Kokonoi cleared his throat, getting the attention of Ichirou. "Eh? Who are you?" He asked.

"Rou, this is Koko. The childhood friend I told you about?" Inui spoke.

"Oh." Ichirou smiled at Kokonoi. "I'm Imaushi Ichirou! You can just call me Ichirou! Mind if I call you Hajime?"


The three began to walk up the steps. "I'm gonna revive the Black Dragons!" Inui declared, making Ichirou sigh.

"Is it because you were told, 'I'm leaving the next generation to you?' What do you think happened to the guys who asked you to do that?" Kokonoi asked.

"I haven't even known Hajime for a solid hour, and I agree with him." Ichirou added on.

"They ended up in a tough spot when the Haitani Brothers of Roppongi came to power... So they ditched the gang and disappeared." Kokonoi explained. "Quit living in the past. Just forget about the Black Dragons."

"That's fine. I'll just revive the Black Dragons on my own." Inui said.

"Got a plan?"


Kokonoi sighed while Ichirou ran a hand down his face. "There's this 'monster' at my school." Kokonoi said, getting Inui's attention. "With his power, you'll probably be able to revive the Black Dragons."

"...What's he like?" Inui questioned.

"Wanna meet him? Can't guarantee he'll join, though." Kokonoi said.

"This is it." Kokonoi announced as they walked into the school. "You there, Taiju?"

"This the guy?" Inui asked. "Come with me for a sec, Shiba Taiju."

Taiju stood up. "You better make it fun." He informed.

Shiba Taiju.
Middle School 3rd Year (At the time).

Inui and Taiju faced each other outside of the school. Inui charged forward, fist raised. But in a split second, Inui was on the ground, defeated.

"Holy shit..." Ichirou thinks to himself. "That guy really is a monster..."

"You're the boss." Inui announced.

"Fine by me. I'll reform the Black Dragon gang." Taiju agreed. "In return... Kokonoi! You gotta give your life to me, too! And you as well, Imaushi Ichirou!"

"Well, there's a lot more worst guys who I've worked with. Perhaps he wouldn't be so bad." Ichirou thought.

Ichirou went silent for a moment. "Shinichiro-kun, how do you tell someone you really love them? Like, romantically?" He then asked as he paused. "Wait. I forgot I'm asking the guy who got rejected twenty times. I remember you got jealous of Aniki because he always had girl admirers."

"I mean, I do have Big Bro's looks, I can just get about anyone I want, right?" Ichirou boasted before letting out a sigh. "But where's the good in that if the one person I want doesn't know I want them?!"

"What's this? The Imaushi Ichirou is having trouble with love?"

Ichirou glanced over, seeing Inui looking at him. He stood up, placing his hands in his pockets. "Who's the lucky lady?" Inui then questioned.

"No one." Ichirou replied. "What are you doing here? Thought you would be with Hajime."

Inui held a small bag up. "I'm not that much of an asshole to forget your birthday." He replied, handing the bag towards him. "Open it."

Ichirou looks at him for a moment before reaching into the bag, pulling out a topaz bracelet. "Topaz is your favorite gemstone, right?" Inui questioned.


Ichirou placed the bracelet on his right wrist, smiling at the sight of it. He then wrapped his arms around Inui, making him get taken aback.

"Thank you, Seishu. I'll treasure this forever."

"You really are dramatic, Rou. It's just a gift and you're my friend, so of course I'm gonna buy you something."

"Right." Ichirou mentally sighed. "Friends... and that's all we'll ever be, huh?"

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"I can't believe we're going to be affiliated with Toman." Ichirou mumbled as him, Kokonoi, and Inui walked up the steps of the shrine where Toman was having their meeting, still in their Black Dragon uniforms.

Black Dragon had been defeated and Taiju retired. "If you don't like it, you should've been there to help us." Kokonoi informed.

"I don't want to fight a bunch of brats on my birthday, and Toman isn't the problem, it's being associated with that Sano—" Ichirou paused as he scoffed. "An Imaushi and a Sano being associated with each other once more. How ironic."

"Now! The second person! Inui! To the front!" Ichirou heard Draken shout out.

"Inui Seishu, from the 11th Generation Black Dragons." Inui introduced himself.

"Kokonoi Hajime, from the same gang." Kokonoi said.

"Imaushi Ichirou, also from the same gang." Ichirou added on in a bored tone.

"Black Dragons?!"

"Didn't they get crushed?"

"Did that guy say his name was Imaushi? He's not related to him, is he?"

"The 10th Generation Black Dragons lost to Toman. Our former leader, Shiba Taiju, has retired. We have succeeded the gang as the leaders of the 11th Generation." Kokonoi explained.

"And, after discussing it with Mikey... we've decided to join under Toman!" Inui concluded.

"Huh?!" Takemichi exclaimed.

"I assign the Black Dragons to the First Division. In other words, under Hanagaki Takemichi's command!" Mikey announced.

"Whaaaat?!" Takemichi shouted.

"Got it?! Takemitchy." Mikey said.

"Y-... Yeah." Takemichi replied.

"Tsk!" Chifuyu mumbled.

"The Black Dragons are under my command? Why? Whose decision is this?!" Takemichi questioned.

"'If we're going to be part of Toman, we'd rather be with him...' That... is what they want." Mikey responded.

"I'm 100% sure there's another side to this..." Chifuyu commented.

"Glad to be here! Captain!" Kokonoi exclaimed.

"I won't ask you to trust us. Just tell us when you need us. We'll help you." Inui informed.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"Rou, are you going to tell me about your crush?" Inui asked as him, Ichirou, and Kokonoi were at a nearby park.

"Hm? What's this? Ichirou has a crush?" Kokonoi asked with interest.

"Why are you interested all of a sudden?"

"For blackmail."

Ichirou rolls his eyes at him. "Well, aren't you going to tell me what she's like?" Inui questioned.

"Are you just going to assume they're a 'she'?"

It was silent amongst the trio for a moment. "What?" Both Inui and Kokonoi questioned in unison.

Ichirou lets out a laugh. "I thought I made it pretty obvious I was gay." He replied. "Women are to complicated to be in a relationship with."

"All right, then. Let me rephrase my question. Who's the lucky man?" Inui questioned.

Kokonoi snorted. "You mean unlucky." He corrected, causing Ichirou to send him a glare his way.

"What's he like?" Inui asked, ignoring Kokonoi's comment.

"Absolutely perfect. I adore him." Ichirou gave a side glance to Inui as he blushed, in which Kokonoi took notice of.

"The hell you turning red for? What kinda mood are you trying to set?"

"It's just the sunset, Hajime."

"Huh... Well, I suppose that can't be helped."

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

A lot of days had happened since then, and in the future, Takemichi, Naoto, and Ichirou were meeting up with an older Taiju.

"I won't tell you who won that prolonged conflict. I'll end this discussion with how Toman and Tenjiku merged." Taiju said.

"Sano Manjiro is the top. Number 2 is Kisaki Tetta. Number 3 is Kurokawa Izana." Taiju explained. "A group of history's worst gangsters was born."

"Again, he's there. In the end, Kisaki is still in Toman..." Takemichi noted.

"Hm? But yeah, Kisaki is dead." Takemichi said.

"Is he really dead?"


"Are you sure Kisaki's dead? Tachibana Naoto." Taiju spoke.


"Takemichi. Imaushi-san and I investigated things about Kurokawa Izana. Kurokawa somehow has a huge amount of influence on the police."


"Kurokawa is a much bigger person than we first thought."

"Kisaki was made to be 'dead' right?" Taiju questioned.

"Murder, assault, theft. Kisaki was alleged with various crimes, so he escaped overseas. Having prepared a dead body to pass as 'Kisaki.'" Naoto explained.

"That's impossible. So Kisaki is..." Takemichi trailed off.

"Alive." Naoto and Ichirou finished.

"Sano is dead. Then Kisaki is overseas. Therefore, Toman's top is now Kurokawa Izana." Taiju explained.

"This guy... is Toman's number one?! Why... why him?!" Takemichi questioned.

"I don't know but Sano trusted Izana more than Ryuguji Ken." Taiju replied.

"More than Draken?!" Takemichi repeated in shock. "What the hell are you?! Kurokawa Izana?!"

"By the way, Imaushi." Taiju spoke, getting Ichirou's attention. "Back in Black Dragon, you always hung around Kokonoi and Inui. So what made you become a cop?"

"I..." Ichirou paused. "I wanted to save Seishu and Hajime."

"Huh? What does he mean by that?" Takemichi wondered.

Footsteps were soon heard. "If it isn't my former bosses. Having a private conversation, aren't we?"

Kokonoi and Inui had showed up, with Toman members behind them. "That sucks..." Kokonoi finished.

"No way!" Takemichi exclaimed. "Koko and Inupi!"

"You fuckers. Bringing in an army of Toman's minions. What do you want?" Taiju asked.

"Under Kurokawa's orders, we've come to seize you all." Inui announced.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"There's a sneaky rat sneaking around, I see..." Kokonoi continued speaking. "Sitting face to face with my former leaders. Former 1st Division Captain of Toman, Hanagaki Takemichi. And former 10th Captain of Black Dragon, Shiba Taiju."

"You guys are prying into Kurokawa Izana. Therefore you are all Toman's enemies." Inui added on.

Taiju then began laughing. "You guys? My enemies? The guys who've always clinged onto the Black Dragons. And the Black Dragons 'wallet.'" He spoke. "Does Izana meet your requirements?! Inui! And are you still Toman's fucking wallet?! Kokonoi! Standing in front of me are just a buncha blockheads."

"Hanagaki." Taiju then turned his attention towards Takemichi. "Escape from the back door. Things won't look so good, though."

"Tachibana Naoto. Please tell me the truth about Hakkai's death. I don't believe Sano did it." Taiju continued on. "I don't know how he ended up at Sano's hideout, but I'm sure Kurokawa Izana was behind it! Please clear Hakkai's regrets, alright?!"

"Yes!" Naoto agreed as Takemichi stayed silent.

"Go!" Ichirou stood up. "I'll stay and help Taiju!"

"Takemichi!" Naoto shouted out.

"Taiju. Thank you for everything." Takemichi thanked him.

Taiju grinned. "It's my 'debt' to you." He claimed.



Takemichi and Naoto soon left as Ichirou turned towards Taiju. "Hey, Taiju. I'll have you know, I couldn't stand you when you were running Black Dragon." He said honestly. "Guess times have changed."

"Didn't think you would team up with me, did you?"

Ichirou smirked. "You're not half bad. Now, let's handle these scumbags." He replied.

Taiju dealt with the Toman members that accompanied Kokonoi and Inui, while Ichirou faced off against them.

"This is a turn of events, isn't it, Inupi?" Kokonoi questioned. "Ichirou, I didn't expect you to become a police officer."

"And I didn't expect you to be Toman's wallet. Guess we both became something unexpected." Ichirou spat back before throwing a kick towards Kokonoi, knocking him back a bit.

"Seishu, Hajime..." Ichirou thinks to himself. "Where did it all go wrong?"

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

A/N: Another chapter is finished! Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 2015 words.

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