Chapter 1

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Lana's POV

The first thing Lana was going to do was search out some universities that she could get a job at. Her looks had been the same and she could get away with anything between 18 to 28. Bigger than that, it was hard to make humans believe her age.

She had gone to high school as a senior before or as a teacher but it really doesn't make sense to go more than even once. And to add that the teenagers touch a nerve of hers is an understatement. So yes, anything less than a university was out of the window.

Lana wanted to learn more as she had always been curious since she was young and get updated with the present society so she figured the university with trends and students was the closest and the quickest place to do those things.

She decided she would also need a change in scenery and fly out of Rome as much as this was her favourite place in the world with the buildings, history and the colosseum. Interesting fact, she had fought as a gladiator on those sands. Back in Ancient Rome, the bloodthirsty crowd had called her name over and over again after her undefeated victories. They had called her 'tigris vitiosus' which meant vicious tiger. She had tigers to accompany her back then. Those were her prime times. And for many other reasons, she considered Rome her home.

She was now leaving her home to go to a university based in America, which she had not yet had the opportunity to work at.

After packing up, she made her way to the airport to fly out to the continent. She lived alone but there where other vampires or supernatural creatures everywhere that knew her and her existence. She was one of the oldest of the vampires who still roamed the Earth and that tended to make up a reputation. She had a private jet to fly with to America. She could also fly planes or helicopters but her licence was out dated and did not want to bother going down to explain why her paper work was from the times when first propeller planes was being discovered Amelia Earhart was actually had been her friend. So she laid back when she got on the jet and let the human pilot fly the plane this time.

Lana also happened to have a property she owned at America, fortunately close to the university she was planning on working at. When she got off the plane and got to her house in America, she noticed it needed a little bit of dusting off so hired a crew to help her with it. It wasn't a fancy place like the one in Rome but it had a cosy feeling to it. It was a typical suburban American family home. With couple of bedrooms an office, kitchen, living room. Not that Lana herself had ever had the chance of having a family but she had bought this place to fit in.

On the next day, after the house had been taken care of and she had settled in, she started to get her paper work completed. Lana was going to apply as a professor at the university. She was trying to decide which lecture she would give this time for her teacher antics. But she figured the university would require past jobs a good background and she had to update her birth certificate and such to match the age she was going out to public again.

After all the necessities were done, she laid back in her leather office chair crossing her legs and thought about which subject to teach. She had always the option of teaching languages, she had been around to world so many times, she had learned a lot of languages, maybe I can give latin lessons this time, she thought.

Her favourite area was the sciences: biology, chemistry, physics. She would love to teach one of those but those areas were rapidly changing ones which meant Lana would have to revise the curriculum since she hadn't revised one in like 30 years. And although she had nothing more than time on her hands, Lana wanted to start teaching at the university as soon as tomorrow. Her background references and skills mentioned were top notch, she didn't doubt she would be allowed to work there. She just wanted to quicken the process. So with latin in mind, Lana sent her application papers and waited for the reply to come back.


When a letter from the university saying that they had accepted her as a professor on board came with the mailman, Lana was doing oil painting on the back yard of the house. It was a hobby of hers, in the past she had sold some of her works under different names. Just like her music. She had played when jazz was blooming in the streets of New Orleans and way before and after that. Both music and painting was pieces of her soul like puzzle pieces. Piano, violin, flute, clarinet, the saxophone, the organ guitar, anything you name, Lana had already mastered it. But this house did not have any instruments in it (she would have to go out and buy some if she decided on staying) so she had found art supplies and spent time drawing while waiting for the letter from the university.

She was slowly buying the things she needed from close markets or stores. Lana decided she would stay for around 5 to 7 years with this job, living in this continent before moving on. Before anyone could ask any questions.

With the letter at hand, Lana made her way into the house from the back yard closing in the glass slide door behind her. The letter said that she could come in tomorrow and start right away. It was unorthodox to call on such a short notice but according to the letter they were already looking for a latin professor since the one before needed to take a leave of absence.

So Lana climbed up the stairs in to the office to ready her lesson for tomorrow and ready her coursework. The curriculum was described in the letter and Lana had similar lessons prepared from her past experience lecturing so it was overall done very quickly.

Now it was just a matter of a passing of night and she would be lecturing as a professor early in the morning.


In the morning, she got ready by her usual routine of showering and then combing her hair. Her wavy black curls shined naturally and fell to her slim waist. She had cut her hair in the past but she didn't do it often, she liked her hair long. Then brushing her teeth, she didn't put any make up on. Vampires did not have any pores and had a very smooth skin. It looked fragile from the outside but it was actually hard as steel. Her white, pale complexion did not need any foundation and her red full lips did not need any colour from a lipstick. And her lashes were thick and wavy enough that they did not need help bringing her green eyes out.

Lanakila decided to wear a pencil professional dress on her first day. It's colour was emerald green and to go with the dress, she wore black high heels. She did not need high heels because her height was bordering on 5'8 but she wanted to wear them to have a complete outfit. After that she made her way to the kitchen and opened her fridge. She had brought her blood supplies from Rome with her and there was enough to last her for a month right now in her fridge. She took one bag out and filled her cup with and drank her breakfast.

She had got these blood bags from a hospital. Sometimes it was necessary for her to go out and have a hunt in order to release the monster in her but when she did not have time or the opportunity to do so, the blood bags worked.

After she drank the whole bag, Lana made her way out of the house while grabbing her bag and lesson notes. She opened up the garage to reveal a black 2015 Camaro. One of the beautiful inventions of the 21st century was the vehicles. She simply loved her car. One and sole attachment that Lana had made for eternity was to this car and it did not involve wedding bands or I do's.

She got into the car and put her bag in the passenger seat. Then, turning the ignition, Lanakila closed her eyes listening to the engines coming to life and purring under her. This was why she still loved living, she thought to her self. She had made her Camaro to be also flown in from Rome to America with her. She simply couldn't leave it behind.

Making her way out of the driveway, she bowed her head to the speed limit but when she got to the freeway, she and the Camaro was almost a blur. Vampires were naturally speed creatures and where would she be if she didn't have a fast car to go along with her?

It wasn't long at this speed before Lana arrived at the university and made her way into the building after parking her car. It was a nice building, relatively new. There was still time before her lecture started so she decided to get acquainted with the dean of the language department. It was an old man with white hair, who was pleasant to talk to named Mark Brass. He said he was surprised when he had received Lana's job application especially with those credentials. Lana politely thanked the human and made small talk with him to get to now him. After a while she made her leave because it was getting close to her lecture.

Lana made her way down the hall to the classroom Mark the dean had given directions as her classroom and entered a full class that had an amphitheater layout. There were around 40 students and as soon as she entered the class every chatter died out. Lana made her way to the desk in front of the board and laid her bag on it. Then gave a quick look over to the students in front of her. A startling crystal blue pair of eyes caught her attention but only for a second before she moved on.

With a clear voice she introduced to the class.

"My name is Lana Rossi and I will be your teacher for Latin for this semester."


So yes finally we are getting into the story.

Camaro is my dream car I had to add my baby into the story. If my fictional characters don't have it who will have it? Me?


seriously. I don't have the financial capabilities to make that happen.

Tell me what you think about the chapter dears.

With Love, Blake.

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